Chapter 1631: New Shop Items

Chapter 1631: New Shop Items


Minor Healing Potion: 1 Point

Minor Physical Enhancement Potion: 1 Point

Random Minor Weapon: 2 Points

10-20 Silver Coins: 2 Points

Minor UNIQUE Energy replenishment Potion: 3 points

Minor Anti-toxin Potion: 4 Points

Lesser Healing Potion: 5 Points

Lesser Physical Enhancement Potion: 5 points

Tiny Dimensional Storage: 5 Points (1 of 1)


Ning looked at the shop before his eyes, both disappointed and surprised at the same time. It was a weird mix of emotions as he had wanted more than what he had gotten. But what he had gotten wasn't so bad that the outcome hadn't been a net positive overall.

The only 4-point option was a helpful potion that could cure any sort of poison or venom that one could come across during their travel. Even though it said Minor, it was capable of curing anything non-lethal or too powerful.

It was mostly useful in treating oneself from regular allergies and natural toxins that may make life a problem.

Ning skipped out on that potion and looked at the next two potions, both costing him 5 points. They said Lesser for both of them, so Ning guessed that Lesser was better than Minor.

The healing pill was slightly better, healing one from deep cuts and injuries. It could also heal many major diseases and was thus incredible.

Ning had never tried this before. He wasn't sure if it would work at all. His 'memory' said it shouldn't be possible, but he also knew he couldn't fully trust his memories as it was intentionally flawed like a regular human would be.

"I can make no guarantees, but I can try," Ning said and readied himself. He looked at the spirit of the young girl and spoke once more.

"Hi," Ning called out to the ghost. "Would you like to talk to your Daddy?"

The girl nodded.

Ning was surprised. He wasn't expecting the girl to nod, but it was better that she did. It meant that he could help her. He smiled and said, "What do you want me to tell him?"

"I want Daddy to no longer be sad," the girl said.

An odd feeling came across Ning at that moment. Wasn't that the same thing that she had said last time too?

'Maybe I just asked the same question,' he thought and replied what she said to the father verbatim.

The Captain seemed ready to cry again but held back his tears. "Ask... ask her, if she is disappointed in me as a father."

Ning felt a pang of heartache hearing the man's words. As a father, he couldn't imagine what he would do should he ever lose a child.

He was somewhat grateful that Emma was virtually Immortal and the strongest being inside of his Inner world.

Ning turned to the spirit of the young girl, his voice dipping underwater again, as he asked what the father said.

The girl looked at Ning as though she couldn't understand him for a brief moment and replied, "I want Daddy to no longer be sad."

'The same thing,' Ning said, slightly taken aback. 'Was this the dying wish of the soul being reverberated once it been a Spirit?'

He asked a few more questions and got the same reply back each time, now fully confident

that the girl said nothing more to a Spirit Detective.

So, he had to give the regretful answer back to the father that he could not talk to her departed daughter, even indirectly.