Chapter 99 - Chapter 99: Chapter 99: Ye Fan, I'll Do Whatever You Ask [Subscribe!] _1

Chapter 99: Chapter 99: Ye Fan, I’ll Do Whatever You Ask [Subscribe!] _1

So, when the fishing line gets tight, the hook just gets embedded deeper and tighter, right?

■■I can’t hold on any longer, this fish has so much strength, I can’t do it, my big fish!” Bai Ruoxue had little strength to begin with, and after being dragged around a few times by the fish, she stumbled to the riverside. It looked like she was about to step onto the shallow shore of the lake.

“Here I come, I’m coming!” Ye Fan hurried over.




The fish got off the hook.

And Bai Ruoxue sat down on the ground with a dumbfounded look on her face,

staring ahead.

It was indeed a big fish!

But the big fish got off the hook!

Yes, it got off the hook!

“Brother-in-law, this… my fish got away… it’s gone!” Bai Ruoxue stared at the

lake surface, her eyes becoming dull.

“Wuuuu, my fish, it’s gone, wuuuu,” Bai Ruoxue started crying, hugging her


She cried as if her heart was breaking.

Ye Fan didn’t know how to comfort her for a moment.

There was no helping it, he had just arrived beside Bai Ruoxue when the fish got off the hook the next second.

He hadn’t even had a chance to switch and lift the rod.


If it’s about luck, indeed they encountered a big fish, but it got away!

If you say it’s bad luck, but this was her first time fishing, and she met such a big one. Can you really say that’s bad luck?

Of course, you can’t.

Ye Fan didn’t know what to say himself.

Comforting people really isn’t my forte.

Now what to do!

Look at it, my cousin is so distressed.

“Alright, stop crying, it’s normal to not have a good grasp your first time, the lake is right by our house. You can come fishing anytime you want, there will be plenty of chances!”

‘Besides, it’s your first time fishing and you already encountered such a big

fish. You’re really quite lucky!’

■■If you keep crying, people will think I’ve done something to you, like I’ve been bullying you!” Ye Fan said softly.

Seeing Bai Ruoxue so upset, he felt helpless.

“Brother-in-law, what you say is very reasonable. It’s already very good for my first time fishing. Besides, the lake is right by our house, and the fish is in the lake, it can’t escape. I will definitely catch it sooner or later.” Bai Ruoxue suddenly stood up, wiped her tears away, and instantly became spirited again.

The change was like night and day from just moments ago.

As if the person who was crying earlier wasn’t her at all.

How can someone change their mood so quickly?

I thought it was going to pour, how come after just a few drops, it’s suddenly sunny again?

Look at that, where did this full confidence come from?

Ye Fan was really exasperated with his cousin.

Kind of got the sense that her heart was really big. ‘■Brother-in-law, you know, I prayed for a long time before I caught that big fish. I must catch it. The phrase ‘The monk can run but the temple can’t’ isn’t wrong, is it!”

“Brother-in-law, am I right?” Bai Ruoxue stood with her arms crossed, looking proudly at the lake.

No matter how much that fish runs, it can’t escape from this lake.

Hmph, my fish won’t get away.

I’ll just let you go home for a bit, to say goodbye to your family. It won’t be long before I’ll capture you again.

Bai Ruoxue thought to herself.

When Ye Fan heard what Bai Ruoxue said, he instantly reacted.

Turns out, she had been praying for the fish here.

No wonder she had been muttering to herself the whole time; he had heard it for quite a while but couldn’t make out what she was saying.

Indeed, such a foolish woman!

Such actions really were astonishing!

‘Brother-in-law, am I right, huh? Why aren’t you answering!’ Bai Ruoxue waited a long time without hearing any endorsement from Ye Fan, and instantly felt unwilling.

What’s up with this brother-in-law, anyway!

Why won’t he utter a peep at a crucial moment?

“Right, you’ve said quite enough!” Ye Fan chuckled.

My goodness!

This must be torture for me, isn’t it?

Forget it, let her fuss over it herself!

I’m too lazy to bother anymore.

“Brother-in-law, how can you have such an attitude at this crucial time? You’re just brushing me off. I’ll tell my sister later!” Bai Ruoxue said.

This guy is actually brushing me off.


“No, it’s just that I really believe in your skill, your ability. Look, you caught a big one just starting out fishing. Even though it got away, that still shows you’re lucky. Next time, you will definitely catch this big fish, and it surely won’t escape!” Ye Fan quickly replied.

She kept calling him ‘brother-in-law’, and Ye Fan was already getting tired of hearing it.

She would keep running to tell his parents or Bai Susu, his wife.

What does this foolish woman want!

It is truly exasperating.

“That’s more like it. I’m tired from fishing, I’m going back to look after the kids!” Saying that, Bai Ruoxue walked towards the villa.

Having lost that big fish, she had no mood to continue fishing.

She’d rather go back and play with the babies; they were cuter, after all.

Ye Fan watched Bai Ruoxue finally leaving and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

So tiring!

Dealing with this woman, Ye Fan felt like he was about to collapse!

This woman really isn’t an easy one to deal with.

As the saying goes, a woman is trouble, and that’s not wrong at all!

But troubles vary in size, don’t they?

Ye Fan continued fishing.

Zhuge accompanied Ye Fan by his side.

It wasn’t until the sun was about to set that Ye Fan packed up and left.

Back home.

Just in time for dinner.

This time at dinner, Bai Susu was missing, but Bai Ruoxue was there instead;

Ye Fan felt oddly uncomfortable with the change.

After eating a bowl of rice, he went for a walk.

Strolling on the lawn, watching the fiery clouds at the horizon, his mood became exceptionally calm.

Just then, the phone in his pocket started ringing.

The moment he saw the caller ID, Ye Fan’s heartbeat quickened and his handsome face softened.

It’s her!

It was a call from Bai Susu.

just as he was about to answer, Ye Fan thought, how inappropriate it would be to answer so quickly.

This heartless woman, she ran off without saying a word.

And she had that annoying foolish woman come looking for him, what was she really thinking?

He couldn’t just forgive her easily; otherwise, who knows what more outrageous things she might do in the future.

You can’t spoil a wife too much.

Watching the phone almost hang up on its own, Ye Fan felt an urgency at the bottom of his heart.

To answer or not?

Or should he wait a bit longer?

Just as he was about to answer, the call stopped.


At that moment, Ye Fan really felt frustrated.

Just as he was thinking whether he should call back, the phone rang again. The sudden sound startled him so much that his phone nearly dropped to the ground, but fortunately, he caught it with his other hand.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fan answered the call.

“Hello—” Ye Fan was the first to speak.

“Ye Fan, it’s Susu. I’m at the hospital with grandpa right now. Have you had dinner?” Bai Susu said slowly from the other end of the line.

She thought that Ye Fan was mad at her for not answering her calls.

She didn’t expect that Ye Fan wasn’t mad at her.

That was really great!

Just now, she was so nervous.

She was afraid that Ye Fan was angry and she didn’t know how to soothe him.

As long as he answered the call, everything would be easy to discuss.

“1 was so annoyed I couldn’t eat!” Ye Fan replied.

He was really angry.

Although he was no longer angry after receiving Bai Susu’s call, and her words warmed his heart, Susu obviously still cared about him.

The situation was exceptional, so he could understand.

But even though he wasn’t angry anymore, he decided to pretend a little.

He wanted to make this girl anxious for a bit.

And see if she would dare to take such hasty actions again in the future.

It really was… too much!

“Ye Fan, I know you’re mad at me, I was too anxious, you know my grandpa is the best to me, I can’t just ignore him, so I left without telling you, I’m sorry, please forgive me this once, I really won’t do this again!” Bai Susu said on the phone.

She really knew she was wrong.

This time, she had been too impulsive.

Despite her resolve to stay calm and collected, she failed to do so.


“So you’re thinking there will be a next time?” Ye Fan said, feeling delighted inside, and deliberately postured as he spoke.

Hmph, hmph, hmph…

He had to make Bai Susu anxious!

And indeed, hearing Bai Susu apologize and admit her mistake gave him a great sense of satisfaction.

Not bad, not bad!

“Really, Ye Fan, don’t be mad, I’ll handle my family issues as quickly as possible, and I’ll try to come back soon. Then you can ask for any compensation you want, anything is fine, really!” Bai Susu spoke again.

She knew that Ye Fan must be terribly worried.

Upon hearing this, Ye Fan became even more excited, fantasizing about having Bai Susu wash his feet or serve him during his bath—all of these were not bad ideas.

“You really mean it, no take-backs!” Ye Fan immediately said.

“Bai Susu, you have to remember, the words you say are like water that’s been poured out, you can’t take them back!” Ye Fan warned her again.

This girl had fallen into his trap this time.


Of course, with such a complex situation, he would definitely need to visit Bai Susu’s home and face this predicament with her.

Just that, Ye Fan didn’t want to tell Bai Susu now.

If he did, Bai Susu would definitely not let him go.

So, it would be better to go quietly on his own.

“Really, I keep my words, I’ll handle the situation here as quickly as possible, don’t worry, remember to take good care of yourself, eat on time, and don’t be angry anymore!” Bai Susu advised again on the phone.

“Don’t worry, remember that you have me behind you, call me if anything happens, your cousin is very well here, she really likes our baby.

“For the sake of our child and our future together, we’ll overcome difficulties together!” Ye Fan said earnestly.

Spouses are essentially one entity. Although they weren’t married or had a certificate, in their hearts, they had already recognized each other.

“Ye Fan, wait for me!” Bai Susu said..