Chapter 1472 Stealing

1472 Stealing

After learning that Stillwater was looking for treasures to get back her own from the people that had taken hers away, Stephen decided to visit her and sell the flute.

He wanted to tell her that it belonged to captain Yolan of the Greenskull pirates, but it occurred to him that he was better of not saying anything.Geett the latest novels at

He couldn't make Stillwater curious about how he managed to steal such a thing in the first place. What if she tried to kill him and take his pen? He would have no way of leaving this place if that happened.

Worried, Stephen gave no such information to anybody at all. However, surprisingly, the very next morning, he found out that the Greenskull pirates were dead and it had all been because he had been found as a traitor who was in collusion with the Rurian Kingdom.

Stephen knew he needed to leave soon now that Stillwater was most likely suspicious of him, but it wouldn't hurt to stay until the noon.

After all, he wanted to enjoy a day without having to kill himself over and over again.

However, that all changed when the door to his room opened. He was barely awake when it happened, and most of it felt like a dream to him.

But when he heard the small movements around the room, he realized someone was there.

Without hesitation, Stephen pulled out his gun and shot around.

He heard a scream, a woman's scream, and saw red blood flow out of nowhere as a woman appeared out of invisibility, falling to the ground dead.

He looked at her, and realized she was from the group of people that lived in the hotel. She was one of those that caused the noise that allowed him to steal Yolan's treasure.

Second, it did not matter what he did to the woman, as the young man would always find him in the end, so he had to go for the young man.

Third, he couldn't kill the young man. It didn't mean that he shouldn't kill the young man, but that he literally


Stephen didn't understand why but bullets did nothing to this young man, they simply popped out of the young man even if he riddled him all over. It was a very weird treasure that nearly kept him immortal. Fourth, he understood that they both had treasures that needed to be taken away. The girl had the ring, and the boy... he wasn't sure.

Learning all of this, Stephen decided he needed to set a different check point to return to. He went to the back alley behind Stillwater's hotel and set his checkpoint, there before returning to his room. And then waited.

He hid behind curtains, waiting for the woman to come looking for him. As she touched through the curtains, he slipped the ring off her finger as he had a dozen times now,

The girl didn't notice it at all. Once she left the room, Stephen walked out and went into another room. He waited for the two to come out and scream at each other.

The young man would call her traitor like he had a few times. Once that happened, Stephen slowly walked out, staying out of the woman's line of sight and swiped the treasure from the young man's belt.

He had tried this a few times before and had been caught, but this time, it was different. He knew exactly what to do, and he did it.

When he was done, he had a small box in his hand. Without waiting to be caught, the man clicked his pen and teleported out to the back alley.

Now, he was away from the two, and had two more treasures in his hands. He laughed out loudly, happy at his gains.

And he hadn't been caught at all.

Quickly, he drew up another circle with his pen in the back alley and left the place to go away. Now that he was done here, he went to go celebrate by having a drink.