Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Pant, pant. IIm sorry!

Victors breath was ragged, his words coming out in a hurried rush.

No, its okay. Try it again.

Excuse me?

I said, try it again.

Yes, right away!

Logan smiled faintly, picking up the sword rolling on the ground and handing it to him.

He certainly has an incredible talent.

It wasnt empty praise.

Only sixteen and merely a year of sword training.

Was he fully accustomed to the most basic swordsmanship of Grandia Kingdom, or did he naturally assume the basic stance even when swinging wildly?

Even when his slashes deviated from formality, his stride was steady, his eyes fixed on an imaginary target.

The basic swordsmanship has been perfectly ingrained.

Moreover, the force he mustered when swinging aimlessly was much higher than when using formal techniques.

It meant that such a temperament suited Victor well.

The nature of a noble slayer may have changed, but his martial prowess remained fierce and aggressive.

I can even discern the nature of his swordsmanship.

It suggested he himself was transforming just as much as Victor.

A slight smile of satisfaction trickled onto his face.

The only problem was


Swoosh. Slice.


Harsh and violent swordplay can never be perfected through solo practice.

Hell need an opponent now.

Not an overwhelmingly powerful being like himself, but someone on his level.

That meant opponents just short of Force User levelA-grade mercenaries or elite soldierssparring as real combat was necessary.

Is it feeling cramped?

Victor, who swung his sword with all his might, silently nodded his head.

Ordinarily, he wouldve denied it and just continued to practice diligently.

It must be because he feels it too.

The future Aura User.

His talent once again left Logan in awe.

And fortunately, the solution to Victors frustration was straightforward.

Tomorrow, I plan to leave McLain Castle and train the soldiers in Teslon for the coming winter.

Excuse me?

Follow me. Make sure to tell your sister.

But then

Can I not take Lia with me?

This fool of a brother blurted out something absurd.

Take a girl to a training ground swarming with men?

Is it impossible?

You think thats really for her own good?

I want to go together!

He really was a difficult one to comprehend.

Normally too mature, the moment his sister was involved, he turned into a child.

Wanting to bring his young sister to a place filled with men, especially testosterone-fueled teenagers.

What kind of trouble is he looking to start Wait a moment?

A thought suddenly flashed through Logans mind, and against his earlier judgment, he nodded.

Alright. Lets bring her.

Thank you so much!

Watching Victor leap with joy, Logan swallowed a sigh inwardly.

Ah this kid

While Victorias control over her brother was good, her attachment was far too intense.

At this rate, he might just keep putting his sister first, no matter what I ask of him.

This seemed like an opportunity to address his excessive attachment.

If everything went as planned, it would certainly

But remember, if any problems arise, its all on your head. You asked for this.

Yes! I will take good care of it.

Thats not the point! Victoria has her own tasks to handle, so make sure to treat her work separately. If youre useless without your sister, youre of no use to me.

I apologize.

While his responses were prompt, Victors eyes were flickering with unease.

Victoria. Come here!

Since his arrival, Victoria who had been anxiously watching from the side came running over.

I apologize, its not my brothers fault, whatever it is. Please forgive him just this once!

As the small girl bowed repeatedly with pale cheeks, Logan felt a headache coming on.

No need for that.

Though offered goodwill, their instinctual apprehension was the same as siblings.

Maybe thats why he insists on taking his sister with him

Logan let out a bitter laugh, hiding his hollow feelings.

Even with lingering past animosity, Becktors loyalty to his stepmother was genuine.

Just keep serving that faithfully.

Instead of a slice, Logan patted his shoulder and moved on.

The middle-aged man almost staggered but brightened up immediately.

Careful there. Anyone else might think I really hit you hard.

So-sorry. I was just too tense

Tsk. If we eat with you like this, we might end up sick. Lets start with the reports.


Fortunately, Becktor proved more capable than expected.

The financial situation is

The state of the residents is

And the paperwork for recruiting soldiers is all set.

With Becktors active cooperation, they quickly wrapped up the Teslon trainee selection the next day.

Sigh. Only about 250 here look like they have any talent. Well, we need the crossbow cavalry for now, and

The Empire had found a promising method for Force awakening, but the exact mechanics had not been understood perfectly.

Those seemingly lacking talent today might become Force Users tomorrow.

Logan comforted himself with that thought and selected another 500 trainees in Teslon.

* * *

1,000 trainees in total.

The barracks in Teslon fortuitously had enough space to accommodate nearly 1,500 men, including existing soldiers.

Face to face with communal living for the first time, the trainees unfamiliarity showed, along with their youth.

Among those gathered, some adjusted well

Im Rom. Lets do well together.

Im Tess. Yes, lets help each other.

Others did not.

Hey, whats that? Arent you going to apologize?

You were the one blocking the way.

What did you say?!

Sto-stop it!

Amidst the unfamiliar environment, the blood of the young wouldnt allow them to settle easily.

Quiet down, all of you!

If you dont shut up and sleep, Ill make you sleep!

Despite the efforts of the senior soldiers and instructors, the trainee barracks remained lively with those unable to sleep.

The next day.

As early morning bugle calls sounded, trainees mustered on the parade ground, clumping together clumsily with half of them sporting bloodshot eyes.

Observing such a pitiful state, Head Instructor Kai didnt even bother to correct the formation but announced the first training exercise right from the platform.

Five laps around the inner wall. The last hundred finishers must run two extra laps.

Taken aback by Kais abrupt order, the disjointed trainees were visibly shocked.

Excuse me?


What is this sudden

Run, lets run!

As one began to sprint amidst confusion, the rest reflexively followed.

Without considering that running five laps around the nearly 5km perimeter was near impossible for ordinary people, they blindly surged forward.

By the time they had finished one lap in over an hour, staggering began.

Pant. Pant.

Hack. Hack.


Stumbling worsened, eyes glazed over, and some fell apart.

But among them, one stood out.

A boy with blue hair and distinct red and blue odd eyes ran at the front, showing no signs of fatigue.

Whats up with that guy?

The, the slave

Of the lords?

As the distance grew, with others faltering, Victors performance ignited the trainees.

If that slave can do it

I can do it too!

I wont lose!

Fire reignited in their eyes, and strength returned to their trembling legs.

Despite future repercussions from such overexertion, the trainees followed Victor as if enchanted.

The Victor Effect just as Lord Logan said.

Kai, running alongside to supervise, smiled at the sight.

Logan and Kai aimed not for physical toughness but perseverance, not giving up.

So the first exercise stopped at the fourth lap as soon as a hundred dropped out or gave up.

Those who gave up or collapsed, get up and run two more laps. If you cant, just go home. Got it!

Newly inspired trainees grew pallid, others breathed sighs of relief.

Huff, huff. I made it.

Dont make me talk

Cough. Huff. Whoa.

That monster.

As the entire lot lay exhausted, only one