Chapter 259 Sister from Another Country

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
Chapter 259 Sister from Another Country

"Will you not grant me entry, dear sister?" Isabella's voice held a plaintive note as she stood beyond the gate, her gaze fixed firmly on her sibling.

"What brings you here, Isabella?" Her voice was tinged with suspicion.

Isabella took a step closer, her eyes softening as she beheld her sister. "I've longed to have a conversation with you, to meet my nephew and niece," she admitted, her gaze drifting to Ciela's gently swelling baby bump. "And it seems congratulations are in order—you're expecting your third child."

A subtle tension hung in the air, and Isabella's plea grew more urgent. "Sister, please, it's been too long. Will you deny me this chance to reconnect?" Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

"Madame Bonaparte," he ventured cautiously. "I'm not privy to the details of your discussion, but this chilly gateway hardly befits such an important conversation. Please, if you wouldn't mind, return inside the palace where it's warmer. Of course, along with her."

Isabella, relieved at his intervention, offered a gracious nod. "Thank you, kind sir."

"Are you by yourself?" Ciela inquired as she looked behind Isabella. There is a stagecoach and its driver...and there's none.

Isabella nodded in answer.

"Very well, Beaumont, please open the gate," Ciela instructed, her voice softening as she relented to the inevitable reunion.

The heavy gates of Versailles creaked open slowly, and Isabella entered the Palace.

Then they were escorted back inside the Palace's ballroom, where the celebration was still alive.

Isabella, guided by Beaumont, marveled at the splendor around her. "This is quite an exquisite celebration for a birthday party," she remarked, her gaze sweeping over the elegantly dressed guests and the lavish decorations that adorned the ballroom.

Ciela, leading the way, turned to face her sister, her brows narrowing in suspicion. "How did you know about their birthday?"

"Your twin's birthday is public knowledge in France, sister. I simply asked the locals," Isabella answered. "I can't believe how much your life has changed here in France. You were an industrialist with your company ranking as the number 1 in the country and in the world, and your husband is the most powerful man in the world, the First Consul."

Isabella's words were met with silence as Ciela continued walking through the throngs of people. Then, Ciela saw her husband, speaking with three individuals.

As she drew closer to a group where her husband was engaged in conversation with three individuals, her steps slowed. The soft murmur of their conversation reached her ears, and Ciela strained to listen.

"Your Excellency, I assure you, you will like the steam-powered warships that we have designed for the French Navy,"

"I look forward to it next week, Monsieur Sané," Napoleon said.

"Yes...that's all," Ciela confirmed.

"Do you have any idea how it affected me and our mother?" Isabella's voice quivered as she continued. "Our mother couldn't sleep most nights. She would cry, worried about you, blaming herself for your departure. She would sit in your room, surrounded by your belongings, as if hoping you'd return at any moment."

Ciela's face paled as she listened to her sister's heartfelt words. She had never fully comprehended the pain her absence had caused her family, particularly their mother.? But it's a decision she didn't regret.

"How is mother?" Ciela asked.

"She's okay but she still couldn't move on. I promised to her that I would find you, wherever you were. And once I do, I will bring you back to her."

"That is not possible anymore, Isabella," Ciela said. "I have a family here and I love my life here."

"I'm not asking you to return to the family," Isabella clarified. "I want you to visit her, speak with her. That way, perhaps some of her pain can be eased."

Isabella continued, her eyes pleading with her sister. "It's been far too long, Sister. Our mother deserves to see you again, even if it's just for a visit."

Napoleon, who had been listening to their solemn conversation chimed in. "Look, darling, I will not interfere with your family affairs but I think visiting your family in Spain is not that bad of an idea."

"Is father and brother still there?" Ciela inquired again, ignoring Napoleon.

"Yes..." Isabella confirmed.

Ciela sighed deeply. "I will consider it, Isabella."

As Isabella was about to thank her, the door of the room swung open, revealing Napoleon's mother Letizia with Francis and Aveline in tow.

"Mother," Napoleon rose from his seat as his mother entered the room, a warm smile on his face. He crossed the room and embraced her tenderly.

Letizia returned her son's embrace. "You shouldn't disappear in the ballroom like that, not when your children are left alone."

Napoleon rubbed his hair and smiled sheepishly. "My bad mother."

"Uhm... Mama," Aveline called as she approached Ciela. "Who is she?"

"That lady there is my little sister, Isabella," Ciela said. "Your aunt."

Aveline and Francis stared at Isabella, their eyes widening slightly.

Isabella smiled warmly and bashfully waved a hand. "Hello."