Chapter 22

Chapter 22


As the long trumpet call rippled through the air, the gates opened and the armored cavalry, led by the knights of the Maclaine family, charged forth from the castle.

53 knights.

Over 550 cavalrymen, not drafted soldiers but regulars, and apprentice knights.

And nearly 5,000 draftees.

In total, an army exceeding 5,000 in number.

Three days after the declaration of war, the Maclaine territory had summoned a force beyond its limits.

Among the conscripts, there were even young lads whose cheeks were still downy with soft fuzz.

Moreover, a quarter of the draftees lacked proper equipment, brandishing spears and clad in hastily assembled wooden armor.

It was no exaggeration to say they had merely filled a quota.

We have no choice. If the invaders wager their fate, we too must mobilize everything we have.

Padric tried to justify the excessive drafting and forced his gaze upwards to the sky.

Riding a giant black steed, much larger than the average warhorse, and clad in a helmet with a red plume, he was at the very front, waving his hand.


The people of the territory cheered at the sight, but underneath the forced cheers, their expressions were filled with anxiety.

The enemy?

They have entered within a days journey.

Well encounter them by half a day then.


Tension laced the conversation between Padric and Hainkel.

Despite their inner unrest, their faces were calm as they looked back at the territorys people.

It was a feigned front to assuage the troops and the peoples anxiety.

However, that calm facade dissipated not long after they left the gate.

Where did Logan go?

He left at dawn with the mercenaries.


Im not quite sure


Padrics face contorted at Hainkels reply.

Why didnt you stop him?

Command over the mercenaries falls under the young master. And

He showed some diligence lately, is that it?Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Youve gotten lax, Hainkel.

My apologies.

As Hainkel hurriedly bowed his head, Padric sighed deeply.

Sigh People dont change easily after all.


Hainkel looked puzzled at the sudden lament, but Padric wasnt blaming him.

Seems like I placed false hope in Logan.


Likely hes fled. Exclude him from the forces.

Padrics resolute tone made Hainkel lift his head.

Despite a short time, the Crown Prince he trained with didnt seem like someone who would flee.

But before he could say anything, someone next to Padric erupted.

Thats impossible!

The boy barely older than his own gear objected vehemently, his eyes blazing red.

My brother would never do that!

Ronian recalled the image of his brother who visited him during training not long ago.

Not yet, not yet. You still cant control it.

Pondering over his brothers disappointed sigh, his brother had demonstrated an astonishing skill, even to the inexperienced Ronian.

A secret technique shown by none other, not even their father.

I will teach you soon as well. Lets save our family together.

Ever since, it had been clear his brother sensed a looming bad atmosphere.

Such a brother wouldnt abandon his family and flee.

My brother was already anticipating the war. Theres no way he would

Ronian, as if fighting his own battle, raised his voice to defend Logan.

But Padrics expression only twisted further at the sight of his youngest.

Ronian. Stop defending Logan. The fact remains he is not here.

No! That cant be, my brother wouldnt just run away!

Ronians big voice filled the area, stirring more murmurs.

Did the Crown Prince desert?

So the rumor was true?

The lords son?

Whispers buzzed.

As the soldiers mood soured, Padric bellowed at Ronian.

Regardless, he is not here now! He has missed the battle upon which our familys fate hangs! If that is not desertion, then what is?!

Unable to rebut, Ronian hardened his face in frustration.

Padric looked at him and spoke in an icy tone.

Nobility must fulfill their duties to be true nobles. One who shirks their fundamental obligations deserves not the privileges of nobility!

As morale soared, Padric wasted no time in again raising his voice.

Lets smash those flunkies of a cowardly lord!

His sword pointed toward the enemy.


And thus the war began.

* * * We break the vanguard!

Padric, leading the front, spurred his horse forward ferociously.

With their forces at an absolute numerical disadvantage, his role was crucial.

He had to break through the vanguard, disrupting the enemy knights to have any chance of victory.

Thus, he poured all his strength into that first lance charge, determined to utterly crush at least two or three knights.

The power of his steed enhanced through the Force, his lance, increasingly radiant with red energy

Thud, thud, thud.

The enemy encampment fast approached, fully-armored knights and their vanguard locking eyes with Padric.

Huh? Shields?

Whether the primary weapon was a spear, the base of any charge was the lance.

Nothing was better suited for focusing destructive power into a single point through sheer acceleration.

Of course, there was no reason to stick to a lance if one could wield another weapon effectively.

But Padric had not expected the vanguard to meet his lance with a shield raised.

To think you can withstand my charge? How dare?!

Rage surged, amplifying Padrics fighting spirit.


He intended to obliterate the knight and pierce the ones following.


The battlefield erupted with a deafening noise.

Yet, the outcome was far from what Padric anticipated.


Wincing from the pain in his wrist, Padric pulled back his horse.

The impact was diffused in all directions by his superior Force control, but a sharp pain spread through his lance arm, the shock reaching his mount.

Though he minimized the impact, had it been any stronger, his stout horses legs wouldve buckled.

The adversary wasnt unscathed either.

The rival horse couldnt withstand the shock and collapsed, the leading knight bleeding beneath his helm.

Surely the wounds were not light, but the shock was evident on Padrics face.

He blocked it?!

A self-satisfied smile was evident on the mouth of the now-grounded knight, despite the streaming blood.

Kugh. You live up to your reputation, Baron. To be in this state despite being so prepared.

The knights insolence stirred Padrics ire further; he couldnt afford to be hobbled here.

Damn it!

Pair up and take him down! Crush them all!

Do you think they can?!

The halted advance of the Maclaine knights, now outnumbered two-to-one, began to show as they were pushed back by the enemys knights.

This cant be. We cant let this happen!

He envisioned the adverse future unfolding before his eyes.

If he was held back, and consequently the knightly order stalled

The already outnumbered main forces would be easily crushed by the enemy cavalry.

Even with the knightly order as their core, it spelled impending defeat.

As Padrics mind conjured images of the knights trapped, hunted, the worst-case scenario became starkly clear.

I refuse!

Desperation turned to rage, unleashing a whirlwind slash.



Padrics sword was thwarted once more as two more knights intercepted him with a great sword and spear respectively.

Baron, youll be entertaining us.

The first knight, too, wiping the blood from his chin, unsheathed his long sword.

Realizing his peril, a cold shiver ran down Padrics inflamed mind.

The words of the knight with the shield echoed again.

So it is you three who were prepared for me?

Padrics voice was icy, instability creeping in.

How do you like it?

The original knight jeered with a sly smirk.

Padric glared back.

An upper-rank knight. To think there was one

Despite the immaturity, it was no doubt an upper-tier knight.

That explained how he could withstand Padrics charge.

Now understanding why Haman Teslon was so boldly unworried, the realization came far too painfully late.

The other three are at least mid-rank knights.

Despair shadowed Padrics face beneath his helm.

If Im blocked, the knightly order is too, and if they are

Outnumbered as they were, the main forces would be overwhelmed.

With the image of the knightly order falling victim to a pincer attack, a ghastly ordeal, Padric felt his spirits sink.

I cannot allow it!

Seething from the despair, he swung his blade with vehement anger.
