Chapter 107 Napoleon's Proposal

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:

Outside Talleyrand's estate, the coachman waiting for him jumped out from his seat and opened the door.

"It was a productive discussion, General Bonaparte," Talleyrand bowed his head politely.

Napoleon returned the gesture with a slight bob of his head. "We'll see each other again soon?"

Talleyrand's lips curled into a faint smile as he extended his hand toward the carriage.

"That you can guarantee, General Bonaparte," he assured him. "I have taken too much of your time and the Directory must be for your presentation."

With one last nod, Napoleon boarded the carriage.


Thirty minutes later, Napoleon arrived at the Tuileries Palace, the headquarters of the Directory.

Napoleon was escorted by the French guard to one of the offices where Citizen Paul Barras awaited him.

"General Bonaparte," Barras acknowledged Napoleon with a nod as he approached. "I see that you have already drawn your plan for your campaign in Egypt?"

"That's correct, Citizen Barras, are you the only one who will be hearing my presentation?" Napoleon asked.

"And what is that, General Bonaparte?" Barras asked.

"We are getting into that, Citizen Barras," Napoleon said. "So, to execute this plan, I'm going to need 50,000 men, the French navy for logistics and transports, and funds, a lot of it."

"Well, anything you need to make your campaign successful," Barras said.

"Great. So, the reason why I'm asking for a lot of funds is that I want you to fund a new rifle that the troops will be using in this campaign."

"New rifle?" Barras repeated.

"Citizen Barras, as you are aware of my background, you know that I am not only a soldier but also an inventor. Two years ago, I presented a revolutionary rifle to the National Convention, although it was unfortunately rejected at the time. However, I firmly believe that these rifles should become the standard issue for our army, or at least for the army I'll be leading. Additionally, I propose that the Directory invests in acquiring new weapons, artillery, and mortars, which we will be able to demonstrate in two to three months. Moreover, considering the unique climate of Egypt, I suggest a modification to the army's uniform. I have personally designed a new uniform that would be better suited for the conditions we will face in Egypt. It will provide our soldiers with improved comfort and functionality in the challenging environment."

Barras hummed in thought. "Acquiring new weapons? From your company?"

"That is correct, Citizen Barras. Trust me, when those soldiers are equipped with the weapons and uniforms I designed, I swear that they will have a significant advantage on the battlefield."

"Is it going to be expensive?" Barras asked.

"No, as it is my company, we'll be willing to give you a discount. And since it is going to be my army, I'll be willing to contribute a significant portion of my own funds to ensure the success of this endeavor," Napoleon replied confidently.

"Very well, General Bonaparte. May this campaign bring glory and prosperity to France!"

"Good, this is making me excited," Napoleon chuckled.

With that, Napoleon left Barras's office.

Inside, Barras sighed in satisfaction as it seems that Napoleon is eager to go to Egypt. With this, Napoleon would be gone in Paris, and he hoped we would stay there for as long as he could come up with a way to return the public to the Directory.