Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Regressor of the Fallen Family Chapter 160

“It’s too extravagant.”

“This is tradition, they say...”

“Still, it certainly looks splendid.”

The chatter filled the grand hall of the palace, which was usually steeped in solemnity. Decorated with ornate jewels, the walls boasted paintings and ornaments, while the high ceiling was adorned with a massive chandelier prepared for this special day, enhancing the beauty of the decorations.

The grand hall, usually reserved for solemn affairs, was now filled with the voices of dozens of nobles. At the northern end, a magnificent throne took center stage, surrounded by ornate tables and seats typically off-limits. The focal point, however, was not the throne but two chairs placed slightly lower. Less ornate and a bit smaller, one of the seated figures found the situation quite uncomfortable.

“Was this really necessary, Logan?”

“Yes, of course. Though, if you find it bothersome, you may leave. But then, you’ll just watch your disciple grasp power and potentially become corrupt from afar.”

“Hmm. I told you not to change...”

Logan smirked at the Sword Sage’s reaction.

“Being directly by your side to guide you is the most effective, isn’t it?”

“So, you’ll follow my instructions from now on?”

“It seems the ceremony is about to start, Master.”

“Crafty as ever.”

Now, these decisions were reflected in the king’s speech. “Having settled the remnants of the past, we shall now reward the heroes who ushered in this new era for Grandia.”

All eyes in the hall turned to the Sword Sage and Logan. Everyone was curious about the rewards for the Esperanza and McLaine families, who had essentially ended the war. The king began, “First, to honor Duke Felix Esperanza for his victory in the McLaine Battle and the beheading of the traitor Juan Douglas, I grant him the title of Grand Duke and annex the former territories of Counts Talos and Cherno to the Esperanza Duchy.”

While the nobles were impressed, the Sword Sage, now a Grand Duke with a vast territory and title, seemed displeased. Logan could only offer a bitter smile, understanding his master’s frustration with these unwanted responsibilities. “It’s a nuisance. I didn’t seek these gains. I’m already a duke,” his master grumbled.

“Since we’ve defeated all the border counts, we need to secure the western borders in case the Empire considers war. Please oversee this, Master.”

“Why must I do it?”

“Then who else should?”

With a sigh, the Sword Sage resignedly accepted the burdensome titles and territories, though he seemed more like a man forced into a high-grade position against his will.

As the king turned his attention to Logan, the hall fell silent, anticipating his reward. “Now, for the greatest contributor to the new Grandia, Logan McLaine and his family,” the king announced, with Logan kneeling before him.

The king’s praise for Logan was markedly different from that for his master. “As everyone now knows, Sir Logan McLaine is a young hero who slew the traitor Yordan Valdermaine, a pillar of our kingdom’s future.”

The king’s high praise for Logan’s strategic mind made him slightly uncomfortable. He knew his limitations, having almost jeopardized his family’s status despite his knowledge of the future. “He foresaw the country’s misfortune years ago, promising to eradicate the court’s corruption and secure the throne for me,” the king continued, stretching the truth.

Logan’s face fell as the nobles behind him expressed their admiration. “He compassionately stepped up to reduce the traitors’ forces significantly, leading them into a prepared battlefield and decisively cutting off their command,” the king added, embellishing the story.

Feeling overwhelmed by the exaggerated acclaim and recalling how close he had come to disaster, Logan wished for a simpler acknowledgment of his bravery. He realized the underappreciated need for strategic thinkers in a world dominated by superhumans and knights.

The king reached the climax of his announcement, ready to bestow Logan’s reward. Logan braced himself, his thoughts mixed with anticipation and trepidation about what lay ahead.