Chapter 1376 Potential Zurinus

Chapter 1376 Potential Zurinus

Ning found himself a hotel room, which he paid for with some silver coins he asked the system for. Once in the room, he took a bath and then made his way back outside into the city, to find a library.

He found a library that one had to pay to enter, but it was only a single bronze coin, so he went in easily.

Inside, he started searching around the library for books on different historical events and well-known figures, who would have influenced the world a lot.

One of those had to be Zurinus.

He went through old books, biographies, documented events, and newspapers. Anything he could find, he read.

It took him multiple days to do so, but he managed to go through it all. In the end, he landed on 3 different important figures of the current generation, who could be the people that were Zurinus.

The Holy Church of Zurnius was situated in the massive island nation of Airan, surrounded by many other countries and islands. They were the center ground for spreading the faith of Zurinus all around the world, including past the Great Reef.

The Holy church had a massive influence on the geopolitical status of the world, influencing countries and masses to their will as their will was the will of the god.

Ning didn't know for certain if they were really in contact with Zurinus or not, but if they were, he could get a hint through them.

In fact, Ning even suspected that if they were to somehow be involved with Zurinus, then their Pope, a man named Lucius Garnerwalt the Third was certainly to be Zurinus in disguise.

From the Kingdom of Oriman to Airan, Ning would have to go west through the country of Warfort, then take a ship to the west, where he would arrive in the Cogonian archipelago. Beyond that was the country of Airan.

"Timothy Orstar isn't here, sir," the man said. "He's on a 5 months suspension from university."

"Suspension?" Ning asked with a surprised look. "For what?" "For stealing a Zurin treasure from the University," the man said.

"Stealing? What did he steal?" Ning asked.

"I cannot tell you," the man answered.

"Then uhh... can you tell me where I can find him? Where does he live?" Ning asked.

"That is private information I cannot reveal," the man said. "Anything else I can help you with."

"Yes," Ning answered quickly. "I'm looking for Timothy's father actually. I heard he's been healed, but I'm not sure if he's returned to the University or not."

"Oh, Professor Adrian hasn't returned yet, but he has been healed," the man said. "If you have some well wishes, please write it down, we will send it later tonight. If you are looking to meet him, then I'm afraid I can't give you his address."

The man quickly checked some files. "He doesn't have a phone, so I can't help you there, I'm afraid."

"Oh, that's alright," Ning said. "Thank you for your time."

The man nodded and let Ning go.

Ning walked away. It had been an easy task to see the address on the paper once the man had pulled up Adrian's file. Ning now knew exactly where he had to go.

He walked out of the University and made his way toward the residential district to meet up with Tim again.