Chapter 143 The Palace Of Versailles

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:

Two hours later, the grand carriage carrying Napoleon and his family finally arrived at Versailles. As they approached the northern facade of the palace, they were met with an impressive sight—rows of French soldiers standing in a disciplined line, all at attention, as a mark of respect for their new leader.

With a gentle stop, the carriage gracefully came to a halt on the red carpet that had been laid out for their arrival. The palace staff, dressed in their finest uniforms, waited with anticipation, ready to greet the First Consul and his family.

Napoleon stepped out first and donned his magnificent First Consul uniform. His presence commanded respect, and the soldiers stood even taller, their gazes fixed firmly ahead. Ciela followed, radiating elegance and grace, her eyes shining with pride for her husband and excitement for the future that awaited them in their new home.

Behind them, Aveline and Francis emerged from the carriage, their young faces reflecting a mixture of curiosity and awe. They looked up at the grand palace before them, their eyes wide as they took in the historic beauty of Versailles.

The palace staff welcomed the Bonaparte family with warm smiles and nods of reverence.

The butler stepped forward to offer his greetings, "Welcome to the Palace of Versailles, Your Excellency. It is an honor to have you here. My name is Lucas., and I am the head butler at the palace. Please allow me to show you and your family to your new residence."

"Thank you, Lucas, but before we start, I'd like to ask if you are working in the Palace during King Louis the Sixteenth's reign or are you new here?" Napoleon inquired, genuinely curious about the butler's history at Versailles.

"I am new here, Your Excellency," Lucas replied respectfully, his eyes meeting Napoleon's with a mix of eagerness and pride in his role as the head butler. "I've had the honor of serving at other distinguished estates before, but this is my first time working at the Palace of Versailles. It's an incredible privilege to be a part of your esteemed staff and to welcome you and your family to this historic place."

"I see, well I asked because we have our own butler in the Chateau de Chantilly and I'm thinking of employing him as the butler of Versailles when we move here officially," Napoleon said.

Lucas's heart sank for a moment upon hearing the prospect of being replaced. Yet, he knew better than to show any emotions on his face. Instead, he maintained his composure and professionalism, nodding in understanding.

"I understand, Your Excellency," Lucas replied, his voice steady. "It is essential to have someone familiar with the family and their preferences to serve as the butler here at Versailles."The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Napoleon noticed the slight change in Lucas's demeanor and quickly added, "However, that does not mean you won't have a place here. The Palace of Versailles is vast, and having experienced staff like yourself will be invaluable. I believe our butler and you can work together seamlessly to ensure the smooth operation and maintenance of this palace."

A flicker of hope passed through Lucas's eyes at Napoleon's words. "Thank you, Your Excellency. Now, may I have the honor of showing you inside the palace and to your new residence?"

"Well, Lucas, another thing. I want all the sheets that were used by the former king to be thrown out and replaced by a new one," Napoleon said, ordering Lucas.

"Are you sure, Your Excellency?" Lucas asked.

"I don't want to be sleeping on the same bed where someone else slept before," Napoleon continued firmly. "The old sheets must go, and new ones shall be brought in immediately. Even the furniture, the plates, and everything else that belonged to the former monarchy should be replaced with new, fresh belongings."

"Understood, Your Excellency," Lucas said.

"So, where would I work?" Napoleon inquired.

"Ah, that would be the Emperor's Office, Your Excellency," Lucas replied. "It's on the first floor, let me lead the way."

Lucas led Napoleon and his family down a regal corridor on the first floor.

Finally, they arrived at the Emperor's Office. The room was spacious, bathed in soft daylight from the large windows that offered a splendid view of the meticulously manicured gardens. The desk, where Napoleon would soon spend countless hours, stood in the center of the room, surrounded by plush chairs and a well-stocked bookshelf.

"This shall be your office, Your Excellency," Lucas announced.

Napoleon looked around, taking in every detail. He imagined himself sitting at the desk, making decisions that would shape the destiny of France and beyond.

"It's perfect, Lucas. Thank you for arranging everything so efficiently," he said appreciatively.

The butler nodded with a smile. "It was my pleasure, Your Excellency. If there is anything else you need or any changes you wish to make, please do not hesitate to let me know," he offered respectfully.

Moments later, one of the palace staff approached Lucas and whispered.

"Uhm, Your Excellency, you have visitors."

"It must be them," Ciela said.

"Yeah, it seems like it," Napoleon agreed.