Chapter 31

Chapter 31

With a thunderous clatter, a team of ten horses entered the McLean territory, pulling a wagon and a cart loaded with goods, large as houses. The heavy weight was evident as the wheel tracks were clearly carved into the ground. Although the direction taken by the mercenary guards and the cargo was clear, nobody dared to approach the vicinity.

Ugh, that smell. Even from this distance

The stench is quite pungent.

How can dried meat smell so bad?

They say its monster meat.

Is that the?

Did the young master really indulge in such a grotesque act?

The rumors that he gained strength from drinking monster blood

Shut your mouth, you fool!

Quiet! You want to get us all in trouble?

The murmurs grew louder as the largest shipment of Karok meat since the last trade arrived at the storage.

Its definitely divine timing now.


Rick, who had been covering his nose from the foul smell, looked up in confusion.

I was planning to use what we made yesterday, here.


Bring that barrel though, you wont be able to lift it. Ill carry it, just get ready.

Ready for what? I didnt hear anything about this!

Were doing it now!Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Do I really have to come?

Of course!

With a loud groan of disgust, Rick had never visited the warehouse since they started collecting Karok meat, unaware of the reason for his own strong reaction.

But as they opened the door to the warehouse filled with Karok meat, the reason became painfully evident. No explanation was needed for the incredible stench that assaulted their noses and brains with an odor far worse than anything they had encountered outside.


Logan might have thrown up on the spot if Rick, vomiting a step behind him, hadnt beaten him to it.

Having somewhat calmed himself by shutting down his sense of smell through force control, Logan saw Rick giving him a resentful glare with his pale, vomit-stricken face.

Cough! Now, sprinkle this neutralizer on the Karok meat. Youll see the color lighten with just a small amount. Just enough to make the surface completely white. The black parts contain remaining toxins. Be cautious.

Do I really have to

Am I not doing it too?

With a look of desperation, Rick vehemently protested.

But luckily, or perhaps unfortunately, Rick wasnt the one Logan was looking for as a test subject.

Youre useless to me. And youll continue to be. Of course, its not you.

Oh, thank goodness. Thank youhuh?

While Rick couldnt fully comprehend what was being discussed, he had a feeling that it was unpleasant and gave his master a sideways glance. Logan quickly changed the subject.

Do you know of anyone around us who struggles with night duties?

Huh? Night duties?

Why, you know. Like someone who doesnt have children. Or a chaste spouse. Or a married man whos always slumping his shoulders in the morning.

What are you talking about?

Ah. This! You know!

Logan eventually had to resort to using profane hand gestures he learned during his mercenary days to explain nighttime activities.

Rick, catching on quickly, suggested a candidate for the experiment.

Administrator Dwayne hasnt had any children yet. Its been ten years since his marriage He was so happy to marry a young bride back then, but these days hes just working late all the time.


Who wouldve guessed that the sturdy man had such a sad predicament.

Logan decided Dwayne would be the first subject of his experiment.

* * *


Its something really good for men.


Dont you get it? Its this.


How did it come to be that even cultured people could only understand hand gestures instead of words?

Dwayne, with a confused look, glanced back and forth between the mysterious pill in his hand and Logans face.

Is it true?

Yeah. It works after just one pill. Its a patented product from Filips Shop in Kail, you know.

To be exact, its more accurate to say it will become famous and patented, but Logan was confident.

Its already proven, anyway.

But why he was experimenting on Dwayne was something Logan willingly ignored.