Chapter 29 Coming Out

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
Napoleon stood tall on the ship's railing, his gaze fixed on the expanse of sky and sea that stretched out before him. The wind, eager to embrace his triumph, tousled his dark, wavy hair as if celebrating the culmination of his arduous journey. Squinting against the brilliance of the midday sun, he felt a surge of pride and anticipation coursing through his veins.

The ship sailed steadily towards Ajaccio, Corsica, his birthplace and the destination of this momentous voyage. The purpose of his return was twofold – to celebrate his hard-earned graduation and to honor the unwavering support his family had provided throughout his formative years. They had believed in him, both emotionally and financially, and now he stood on the cusp of fulfilling the promise he had made.

Through sheer determination and unyielding dedication, Napoleon obtained his diploma, a testament to his tenacity and intellectual prowess. But the rewards did not end there. The ingenious invention he had birthed was now reaping him royalties, making him the provider for his family instead of the other way around.

"Master...we are fifteen minutes away from the port according to the ship's crew," Ciela informed, who stood beside him and gazed at where Napoleon was looking. "It's a beautiful day isn't it, Master?"

Napoleon turned his gaze from the vast expanse before him to Ciela, his trusted partner. A warm smile graced his lips as he observed her youthful enthusiasm mirrored in her sparkling eyes.

"Yes, it is a beautiful day indeed," Napoleon said with a warm smile, appreciating the pleasant weather and the scenic view around them. As he glanced toward Ciela, he couldn't help but notice subtle changes in her appearance. It seemed she had experienced a growth spurt, reflected in her slightly taller stature and the modest increase in her figure.

The year was 1783, and Napoleon, now fourteen years old, was on the brink of adulthood. Historical accounts suggested that his height ranged between 165 to 170 centimeters. However, in this alternate world, Napoleon had taken proactive measures to enhance his physical growth. Through disciplined dietary choices and regular exercise, he had managed to surpass the typical height expectations. At present, he stood at an impressive 176 centimeters, with the potential for further growth in the coming years. If he maintained his current lifestyle, he could even reach a remarkable height of 180 or 182 centimeters.

With that, Napoleon knew he wouldn't be called an "average height for the time" as he is now above average in this era.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Ciela took notice of Napoleon's gaze drawn towards her and smiled. " something wrong? You have been staring at me for a while...Could it be perhaps...that you see me as a proper lady now?"

Napoleon smiled and winked at the crowd, his confidence radiating as he walked alongside Ciela.

Moments after, he reached the place where parked horse-drawn carriages awaited the passengers, ready to transport them to their desired destinations. Napoleon and Ciela approached one of the carriages, and with a courteous gesture, Napoleon opened the door for Ciela, allowing her to step inside first. As they settled into the comfortable interior, the driver cracked the reins, and the carriage set off, making its way through the lively streets of Ajaccio.

Fifteen minutes later, Napoleon could see the manor of his family coming into view. As they neared the manor, Napoleon sensed something off from Ciela, who was fidgeting her hand and biting her lower lip. Concerned, Napoleon asked.

"Is something troubling you, Ciela?" Napoleon asked. "You seemed so nervous."

Ciela looked at Napoleon and shook her head. "No, I'm fine Master...It's just that I'll be seeing your parents again."

"According to your story, you were employed by my parents, right? I guess I can learn one or two things about you when we arrive."

Ciela gulped, sensing a trepidation that was difficult to hide. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking.

"Master, there's something important I need to tell you about my past," Ciela began. "I don't know if you will believe me or not, but what I'm about to tell you from here and out is the truth."

"That sounded serious, Ciela. Are you sure that you want to hold this conversation with me now?" Napoleon asked.

Ciela nodded resolutely, "Yes, Master, I believe it's time for you to know. You have shown me trust and kindness, and I owe you the truth."

Napoleon leaned closer, his curiosity piqued. "I'm listening, Ciela. Whatever it is, I promise to hear you out."

Taking a deep breath again, Ciela began to recount her tale.