Chapter 209 Napoleon Received A Response

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:

"So, the British didn't accept our terms, huh?" Napoleon mused, his eyes scanning the paper that Talleyrand had handed to him.

"As expected, Your Excellency. There's no way the British are going to accept the terms you've demanded," Talleyrand replied, his tone carrying an air of certainty. "It appears that only one course of action remains."

"Indeed," Napoleon responded, his expression turning resolute. "We shall have to meet them with force."

"Shall I summon the Minister of War for you?" Talleyrand inquired, already moving to comply.

"Yes, and also prepare a message for dispatch to the member-states of our alliance," Napoleon instructed, his mind already formulating the words he wished to convey.

Talleyrand retrieved a pen and paper, poised to take down the message. "Of course, Your Excellency. What would you like the message to convey?"

Napoleon leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon beyond the grand windows of his office. "Begin the message with, 'This is the First Consul of France.' Then continue with these words: 'The British government has regrettably chosen to reject the terms proposed for the establishment of peace and amity between our two nations.'"

Talleyrand's pen danced across the paper as he transcribed Napoleon's words. "Go on, Your Excellency."

Napoleon's voice took on a firmer tone as he continued, "I am now calling upon the defense forces of your sovereign nation to be prepared. The British, having shown their unwillingness to seek a peaceful resolution, are likely to resort to aggressive actions. It is imperative that we stand united and vigilant to protect our shores and preserve the sovereignty of our alliance."

Talleyrand nodded, his hand moving swiftly to capture Napoleon's sentiment on paper. "And how shall we conclude the message, Your Excellency?"

"Conclude with the assurance that our alliance is bound by the principles of solidarity and mutual defense. This act of aggression by the British will not go unanswered, and we shall meet their actions with the full force of our combined might," Napoleon declared.

Talleyrand completed the writing, "It is done, Your Excellency. I shall send a telegraph to their respective legations right away."

Napoleon's gaze shifted from the window to the completed message before him.

"Thank you, Talleyrand," Napoleon said. "I will wait for the Minister of War, Berthier, to arrive."Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"So, what's the purpose of you coming here?" Napoleon asked.

"Well, Father, Aveline is asking if we could go outside and go shopping with her friends," Francis said.

"Please, papa!" Aveline chimed in. "This is our first time coming out together."

"You are also coming with them, Francis?" Napoleon asked Francis.

"Uhm...yes..." Francis confirmed softly.

Napoleon sighed inwardly. This is going to be a problem, just why is that Francis has no male friends? Didn't he meet one at the birthday party of Louis's daughter? Well, not that he opposed the idea of Francis getting friendly with the ladies of his age. As a father, he wanted his son to experience a well-rounded upbringing and develop connections that would serve him in both personal and political spheres.

He looked at his children, their hopeful faces filled with anticipation, and he couldn't deny them this simple request. After all, ever since he told the Russian Emperor that there is a plot of assassination, things had gotten busier.

"Very well," he said with a resigned smile. "You may go. I'll appoint a security team to accompany you for your safety."

Aveline clapped her hands excitedly. "Yay! Thank you, Papa!"

With that, they left, leaving him once again alone in his office.

Two hours later, Beaumont entered his office.

"Your Excellency, the Minister of War!"

Upon his announcement, Berthier entered his office.

"Your Excellency, I have arrived," Berthier said.

"Take a seat, Berthier. Today is going to be a long day for both of us."