Chapter 111

Chapter 111

So this is how it turns out.

Ill have Kai take charge of the training. Instructors from the Logan Mercenary Corps will also be dispatched to each castle to oversee training.


Youre not shocked, are you?

No, no. Its a good thing. Ive learned a thing or two, Dwayne. Haha.

An absurd realization, borne out of an unexpected report, brought a smirk to his face.

Human desire sometimes takes precedence over everything else.

Logan deeply etched yet another truth he had come to realize into his heart.

* * *

The training of the newly enlisted soldiers was left entirely in the hands of instructors from the Mercenary Corps, led by Kai.

Despite their experience, handling the training of twice as many recruits was overwhelming.

But their hardships were far from over.

Organize militias in each of the nine castles and all the villages. Volunteers will receive a fixed salary and will focus on basic military training with crossbows during the evening hours.

Your Grace! How many soldiers do you intend to enlist?!

Initially, the goal is 10,000.



Excluding the regular soldiers, just 10,000 for the militia?

Thats right.


It was an all-too-familiar question.

Are you starting to take after Dwayne? Why do you think? Because its necessary.

We agreed we wouldnt go to war anymore?!

Ah the future is uncertain.

It was war.

He is planning to wage another war.

10,000 crossbowmen. Yes, thats good. But at the moment, were short on crossbows, and its unknown how much the stead supply of bolts will cost. Have you taken all of that into account?

Its strange.


You sound exactly like Dwayne. Are you two brothers?

Kai felt his energy sapped by Logans nonsensical remarks.

Ah. Hrmm, just kidding. Dont worry about it; I have a separate plan in mind.

So, you mean to say youll handle it somehow.

Yes. Ill assign experienced soldiers as adjunct instructors. Tell me how many you need.

No matter how you put it

Joking aside, there could be a war we dont want but must fight. When that time comes, they could be our lifeline.

What kind of situation are you even imagining

Kai shook his head in disbelief, but Logan wasnt laughing.

It was still the early days of the civil war.

Like Kai, most people could not imagine that the war would last three years, nor could they envision the carnage it would become.

The war, initially fought by elites, would spread to mercenaries hired at the expense of fortunes, and eventually to peasants armed with spears and swords, forced to charge in an all-out war.

That desperate scene was no different from hell unleashed upon this world.

Logan was preparing for those times.

And even if hell were to be repeated.

The 10,000 crossbowmen will come from our domain alone.

Even if the design for the repeating crossbow became widespread, other rulers would not allow ordinary peasants to have it.

Logan was sure of it.

No matter how urgent the situation

Other lords wouldnt permit the common folk to carry a weapon that could kill a knight.

The kingdom is a society with a firm class system; theyd think it might overturn the foundation itself.

An absurd, selfish illusion.

Keeping peasants well-off meant that even if they carried more than just crossbows, there would be no rebellion.

The very foundation of that idea is flawed in the first place.

He planned to exploit this gap in thinking and create an army that others could not even imagine.

That was one of the strategies Logan had in mind to turn the civil war upside down.

And he had already taken the first step towards it.

* * *

Hey, is this the place?

So many humans, really irritating.

Shush. Be careful with your words. You never know whos in charge here.

Ha, what does it matter? If we die, we die Huh? What? Are you, by any chance, a dwarf whos willing to let go of even the slightest self-respect in servitude to humans?

Hey, no way. Id rather die than do that.

Are you now without self-respect because youre missing a hand? Really?



If you succeed, you get a long vacation. If you fail you can imagine the rest.

The devilish smile of his employer came to mind, leaving no room for relaxation.

But the fellow dwarves who had joined him did not so eagerly go along with what he said.

To only make the same part? Thats madness!

Why must we, of all people, be stuck with such a task?

We have our pride as artisans! Even if youre a master, we cant just follow such demands!


Hamars hand involuntarily clenched.

So, youre saying you cant do it?

We cannot! Rather, each of us should be making complete products, not just parts!

Right! Give us the chance. Well craft our works with care

We need to produce 200 crossbows each day, and three times that amount in bolts. Even if human craftsmen and apprentices take on all the supporting tasks, do you think you can make 20 crossbows and 60 bolts each, all by yourself, in one day? I cant even do it.

Encountering his slightly crazed, glinting eyes, each dwarf started to look away, one by one.


If you really are that confident in your pride as artisans, I can give you a chance. Just know that if you fail to meet the quota, you must be prepared.

The dwarves found themselves unable to say they couldnt do it, their pride being taunted by Hamars words.

All except for one.

I will follow Master Hamars instructions!


All eyes shifted to the dwarf who had boldly raised his hand.

And then, noticing the steel hook in place of his left hand, they all nodded as if understanding.

Hamar did too.

Temar, was it? Well, with that hand, it will be tough

The method you mentioned, division of labor, seems like it could greatly maximize efficiency.


If one person steadily does one task, the quality and speed will certainly improve.


Why would we make simple tasks harder? Id rather be a line worker than an artisan.

As Temar didnt complain about his disability but instead praised the system he had devised, Hamar nodded repeatedly.

Then the other dwarves started turning their heads away from Temar.

A dwarf who flatters

That one is no kin of ours.

Hes lost not just his hand, but his pride too. Tsk tsk.

While most opted for similar reflections, Temar spoke up again.

However, to truly understand and properly implement this division of labor, one must experience making a complete product at least once. Please give us the chance to understand this efficiency.


All the dwarves refocused on Temar.

Wouldnt work proceed more productively if everyone were fully aware of the differences from the traditional method?

So what youre saying is, this isnt just posturing for the sake of pride, but rather part of the process of embracing a new method?


Hamar looked at Temar, seemingly surprised.

You have a commendable concern for your peers. Alright. Ill give you one week.

Thank you.

Three days to learn the process. Four days to attempt production on your own. Afterwards, anyone who still says they want to work independently must meet the benchmark Ive mentioned.

And if we fail?

Again, it was Temar who broke the silence.

Perhaps he was asking on behalf of others who dared not to ask themselves.

Hamar mentally marked Temar, noting his empathy and practicable attitude.

You will not eat or sleep until you meet your daily quota. And if that continues, you will be returned.


The inhumane choice of word caused the dwarves to collectively swallow their apprehension.

And they looked at Temar with gratitude in their eyes.

Temar quickly became a focal point for the new dwarves.

Hamar, too, was contentedly nodding at the unexpected discovery of talent.

It was only when Temar came to him after the work briefing with a request that his satisfaction was shattered.

Master Hamar. As you can see, my hand I feel I would be more capable as an overseer rather than a line worker

Hamar swallowed his disappointment and responded sharply.

Absolutely. Not.

I, Im sorry. I overstepped

Temar hastily retreated in the face of Hamars suddenly icy expression.

Supervision is my role. How dare you overstep.

This guy

What a snob.

The same thought came to both dwarves minds at once.