UPDATE: (Updated with the whole statement since RR is being stupid and doens't want to redirect people to Facebook for some dang reason)
I apologize. I've been somewhat absent the last few weeks, last week in particular without any communication as to why other then "Day job" stuff getting in the way.
And while this is true, its hardly the full story. Let me explain a little.
My family has been going through . . . a hell of a lot this last month and a half. Like . . . a looooot.
First my work. I won't discuss my day job very much here, as I need my work to stay separate for legal reasons from my publishing life. But I can say I work in, around, and with government infrastructure grants. And a major part of grant work is making sure people get paid for the work they do, and that they actually did the work (holding people accountable, and then making sure they get paid. Two sides of my job essentially). As things have warmed up in the USA, construction has picked up, and so my work load has increased dramatically.
On top of that I've been given additional responsibilities as I've grown in my position (don't worry, I got a modest raise along with the added responsibilities. Never do more work without added pay, unless you're still training).
I tell you all this, not to gross you out or worry you. But so you understand I'm not ghosting you readers. I love you all
And I love the projects I'm working on. Can't wait to see them all start to move forward again!
Most likely starting this coming Monday RAAP will start publishing the final story arc in book 3. And I'll begin work on editing the first three books while wrapping up another short project with a friend. By the end of the year I want to get back to RAAP and start working on book 4
Thank you for sticking with me!