Chapter 1492 To the Palace

Chapter 1492 To the Palace

Morgia was a beautiful city of waters, with small canals and waterways running throughout the city.

Water came from the Spring mountains far to the north of Midland, streaming down into the river Ossin that flowed through the city, diverging into many branches before converging into the river on the other side.

The city was a mixture of white buildings merely 2 or 3 stories tall at most, and lush green trees that grew all around.

This was a city that had not yet been touched greatly by industrialization, managing to keep its vibrant and vivid sceneries.

The city was abuzz with excitement as the Emperor's birthday was celebrated by everyone in the city. This was a special one in fact as the Emperor was celebrating his 100th birthday.

Ning and the rest had arrived in the city sometime in the late morning. Most of them were tired, so they went to the hotels they had reserved to sleep out the tiredness in time for the party later that night.

Nobody could have expected the amount of people coming to the Emperor's birthday party. As a result, the river Ossin was especially crowded. And the more thorough inspections of the incoming vessels made them take far longer to get through. FOlloow newest stories at no(v)el/bi/n(.)com

By the time they had arrived, it was nearly 5 hours later than the estimated time. Many other famous individuals from all around the globe had come, which had caused the security around the city to be at an all-time high.

Ning went to sleep and woke up around late noon before going around to wake those who were still asleep. Jasmine was awake already, but Tim needed to wake up.

Once they were awake, they began dressing up for the party as the evening came around.

Ning wore a dark blue coat with a light purple shirt and a black bowtie.

Tim wore a simple black coat with a red shirt underneath and a full tie. He also wore his necklace outside of his shirt, which surprisingly did not clash with his looks.

Finally, Ning helped Jasmine by giving her a beautiful pink dress that sparkled with glitters all around with cloth that both gripped her body and let it breathe at the same time. He gave her a small handbag to go along with the dress.

"Shall we?" Ning said and showed the way, letting Zarius move on ahead of him. As the only person with the invitation, he needed to show it first.

Zarius was stopped by the many royal guards who were working on vetting the people who were getting in.

"Sir, forgive us, but we do not recognize you. Would you mind telling us who you are and who you are with?" the guard asked.

"I'm Zarius Bracksfort. That is my daughter, and the others are... my acquaintances."

"So it is 5 of you in total?" the man asked.

"It appears so," Zarius said.

"I see." The man looked at a sheet of paper he had and quickly wrote something. "Would you mind submitting to a pat down? It will be quick."

"Sure," Zarius said. He let him be pat down, while other royal guards moved toward Ning and the rest.

Two women came up to Jasmine and Arya, patting them down as well.

Tim had expected as much, so he had left behind all of his treasures behind except for the jewelry box, necklace, and glasses. The box was the only thing he hid in his body while he wore everything else in the open.

During the deep pat down the guards put him through, they managed to flag down the necklace, which Tim had to get rid of. The glasses looked as though they were normal glasses, so he could continue wearing them. As for the Box, Tim had simply nowhere to keep it. He had to give it to them. He wanted to keep the box because of its functionalities. He let go of it in the end, thinking that with Ning there, he had nothing to worry about.

Ning had nothing to give away, and Zarius gave up his golden egg. Arya had a hairclip that she put away.

Surprisingly, Jasmine had to put away nothing, even though she carried all 4 treasures with her. She used her Ring to turn everything invisible, and no one could see any of what she carried.

Once all the checks were done and the treasures were taken away, they were let in.