Chapter 91 Bitter Memories Resurfacing

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:

After the mesmerizing lighting ceremony, the enchanted guests made their way back into the resplendent halls of the Palais Royal, where a feast of unparalleled opulence awaited them. Inside the lavish dining hall, the tables were adorned in the finest silks, while golden candelabras cast a warm glow and delicate floral arrangements cascaded from crystal vases.

The air was filled with a symphony of laughter and animated conversations as the attendees took their seats, their eyes dazzled by the sight of the culinary delights that awaited them. The aroma of delectable dishes wafted through the air, tantalizing their senses and whetting their appetites.

Platters of succulent roasted meats, perfectly seared and seasoned, were presented alongside an array of vibrant vegetables, their colors reflecting the bounty of nature. Exquisite pastries and delicate confections, crafted by masterful pastry chefs, adorned the tables like edible works of art.

As the guests settled into their seats, anticipation mingled with the clinking of glasses and the soft murmurs of delight. They talked about the lighting ceremony, the light bulbs that illuminated the courtyard in a poetic display.

After the sumptuous feast, they returned to the grand ballroom. The mechanical inventions displayed earlier were now gone, replaced by musicians who filled the room with enchanting melodies. The resplendent ballroom seemed to come alive as couples gracefully swayed to the rhythm as they waltz across the polished marble floors.

Ciela Bonaparte watched the scenery unfold before her as she sipped champagne. Despite the lively and joyous scene, a sense of melancholy washed over her heart. She couldn't help but feel the absence of her beloved husband on this momentous night. His presence would have made the evening truly unforgettable. In this moment of celebration, she yearned for his warm embrace, his whispered words of love, and the reassuring strength he exuded. She longed for him to witness the enchantment of the evening, to share in the triumphs and joys that had blossomed from their joint efforts.

Lost in her thoughts, Ciela's gaze drifted to the couples swirling on the dance floor. Each twirl and dip stirred a bittersweet ache within her heart. She imagined herself in Napoleon's arms, moving gracefully to the rhythm of the music. But she knew he couldn't do that, as he was in Italy, fighting the Austrians.

He told her through letters that the campaign in Italy was going to take longer than expected as the new commander that replaced General Count von Wurmser, Josef Alvincinzi, is proving to be a formidable adversary. Though Napoleon had defeated him in Arcole, Bassano, Rivoli, and Valvasone the Austrian General wouldn't just back down, thwarting his plan of ending the Italian campaign early.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Despite that, Ciela was certain that the war in Italy would be ending soon as Napoleon was already deep in the northeast of Italy, threatening Vienna. It's only a matter of time before the Austrians sue for peace.


A voice interrupted Ciela's reverie, bringing her back to the present. She turned her gaze to find a man in his mid-twenties standing before her. His dark complexion and long black whiskers and mustache framed a very handsome face, radiating an air of confidence and charm. Though he was not tall, there was an undeniable magnetism about him that drew attention.

Ciela's eyes widened with curiosity as she looked up at the man.

"You speak of that as if it was an accomplishment of some sort?" Ciela retorted. "This is a clear waste of my time. Goodbye to you Monsieur Charles..."

As Ciela was about to walk away, Hippolyte suddenly grabbed her by the arm, his grip firm but not forceful. His eyes bore into hers with intensity, and a hint of desperation seeped into his voice.

As Ciela was about to walk away, Hippolyte suddenly grabbed her by the arm, his touch firm and unwelcome. Ciela's eyes blazed with anger as she turned to face him, her voice dripping with disdain.

"Unhand me this instant!" she demanded, her voice cutting through the music and catching the attention of nearby guests.

Hippolyte's grip tightened, his charming demeanor replaced by a menacing glare. "You will regret this, Madame Bonaparte," he sneered bitterly. "You think you can dismiss me so easily? I am not a man to be ignored or denied. I will do everything to make you mine!"

As Hippolyte uttered those words, an icy shiver ran down Ciela's spine. The world around her seemed to blur, and she felt a strange detachment from the present moment. In an instant, memories from her past life flooded her mind, merging with the reality before her.

The words he spoke mirrored the chilling threats of her stalker, the one who had tormented her in her previous existence. The stalker who had ultimately ended her life, leading to her rebirth in this alternate world. The trauma she had buried deep within her resurfaced.

Her heart raced, and her breath grew shallow as panic set in. The ballroom became suffocating, the grandeur and opulence transforming into a haunting reminder of her past trauma. Every detail, from the flickering candlelight to the elegant chandeliers, seemed to taunt her.

Images flashed through her mind, fragments of a dark and twisted past. The stalker's menacing messages, the fear that consumed her every waking moment, and the devastating tragedy that had cut her life short. It was a nightmare she had tried to forget, buried beneath layers of her new identity and the love she found in this world.

Ciela struggled to ground herself in the present, to separate the echoes of her past from the reality she now inhabited. She clutched at her chest, feeling the weight of her racing heart. The familiar sense of vulnerability and helplessness threatened to engulf her.

A concerned voice broke through the fog of her memories. "Madame Bonaparte! Are you alright?" Lavoisier's voice reached her ears, filled with worry. "Get your hands off her!"

Ciela's gaze met Lavoisier's concerned eyes, and she realized she was no longer alone in her torment. Antoine's presence offered a lifeline, a connection to the present that she desperately needed.

Blinking back tears, Ciela managed to find her voice, though it trembled with the echoes of her past. "I... I need to leave," she whispered, her words barely audible. "Please, Antoine, take me somewhere quiet."

Antoine nodded and he stepped forward and took her away from Hippolyte.

With Antoine's steady support, Ciela was led out of the grand ballroom, away from the prying eyes and suffocating memories.