Chapter 1626: Save Shara

Chapter 1626: Save Shara

Ning's eyes widened when he heard what the old man said. "What do you mean?" he asked. "What did you say about her lineage?"

"Not something you should be worrying about," the old man said. "Leave that place already!"

"No," Ning said. "Not until you answer just what she is and what is going to happen with her."

The old man took a deep breath. "What was your name again, son?" he asked.

"Ning," Ning answered.

"I'm going to say this just once, Ning. Move away and let us do our job. If you won't, we will be compelled to use force."

Ning stood tall, not giving in to the obvious attempt at intimidation. "So you won't answer me?" he asked.

"Alright, I'm getting tired of this," the old man said, his voice filled with annoyance now. He turned around to the bald man. "Go deal with this youngster and have your undead carry her out of her."

"As you say," the bald man said, entering the room. Beside him, the tall corpse walked in, an emotionless, nearly rotting face, staring directly at Ning with a missing eye.

"Kid, you should forget about all of this just as the director said," the bald man said. "I don't know what has gotten him so heated, but if it had, then it has to be something quite important. Don't get in the way."

"Are you okay with handing over such a young girl over to the Empire?" Ning asked.

"It's the empire," the bald man said with a scoff. "What can we do?"

"You can say no," Ning said.

"You don't say no to the empire," the bald man said. "Now, will you move aside or do you want to get beaten up by my guy here?"

Ning smiled. "You can't say 'no' to the empire?" Ning asked. "I think you merely haven't had training in it. Here, let me teach you. No, I won't hand over the girl."


<You have received a quest>

[Quest: Save Shara

Stop Shara from getting into the hands of members of the Spirit Department, so that she may not be taken away to the Empire.

Reward 1: 2 points, if you stop Shara from getting into the Empire's hands.

Reward 2: 3 points, if you stop Shara from getting into the Spirit Department's hands.


Ning's eyes widened slightly and an amused look appeared on his face. An opportunity to get 5 points at once had arrived. He was more than willing to take on this quest and get those points.

He would have to work hard for it.

The bald man shook his head upon hearing Ning's response. "Niu, go get the girl. Push aside anyone who tried to get in your way."

give it to you."

Then, he ordered the corpse to attack.

Ning pulled back his spear just in time as the corpse made a large, horizontal swing. The room

was large enough to give him that sort of space, so he made use of it.

Vertical slashes were harder due to the height of the room being quite low, and with the

corpse being just that tall, it wasn't much of a choice.

Ning ran around the bed, making multiple stabbing motions as he tried to see how fast the corpse could react. With a half-rotted body, he was sure the corpse could not move as quickly,

but to his surprise, the corpse was quite fast.

'This is not possible,' Ning thought. 'Something with a body this fallen apart...'

After thinking for a bit, Ning realized that it was not his body that was so agile, but rather

there was a power that was making it agile.

'Is it because it is an undead?' Ning thought. 'A necromancer made its body move as so.'

The corpse swung its sword, and Ning rolled along the floor, his spear reaching the side of the corpse's arm, cutting it slightly. He was sure he had cut something there as the feedback he

felt on his spear told him so.

And yet, the sword came for him with no change at all.

It swung toward him, nearly clipping his ear as it swished past him while he ducked. Ning

attacked at the same time, stabbing the corpse right through the heart.

It had left itself open during the swing, and Ning was good enough to make use of opportunities his opponents gave him. He pulled out the spear and frowned. There was not a hint of blood on the spear's tip. That was understandable given that his opponent was an undead, but that gave him another worry. If there was no blood in the undead's body, how would stabbing it through the heart help him?

It did not.

The corpse moved its sword back, swinging at him again from the other side.

How the hell was he supposed to kill something that was already dead?

'I need holy power,' Ning thought, but there was no such thing in this word. Then... surely there had to be a way to kill an undead.

Ning jumped back, landing against the wooden wall, and frowned. He jumped back into the fight, ducking another sword slash before slicing at the corpse's legs.

There was a bit of a wobble to the entire sturdiness of the corpse and Ning did not miss it. If

he attacked the parts of the body, especially the bones that supported the undead's body, he could win this thing.

"I see you figured out his weakness," the bald man said. "You won't get to exploit it though." The bald man, who had been watching him fight the entire time, finally decided to use his
