Chapter 160 Triumphant Return

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Paris, June 30th, 1800

The streets of Paris were filled with exuberance as the grand procession welcomed their victorious First Consul, returning from his campaign in Italy.

The air resonated with joyous cheers, and the crowd's excitement was palpable. They waved their hands enthusiastically and let out bustling whistles to express their delight at the triumphant return of their leader.

Napoleon, riding on his horse, acknowledged the warm reception with a gracious wave of his hand, returning the affection of the crowd.

What's causing this mood? Napoleon's victory over the Austrians in Italy spread like wildfire in France. A million newspapers were filled with detailed accounts of how he defeated the Austrians in the Battle of Marengo and the subsequent aftermath, where the territories they had taken from France three years ago were now back in France's possession.

Moments later, as Napoleon was still waving his hands at the people, the people began to chant his name.

"Bonaparte! Bonaparte! Bonaparte!"

They chanted it so loud that their voices were reverberating through the very core of Paris. He couldn't make himself accustomed to their adoration. In Italy and in the capital city of France, it was all the same.

The procession continued to Versailles. Why was he going there? One of the news he received while he was in Italy is that the refurbishment and the renovation of the Palace of Versailles was now completed, and that indicated that he and his family can now move on to their new residence.

Ciela already had made the necessary arrangements for their move to Versailles, and they are already staying there last week.

"I bet you never expected this, Your Excellency," Murat grinned as he moved his horse closer to Napoleon.

"Well, I did expect it, Murat, but not to this degree," Napoleon let out a chuckle.

Napoleon truly had not expected this number. Maybe it has something to do with the newspaper's narrative, painting him as a hero of the Republic who has saved France again from the foreign invaders.

An hour passed and Napoleon, accompanied by his commanders and citizens, arrived at Versailles. At the gates, there were people wanting to get the attention of the First Consul, calling him by his title and expressing their gratitude for his leadership. Napoleon dismounted from his horse and approached the cheering crowd.

"This is my first time seeing you break into tears," Ciela said teasingly.

"Me? Crying?" Napoleon quickly wiped off the tear from his cheek, trying to appear composed. "I must have gotten something in my eye," he said with a playful smirk, trying to deflect his vulnerability.

Ciela chuckled softly, seeing through his attempt to hide his emotions. "You don't have to be strong all the time, Napoleon," she said, her voice angelic. "Want me to comfort you later?"

"Mama...what do you mean comfort?" Aveline interjected, asking with an innocent tone.

"Ah...Aveline, comforting your father means I'll sing him a lullaby and hold him close like I do with you and your brother to make you sleep," Ciela replied with a gentle smile, kneeling down to Aveline's level. She doesn't want them to understand what she really meant.

"Ahh, okay," Aveline said.

"Uhm...Madame Bonaparte," Beaumont chimed in. "Uhm the painters who would make portraits for Aveline and Francis have arrived."

"Oh...okay," Ciela nodded, acknowledging the news. "Uhm...Francis, Aveline, you two may go to the courtyard now, the painters will be there to create beautiful portraits of both of you."

"Let's go, Aveline," Francis grabbed her little sister's hand, and together they hurried off to the courtyard.

Napoleon and Ciela watched them go with smiles on their faces. "Portrait huh?"

"Yeah," Ciela concurred. "Now, I have something to show you in our bedroom."

After saying that, Ciela pulled Napoleon towards the grand staircase of the Palace of Versailles, leading him up to the private quarters.

Once they reached their bedroom, Ciela led Napoleon to a beautifully upholstered sofa. She sat there and then patted her thigh. "I know you loved this, honey."

With her signal, Napoleon rested his head on Ciela's lap, feeling the softness of her thigh and the comforting touch of her hand on his head.

"How are you liking it?" Ciela asked.

"I'm loving it," Napoleon commented, sighing contently.

"Now, before you left, you promised me one thing," Ciela said. "Do you remember?"

"Of course I do, I will never forget," Napoleon confirmed. "But for now, I want to savor this moment."