Chapter 1624: Back to the Tavern

Chapter 1624: Back to the Tavern

Ne/w novel chapters are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

Ning arrived at the Spirit Department late in the morning the next day, waiting until he saw someone he recognized. When he finally saw the woman from yesterday, he caught up to her. "Miss," he called her.

The woman turned around. "Oh, it's you," she said.

"Yes," Ning said. "Any information?"

"I'm not sure," the woman said. "The director should have some idea. You should talk to him."

"The director... is the old man from yesterday?" he asked.

"The one with the white hair, yes," the woman said. "Come, I'll take you to him."

The woman began walking away and Ning followed behind her. "Did the girl not come with you?" she asked.

"No," Ning said. "She... her time of the month started, so she is in a bit too much pain to walk this far. I came here in her stead."

"Oh," the woman said in understanding.

They walked until they arrived at a small hallway with couches along the side. "Sit here, I'll see if the director is around."

"Yes," Ning said, sitting down on the couch. He waited for a while and the white-haired old man walked up to him not long after that.

"Young man, you're here," the man said. His eyes seemed tired, as though he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night.

"Are you alright, director?" Ning asked.

"Don't worry about me," the man said. "I heard Shara didn't come with you. Is she alright?" "She's fine," Ning said. "Any results on your searches? What is she?"

Whether she had awakened it before or not, Ning had no idea.

'I only thought she awakened it the other day because her grandmother had been with her this entire time and hadn't died,' Ning thought. 'But I know now that non-hostile spirits are safe from her. So she could have awakened a long time ago.'

"What's wrong? You seem confused," the old man said.

"Yeah, a little," Ning said. "She hasn't used her powers before, but I now realize that I'm not sure when she awakened."

"I see," the man said. "I'm sure Shara can answer us that."

They arrived at the tavern and got out of the carriage. The director put on a disgusted look. "This is where she is staying?" he asked.

"This is the only place I could afford," Ning said, slightly annoyed at the director's disgust. "You should keep a girl like her in a better place," he said.

"I'll keep that in mind for when I am richer," he said and walked in.

The director didn't seem to recognize the annoyance in his voice and simply nodded as he walked in too. He walked through the tavern bar with his hands behind his back, his vibrant clothes sticking out of the dull colors of the rags that people wore within this tavern, like a flower growing on mud.

Ning walked upstairs and arrived before a door. He knocked on the door. "Shara, the director is here to see you," he said. "Do you wish to see him?"

The old man coughed a little. "Shara, please open the door. We must talk in private."

The door opened slowly and Shara poked her head out. "Talk?" she asked.

"Hello there," the old man said. "We need to talk about your powers and your situation. Can I

come in?"

Shara thought for a bit and nodded. "Sure, please come in," she said.

The old man walked in and tried to close the door behind, but Ning stopped it. "Sorry, I'm coming too."