Chapter 207

Chapter 207

In the northeastern old Count Zahid’s domain, rebels have risen in defiance, clamoring that the former royal, Clavis, should be crowned king. They have been recruiting soldiers. Based on estimates so far...

The reported strength of these rebels in the meeting was on par with the past Byunghyang County forces.

But the problem was that their military power was gradually increasing.

Information suggested that lords of the south, who had once joined the First Prince’s faction, were now joining the battle one by one.

“Have those fools lost their minds?”

“They are those who lost much after the civil war defeat. They must have thought it’s better to die than to live like that...”

“Tsk tsk. Nobles will be nobles...”

Regardless of the reasons, their forces were swelling, so the royal investigative team reported that it was not good to delay action.

And the opinion of the nobles was almost unanimous.

“The Grand Duchy of Esperanza or the Marquisate of Maclaine should step forward.”

“If both of you join forces, it will be settled quickly, and even one would suffice, it seems.”

The reason why most minor nobles were not tense despite the significant issue of the rebellion.

It was due to the trust in Logan and the Sword Duke who had ended the civil war.

“If Maclaine personally intervenes, it won’t be easy to resolve things. Lord Logan, may I ask for your help?”

Having heard the king’s words, Logan inwardly sighed.

‘It’s inevitable, but...’

Esperanza’s forces were guarding the capital and the border, so it only made sense for Maclaine, who had some leeway, to intervene.

‘If we add the elites of our household and those of other nobles who volunteer, we can minimize the damages.’

The decision was swift.

“Yes. My house and I will take responsibility for dealing with them.”

His answer was firm.

The king and nobles welcomed Logan’s decision with applause.

Thus, the organization of the rebel suppression force centered around Maclaine was decided.

* * *

“Summon the army.”

At Logan’s command, Maclaine’s forces promptly mobilized.

Even just the knights alone had long surpassed a thousand in number, while the soldiers had reached over 10,000.

These were the pure professional forces, not including the local guard units.

The increasing number of knights was surprising even to Logan.

It was a result of wandering knights (from fallen families) seeking employment in Maclaine, recognized as the top family since the civil war, and awakening among the existing territorial soldiers.

“Deploy all but the essential forces. Let’s crush them in one fell swoop.”

“Do we need to go that far when we have the forces of the other nobles? It seems like too much of a burden on our house.”

“We have to eradicate the rebels thoroughly so that such an issue never arises again. And the more troops we have, the fewer casualties we’ll suffer.”

There was also a reason that was difficult to say openly.

‘I can’t afford to drag this out with mere rebels.’

It was still a long way to prepare for the imperial war.

Even though the king seemed to have changed his approach towards him, Logan couldn’t be complacent.

‘Whether it’s the real Clavis and the remnants of the First Prince’s faction or some other hidden hand behind it, I will end it all in one strike.’


“Send a message to the nobles who have joined. Gather as much force as they can. We will suppress them swiftly.”

“... Understood.”

Just two weeks later.

Seventy percent of Maclaine’s total military power was summoned to the front lawn for the suppression force.

Moreover, the forces of the other nobles, though their quality was secondary, numbered as much as Logan had mobilized or even more.

“We have seven hundred knights and seven thousand soldiers. With everyone’s forces combined, that’s fifteen hundred knights and fifteen thousand elite soldiers.”

“If the reports are right, the enemy forces are less than half of that.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

A disparity in forces that wouldn’t result in a loss even with a disadvantage.

With no further increase in the nobles joining the rebels, the morale of the suppression force gathered in front of Maclaine town was reaching higher highs.

It was then, however, that an absurd incident occurred.

“Terrorism, again?”

“Yes, sir. Moreover, this time His Majesty has been gravely injured. Hence, the bishops from the temple have all rushed over.”

The panic-stricken face of the old chancellor, Palman Terishi, appeared on the other side of the communication device.

“Has the palace’s defenses been breached again?”

“It seems so. Therefore, His Majesty has requested Lord Logan’s help. But, that is...”

As Palman’s wrinkled face clouded over with difficulty.

“... It’s alright. Please, speak.”

Seeing this, Logan urged him instead.

“... The Maclaine knights are to be dispatched to Grang. If the rebels aim for the throne, we must not strengthen the defenses around it with reliable elite troops...”

His influence was assuredly still higher than the king’s.

But if he were to force the suppression troops without justification, who knew what the king might do next.

“... Do as you’re told. We will take care of their main army.”

“Th-thank you, Your Excellency.”

Count Torres, who had been watching between the king and Logan, lit up instantly.

‘It seems the king is resolute.’

This rebel event was clearly a move to confront him and expand his own influence.

And perhaps, even beyond that...

Lost in thought, Logan’s expression grew ever more rigid.

Of course, those around him couldn’t understand Logan’s decision.

“My lord, this makes no sense. The king is resolved to annihilate our house. Why don’t you reconsider?”

Eillen pressed Logan with a face filled with indignation.

Knowing that her anger wasn’t aimed at him, Logan reassured her with a bitter smile.

“I know.”


“Still, it’s better to comply this time.”

“Why, of all things?!”

“It’s obviously an unreasonable request. Having complied with it, it will become a justification for us, well, for me.”

“... Sir?”

“This one time only. I will indulge the king’s petulance.”

Seeing Logan’s foreboding expression, Eillen couldn’t pry any further.

* * *

“Is he really going through with it?”

“Yes. The knight order and Crossbow Cavalry, except for the necessary minimum troops, are confirmed to be departing for the capital.”

“Ho, that Logan Maclaine just accepted it? I planned to use his resistance as an excuse, but if he’s agreeable, well, it wasn’t expected, yet it’s the best outcome for us. Isn’t it?”

“That’s correct.”

The one observing the communication device nodded.

“Well, there is something that slightly bothers me. What the hell is he thinking? Can he really assume he’ll eliminate the rebels with the remaining forces?”

“Perhaps he trusts his magicians?”

“Magicians and Logan himself to make up for the loss of five hundred knights? No, he’s not that foolish. There must be something else...”

“I have not confirmed this, Your Majesty, but there is a rumor that Luther Kyle has become a resident of Maclaine.”

At that, the face inside the communication device twisted.

“Hm...?! That man beside the Sword Duke... Mmm. True, considering the mentor-apprentice relation...”

Musing in thought, the figure let out a quiet sigh.

“It must be true. Having another superhuman makes it a worthwhile risk.”

“Even if that’s true, it won’t be easy.”

“... Just ‘not easy’ won’t suffice. I would prefer Logan Maclaine dead there. If not, at the very least, Maclaine should suffer a fatal blow.”

“We will exploit more strategies.”


“... It will happen as you desire, Your Majesty.”

Finally, the young face in the communication smiled satisfied.

* * *

“All troops, advance!”

At Logan’s command, Maclaine’s forces began moving.

A mere fraction of the total household force.

Fifty knights and nearly seven thousand regular soldiers.

Their premier knight order and the bulk of the Crossbow Cavalry were absent; the force was meager compared to the formidable enemies they faced.

The forces sent to the capital and those reserved for contingencies back home were significant, but a minimum number of knights had to remain in the domain.

Moreover, as the local armed groups equipped with repeating crossbows had to replace regular troops to oversee the vast domain, these were practically all the forces Logan could muster.

It was only natural that everyone watching the departure was worried and anxious.

“What’s he aiming for?”

“Is he heading to his death?”

“Seriously, why?”

Yet, Logan, at the very front, though stoic, did not seem to be troubled.

To his right stood Clayton, the kingdom’s only famous magician, and to his left was the superhuman, Luther Kyle, making his official debut since about joining Maclaine.

Together with Logan himself, now also a superhuman but kept secret from the public, they made three superhumans, and with the maximum available weaponry added to the mix.

Logan looked over at the wagons neatly lined up in the center of the troops and peered into the northeastern sky, wearing a chilly smile.

‘No matter who spun the intrigue and for what purpose, I’ll turn everything upside-down.’