Chapter 6: Escaping the spiderweb (2)

Name:Reincarnated As A Mosquito Author:
Chapter 6: Escaping the spiderweb (2)

As his buzzing intensified, the sticky web vibrated, amplifying the sound and causing the whole web to vibrate with it. Ben watched with bated breath as the vibrations travelled through the strands, reaching the edges of the web.

Suddenly, the web began to shake violently, and Ben could see cracks forming in the sticky threads. The buzzing sound had weakened the web's structural integrity, making it easier for him to break free.

Taking advantage of the weakened web, Ben flapped his wings with all his might, struggling against the remaining stickiness. With each powerful wingbeat, he managed to tear through the weakened threads, inching closer to freedom.

But before he was about to break free, a massive shadow loomed over him. The mutant spider had arrived, seizing the opportunity when Ben was distracted in flight.

"Holy cow!!" Ben shouted inside, barely dodging the spider leg attack by flying to the left. Although he was almost free, one of his legs was still stuck in the spider silk, preventing him from moving much in the air.

"Just get away from my hands or legs already!" Ben screamed internally, using all his strength to pull the silk off while dodging the spider's attacks left and right and using his active skill one last time.

The mutant spider, disoriented by the incessant buzzing, hesitated for a moment, giving Ben the opportunity he needed. With one final burst of strength, he tore through the last remaining threads of the web and shot into the air, narrowly escaping the spider's reach.

As Ben soared through the room, he glanced back, relieved to see that he had managed to evade the mutant spider's clutches. He let out a sigh of relief, grateful that his active skills had come in handy.

"Now that was a close call," Ben said, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and exhilaration. "Note to self: Avoid mutant spiders at all costs."

He observed, trying to stand on a leaf, before he found himself unbalanced and fell sideways. "What the hell is this now?"

Ben tried to muster whatever means he could to stand up, but he kept falling off balance as if something was missing.

As Ben examined his body, he couldn't believe his eyes. One of his middle left legs was indeed missing. He stared at the space where the leg used to be, his mind racing to comprehend what had just happened.

"I lost a leg, and I don't feel any pain," Ben muttered, his tiny mosquito brain struggling to process the situation. "WHAT KIND OF BIZARRE WORLD DID I END UP IN?"

With his remaining legs, Ben attempted to move around and maintain his balance, but the absence of the lost leg made it challenging for him. He wobbled and stumbled, struggling to adapt to his new condition.

"This is going to make things a lot more difficult," Ben muttered, his wings buzzing with frustration. "I need to find a way to compensate for the missing leg."

He racked his brain, considering possible solutions to overcome this unexpected setback. With his increased agility and adaptability as a mutant mosquito, he hoped there might be a way to adapt to his new circumstances.

"Perhaps I can redistribute my weight and adjust my flying technique," Ben thought aloud. "I'll need to rely more on my remaining legs for stability and manoeuvring."

With determination in his eyes, Ben began practicing his flight manoeuvres, making adjustments to account for the missing leg. He focused on enhancing his agility and improving his control over his remaining limbs.

Through trial and error, Ben gradually grew accustomed to his altered body. He learned to compensate for the missing leg, developing new strategies and techniques to maintain his balance and manoeuvre effectively.

He flew to a safe spot on a nearby tree branch, taking a moment to catch his breath. The encounter had reminded him of the dangers lurking in this new world, and he knew he needed to be more cautious in the future.

With a renewed sense of determination, Ben glanced at his status screen once more, contemplating his next move.

╬═?Quest Completed?═╬

Escape the spider net before the mutant spider arrives.

[Reward: 5 exp points]

Congratulations! You levelled up! [All stats points +0.2]


Name: Ben Franklin

Race: Mutant mosquito

Evolution: 0 Level: 3

Exp: 0/10 HP: 0.9/1

Strength: 0.5

Agility: 0.6

Stamina: 0.5

Level up a reward: 0.4 free stat points

Active skill: Mosquito's Buzz (confuse enemies with an annoying buzz)

Passive skill: Blood Tracker (Enhanced ability to detect blood sources)


"Hey system," Ben called out, addressing the mysterious entity that seemed to be guiding him. "Can you explain how these stat points influence my abilities and progression?"

The system responded promptly, its voice echoing in Ben's mind.

[Certainly, host. Stat points are numerical values that represent your various attributes, such as strength, agility, and stamina. By allocating stat points to specific attributes, you can enhance your capabilities in those areas.

Ben nodded, still buzzing in a moan over his middle left leg. "So, the more stat points I allocate to a particular attribute, the stronger I become in that aspect?"

[Yes, that is correct.] The system confirmed

[Each attribute influences different aspects of your performance: strength affects your physical power; agility enhances your speed and dexterity; and stamina determines your endurance and ability to sustain prolonged activities.]

Ben's curiosity grew further. "And what about the level-up rewards? How do they contribute to my growth?" n.(0vElb1n

[The level-up rewards provide you with additional stat points to distribute as you see fit,] the system explained.

[They serve as a boost to your overall development, allowing you to further specialise in certain areas or improve your overall balance.]

"Is that so?" Ben mumbled before activating the status screen.

Ben felt a surge of excitement as he saw his level increase and gain additional stat points. He knew he had to use them wisely to improve his chances of survival in this unforgiving world.

"Alright, time to allocate these stat points strategically," Ben muttered, pondering his options.