Chapter 1448 Two Seconds

Chapter 1448 Two Seconds

Jasmine pushed the two away and turned toward Tim. She used her Ring of Illusions to place invisibility on him, but for some reason, the illusion would land on him. It just didn't work.

Jasmine wondered if it had something to do with Silvereye and his weird eyepatch. That was the only answer.

Several of the people in the bar weren't sure what was happening, but they had brought out their guns at this point, aiming to shoot if need be.

Jasmine quickly ran up to Tim to try and see if she could do something by touching him. When she touched him, she saw herself go from invisible to becoming visible.

"Well, well, well," Silvereye spoke as he stood up. "What do we have here."

Jasmine's face paled now that she was visible to everyone. "Hello, young lass. Who might you be?"

Jasmine slowly moved back while Tim stood in front of her.

"Are you the one with the ring?" Silvereye asked.

Jasmine used her ring to become invisible once more, but Silvereye snapped his fingers and the invisibility disappeared from her once again.

"Do not test me, wench," Silvereye said with an angry look. "Or I won't hesitate to kill you. Answer me, who sent you two."

Jasmine breathed in and out deeply, completely paralyzed by fear at the moment. The many guns that pointed toward them were enough to make her regret every single thing she had done leading up to this point.

She should have rejected Ning's mission. He had sent her to a death trap without her knowing.

Then, he reached for the floor where the Book of Treasures was and grabbed it, placing it inside his shirt with no wasted movement. At this point, it was time to run away from the bar, but as he did, he saw Silvereye and the silver eyepatch.

Tim made the instant decision. He grabbed Silvereye's eyepatch and ripped it out of his face, revealing a hideously wounded eye underneath that was all white, even the iris.

The bullets had already struck the wall where Tim had been, so the way pathway to run away was clear. He rushed down toward Jasmine and grabbed her to run away.

Just when he grabbed her, the box stopped working and he was out from slowed time.

'What?' Tim thought, a possibility coming to him at once. The eyepatch had some sort of power to stop someone from being unable to use their treasures, and anyone who touched that person.

Silvereye felt the force of the sudden pull and faceplanted into the ground in front of him, while Captain Hook felt his hook get pulled for some reason. "You bastards!" he shouted at Tim, who stared back at him.

Tim felt something pull onto him and instantly realized Hook was using the hook to pull him.

Without hesitation, he let go of Jasmine's hand, feeling the ability to use treasures come back to him. Time slowed at the same time, and he used the silver eyepatch on his hand.

He realized he could target a location or a person with it, and if there was someone using power there, it would get canceled.

Tim targeted Hook, and as soon as he did that, the pull he felt coming toward him disappeared.

Then, he reached for Jasmine's fingers within the remaining few seconds of slowed time and used her ring to turn themselves invisible.

An acute pain filled his head from using too many of the treasures at once, but cool energy gave him relief, flowing from the box where he had stored health previously.

He was more than happy to learn that health could help him in this instance as well.

With little time to spare now, Tim carried Jasmine onto his shoulders and left the bar with everyone confused as to what had happened, running away into the streets in the evening, and making their way back to the hotel.