Generic read me (Expectations)

Name:Reincarnated as a Phoenix Author:
Generic read me (Expectations)

This is supposed to be mostly a light hearted, comedic mix of things that combine into a reincarnation story. Serious things and events do happen, just not all the time though (You'll understand the style of humour after a few chapters, also does get slowly more serious over time).

The Levelling system is purposely basic and shouldn't give the reader a migraine trying to figure it out. Potential is huge, just will take some time for MC to fully optimize it.

If you're into TV, movies, video games and stuff like that, then you'll probably enjoy the MC's playful personality. If not, you'll still be good but might miss out on one or two things (MC is also really self-aware about her actions).Updated chapters at

Last thing, if you like long chapters, then you'll like this. Average 2400-3200 but I try for around 3000.


---Thanks for reading and hopefully you enjoy---