Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Episode 43

Yes. Visiting the capital has been quite enlightening.

Good. Then that settles it. Anything else you wish to discuss?

Even in that brief exchange, Logan could sense that his fathers perception of him had changed significantly.

Trust. It meant his father didnt question or scrutinize him.

But for the sake of the future, he still had to speak his mind.

Before getting to the main point

Logan swallowed down his dry saliva.

I did some business in the capital and earned a bit of money. Revenue should keep coming in for a while.

Money? No, before that. Business? What kind of business?

The medicine I gave you as a gift, Father. I started trading with it. Luckily, it went well so I made some money.

What, what did you say?

His fathers initially casual expression suddenly became rigid.

Then, as if realizing the full implication, his face turned beet red.

You, youre telling me you went to the capital to sell libido enhancers?!

His voice, startled and flustered, trembled ever so slightly.

Dont tell me You had a representative?

I sold it directly to the nobles. It had to be me who did it for a high price.

You, yourself sold it?


While revealing youre a MacClaine?


Kuhum. Huh. Grng. Hooo.

Padricks shock quickly gave way to deep sighs and groans.

Uhm, I have no face to see our ancestors

Through the hands covering his face, came his muffled groans.

When he looked up at Logan again, Logan braced himself for a blast of fury.

Sigh. Logan, Ive decided not to interfere in your actions, but

Contrary to his expectations, a sincere and grave voice followed his fathers deep sigh.

The next time you do something, could you at least consider the honor and dignity of the family to some degree?

Despite the complicated look his father gave him, Logan wore a smile.

I thought Id have to convince him with a whole spiel.

It seemed that his reputation had improved more than he guessed.

This might make things easier.

Thus, Logan could answer boldly.


Are you thinking before answering?

Of course!


Logans too readily given answer didnt instill much confidence, and Padrick, out of words again, buried his face in his hands.

But Logan was earnest and resolute in his heart.

He believed he was already acting with maximum consideration for the familys honor and dignity.

It was just that, in his mind, honor and dignity came after survival and profit.

Padrick would have wrapped his head again if he knew, and Logan barely concealed a smirk.

After causing such a headache, it was time to share some good news.

Actually, I happened to meet a Swordmaster in the capital, and its proved to be a fortuitous connection.

Fortunately, this time Logans news received an immediate reaction as anticipated.

A Swordmaster? You mean Duke Felix Esperanza?

Padricks eyes sparkled with sudden interest, as if all his concerns had vanished.


How did you meet him?

I sold him the medicine. And it turns out that he was quite


As if something burst inside him, Padrick abruptly shouted out with flushed cheeks.

His son had not only sold libido enhancers under the family name, but he also peddled them to the most respected sword hero of the kingdom.

For Padrick, it was an unimaginable blow to his dignity.

How could you smear so much filth on the face of our family!

Thats why I acquired quite a formidable mid-tier sword skill.


Caught between anger and bewilderment, Padricks eyes fixed on a book that Logan had pulled out.

Steelblood Sword. Its a proper mid-tier sword technique, endorsed by the Swordmaster himself. Plus, it includes a secret technique thats quite a trick

Padrick darted in front of Logan like a flash of lightning.

Is this for real?! How? No, thats not the question. Let me see it first.

Padrick had longed for a proper Force Sword Technique, or mid-tier swordsmanship, all his life.

He had been considering the limitations of his swordsmanship as a possible reason for his lack of progress for over a decade.

To him, a mid-tier swordplay manual endorsed by a Swordmaster was like rain after a long drought.

Whoosh. Whoosh.

Thats right. If I do this. Huh.

As Padrick flipped through the pages quickly, his eyes devoured every word as if ready to draw his sword there and then.

Seeing this, Logan quickly brought up his prepared suggestion.

What project are you planning? No, no matter what it is, this is not the time for construction! The head will never allow it! Just get a refund!

Nope. Besides, Im the head now.

Logan teasingly waved the fiery seal in front of Dwaynes eyes.

This seal? Where is the head?


This man, again!

Dwayne jumped up as if he had never been disheartened.

Head of the house!!

A boar with flames in its eyes went charging back into the manor.

* * *

Theres nothing more important than this right now! Sort out the rest through discussion!

Head of the house?! Head Hey, man!

Charging into the training hall, Dwayne, who went in full of vigor, ended up only getting rebuked by Padrick, who had just begun to concentrate.

The dejected Dwayne looked at Logan with a face full of resentment, but Logan stood his ground.

Do you really have to do this?

Its necessary.

Its the peak season when the territorials have to work. What on Earth are you trying to build during this time!

Even in this barren territory, there were crops to be harvested.

Predictably, the yield was small, but the people managed to survive by hunting or gathering herbs.

And summer, this season, offered natures most bountiful harvest.

In other words, it was the busiest time for the territorials.

The moods already sour post-war, it could lead to a disaster. Please rethink this! Please!

Dont worry, no ones working for free.

What are you planning to do?

Feed them. There are a lot of starving people in our territory, arent there?


Ill distribute food. Provide enough for those who are starving and even more for those who will contribute to the construction work.

That idealistic talk made Dwaynes expression sour.

If you do that, within a month you wont even have soup to eat.

Its fine. I have some.

What do you mean Its fine?! We have nothing! Dont you get it?!

You didnt really listen to me earlier, did you? I said I bought food, didnt I?

Yes? But earlier you said magical scrolls for construction

Tsk tsk. You need to listen properly when someones talking. I said I have that and food. Does that settle it?

Even if you bought a little food, distributing it to the territorials would

One million gold.


Every month, until next year this time.

Dwayne stared at Logan with a dumbfounded expression for a moment, then started fiddling with his ears.

Cough. Ive been working so hard lately I must be hearing things. Sir, what did you say again?

Ill spend 1 million gold every month for a year to buy food and distribute it among the territorials.

Goodness. Itit wasnt a hallucination Sir?

Yes, I will.

Did you eat something wrong?

Dwaynes incredulous gaze made Logan smirk wryly.

This is the natural reaction, I guess.

So far, Logan hadnt shown any concern for the living conditions of the territorials.

Even though his reputation might have improved after becoming a war hero, it was unlikely anyone would expect such a change in his worldview.

But for the sake of the future, this was a job that needed to be done right away.

Im fine. Is that enough?

There are 30 thousand in MacClaine Castle and 50 thousand in Thesron Castle. We may not be able to feed everyone lavishly, but it should be enough for modest provision

If we minimize it and give twice as much to those involved in the construction?

Well, it should be sufficiently feasible. But Sir. Do you really need to do this?


Opposing the construction aside, why do you want to spend that money on food for the territorials? You dont have to; they will manage. Rather, use the money for something else. There are so many other places that need it

Hmm. Right. Everyone still thinks that way.

It wasnt that Dwayne lacked compassion.

It was just the accepted standarda misguided belief that skimmed the territorials vitality while keeping them barely afloat to pay taxes.

We need to correct this mistaken notion.

So Logan had to set things straight.

Its my money, anyway. Whats the problem with spending it as I please?


I have the authority as the acting lord. And the source of funds is also my money. Theres no reason to object, right?

Logans argument was undeniably sound, and as Dwayne tried to furiously come up with a rebuttal, he eventually collapsed with a grimace.

Sigh The head will oppose it.

Hes not here now.

If we must do it, making sure no one dies of hunger would be best

No. Thats not good enough. This is all ultimately for the welfare of the family.

Therefore, it was imperative to succeed. Absolutely.

Logans firm expression left Dwayne speechless in the end.