Chapter 1620: The Tests

Chapter 1620: The Tests

Ning walked down the rather bright and cheerful hallway of the Spirit Department, a place that was full of people who worked with corpses and ghosts.

What should have been a gloomy atmosphere in his mind was in fact rather lively.

Shara looked around, both curious and nervous, as they approached a large door that led to the backyard.

As they walked, both Ning and the woman stopped in their tracks as something appeared before them, but Shara simply kept on walking.

"Oh, hey Frank. Are you free right now?" the woman asked the pale blue shimmering light that Ning focused on to see that it was a ghost. The ghost had a pale blue, smoky appearance, wearing some sort of military outfit of a high rank, with an age that made him look as if he was in his late 30s.

"Not another work... come on," the ghost spoke, rather emotive. "I just got done working." "I was just hoping you would help us test this young..." the woman's words lengthened as she realized Shara had continued walking on through Frank.

"Shara," Ning called out, causing the young girl to flinch and turn around. She looked back, confused as to why the two had stopped. She had been so nervous that she hadn't even noticed.

The woman narrowed her eyes and pointed before her. "Do you not see him?" she asked. Shara looked at where the woman had pointed, but there was nothing. She shook her head. "Hmm?" the woman thought for a moment. "Well, we can tell right now what you are not." She wrote something on her clipboard, which Ning managed to barely read.

'Cannot see Spirits. Not a SD or a SC.'

'SD should be Spirit Detective?' Ning thought. 'Then SC should be Spirit Channelers?'

Two out of the few potential options had been struck out at once.

"Who is that girl?" Frank asked.VịSit no(v)3lb/!n(.)com for new novels

"A testee," the woman answered. "Can you help me test her?"

Frank frowned and sighed. "Alright, alright," he said. "You guys are gonna make me regret agreeing to stay around to help someday."

The woman smiled and they walked.

Shara continued walking once they caught up to her and together they arrived at the backyard. When they did, Ning froze in his steps and so did Shara.

The backyard, which they had assumed would be not that large was in fact massive. Green grass filled their visions nearly a kilometer away, with large trees growing at different spots.

The woman slowly nodded, writing something else in her clipboard.

'Cannot sense Spirits. Not an Exorcist.'

"Well, let's try something different then," the woman said. "You have a cemetery before you. Go to the middle of a few gravestones and try to summon the dead."

Shara looked blankly at the woman. "I'm sorry?"

"We're trying to see if you are a Necromancer. Don't worry, if you are one, you'll be able to

dismiss them very easily."

Shara hesitated at the thought of pulling the dead out of the ground, but since she had to test what her powers were, she was willing to work for it.

She went to the middle of the field and shouted, "How do I do it?"

"Just try to think about raising the dead," the woman shouted back. "We just need to see if you have the power of Spectral Pulling."

Shara didn't understand but nodded and tried to use whatever power it was that made the dead rise from the ground. She closed her eyes and thought of raising the dead, but no matter

what she tried, nothing happened.

"Did it work?" Shara shouted.

"No," the woman said. "Did you try everything?"

Shara nodded from afar.

The woman sighed and wrote down on her clipboard.

'Cannot attract Spirits. Not a Necromancer.'

She put the clipboard down and called Shara over. "There's one last test left to see what you
