Chapter 183 Prelude To Francis And Aveline's Meeting New Friends

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:

December 30th, nine o'clock in the morning. Napoleon sat at his office desk, engrossed in the task of reviewing documents about potential candidates for his children's personal maids. The list contained various individuals who had worked in noble families before the revolution, while others hailed from noble backgrounds that had fallen into decline, leaving them seeking employment.

"Such changes in fortune," Napoleon pondered, shaking his head with a mix of sympathy and understanding. He set aside one of the documents he had just read, contemplating the lives that had taken such unexpected turns.

Just then, Beaumont entered the office. "Your Excellency," he said, respectfully acknowledging Napoleon's presence. "Madame Bonaparte is here."

At the mention of his wife's arrival, Napoleon straightened up in his chair, preparing to greet her.

"Thank you, Beaumont," Napoleon replied. "Please, show her in."

Moments later, the door opened, and Ciela stepped into the room, dressed in an elegant fashion befitting her position. She wore a beautiful gown made of fine silk, adorned with delicate lace and intricate embroidery. The color, a rich shade of deep blue, complemented her eyes and added a touch of regality to her appearance. Her hair was styled in a fashionable manner, with curls cascading down her shoulders, and a few artfully placed pearls adding a subtle sparkle.

"Darling," Napoleon greeted warmly as he rose from his seat to welcome her. "Damn you look stunning..." he praised, his eyes scanning her up and down.

"Well, I have to be, as I am the First Consul's wife," Ciela replied with a smile. She then moved on to the business at hand. "So how are we looking at the candidates?"

"Still going to take time," Napoleon said simply. "Where are the children? Are they dressed now? I'm excited for them to make acquaintances."

Ciela nodded. "Yes, they are ready and waiting in the drawing-room. Perhaps you should see them before we leave?"

Napoleon offered his arm to Ciela. "Let's go."

They walked together to the drawing-room, where Francis and Aveline eagerly awaited their parents. Francis, dressed in a miniature military-style jacket, looked every bit the young officer in training, while Aveline wore a charming, frilly dress adorned with ribbons.

"Bonjour, my little ones," Napoleon replied, beaming with pride. "Are you excited? This is going to be your first official trip to someone's estates, where you will meet children of your age?"

Aveline nodded eagerly, and Francis gave a shy nod.

"Let me escort you three to your carriage."

With that, Napoleon led the way outside Versailles. There, an horse-drawn carriage pulled by six horses awaited, who will then be escorted by Elite Consular Guards consisting of 100 men.


Meanwhile, sitting across from Aveline was Francis, his chin propped up with his hand as he observed his sister's excitement. He wasn't as bubbly as Aveline; rather, he felt indifferent about meeting new people. The reason he came with them was that he didn't want to disappoint their parents. Surely, he could have told them that he was fine and didn't need to go out, as he enjoyed staying in the library and reading books to entertain himself. But that's not going to work.

As the carriage continued its journey, Francis couldn't help but think about the new estate they were going to visit. He wondered how different it would be from the palace, and if the children there would be friendly or judgmental of their status. After all, he was well-aware of their family's circumstances. His father was born from nothing and rose to power through his military prowess, but that also meant some people might not look kindly on them, especially from the nobles.

The carriage rolled on, and Francis could see the estate getting closer with each passing minute. He prepared himself inwardly, and tried to push aside his reservations and focus on the excitement radiating from his sister. Aveline's joy was contagious, and he didn't want to dampen her spirits. She deserved to have a good time, and he would make sure she did.

As they arrived at the estate, Francis marveled at the grandeur of the place. The sprawling grounds, the impressive architecture, and the well-dressed staff reminded him of the opulence he was accustomed to at the palace. Then, there are people dressed in their formal attire, servants bustling around, and the children of the estate running and playing. It all felt like a lively and welcoming atmosphere.

With his mother and Aveline by his side, Francis stepped out of the carriage and took in the surroundings. He noticed some curious glances directed at them, but he paid them no mind.

At the gates, there is this man standing there. Based on his attire, it seemed to be the owner of the estate.

"Welcome, Madame Bonaparte. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Louis de La Rochefoucauld, the owner of this estate," the man said with a polite bow. "It is an honor to have you and your family as our guests today for my daughter's birthday."

"Thank you, Monsieur de La Rochefoucauld."

"It's a bit sad that the First Consul couldn't come," Louis said.

"He has a lot of work ahead of him, making him unavailable to come into these events," Ciela replied.

"So these are your children?" Louis asked, glancing at Francis and Aveline.

"Yes, these are our children," Ciela replied with a warm smile, introducing Francis and Aveline to Monsieur de La Rochefoucauld.

Francis offered a polite nod, "Bonjour, Monsieur."

"And this is Aveline," Ciela continued, gesturing to her daughter.

Aveline curtsied gracefully, "Bonjour, Monsieur. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine," Louis said, returning the greetings with a kind smile. "I must say, Madame Bonaparte, your children are delightful."

"Thank you, Monsieur de La Rochefoucauld," Ciela replied, clearly proud of her children. "We are looking forward to a wonderful celebration."

Louis nodded, "I assure you, it will be a joyous occasion, and your children will find it quite enjoyable as there are a lot of people of their age in attendance."

"I'm sure they will," Ciela said.