Chapter 323 Hours Before The Congress Of Versailles

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
December 7th, 1804.

One week later, at the Palace of Versailles, the clock struck six in the morning. The room shrouded in darkness, was suddenly bathed in the golden light of the rising sun as the Lord Chamberlain of the Imperial Household drew back the heavy curtains.

Napoleon's eyes squinted against the sudden invasion of light, reluctantly pulling him from his slumber.

"Good morning, Your Majesty," Beaumont, the Lord Chamberlain, greeted, his voice hushed but respectful.

"Good morning," Napoleon said weakly as he tried to lift his body up, but found himself unable to move. His wife, Ciela, lay beside him, her head resting on his chest, her soft breaths tickling his skin.

"Your Majesty, shall I bring you breakfast?" Beaumont inquired, noticing Napoleon's struggle to move.

Napoleon managed a nod. Ciela stirred slightly, her fingers tracing his toned chest absentmindedly, a gesture so familiar it brought a small, affectionate smile to Napoleon's lips.

Ciela's eyes fluttered open as she slowly awoke from her peaceful slumber. Her gaze met Napoleon's, and she offered a warm, drowsy smile.

"Good morning, my love," she said softly and then crawled up. Her lips landed on Napoleon's and both shared an intimate and sweet morning kiss.

Beaumont discreetly left the room, giving the couple a moment of privacy before their busy day began.

As their lips separated, Ciela smiled again before mounting on top of him. "Say, darling. Why don't we do one round before we get up, hmm?"

"But haven't we been doing this every day since I returned darling? You are literally sucking me dry."Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

"But I want it," Ciela cooed. "I thought you wanted six babies? I only gave you four, so there's two to go."

Napoleon sighed. "Okay, but let's make it quick. Today is an important day for us. We can't afford to be late."

"Oh don't worry, thirty minutes will do," Ciela grinned.

In the late nineteenth century where child labor was a normal occurrence, Ciela was one of the main proponents of a law that made child labor illegal in France. She was horrified when she first saw a video of it during her first life. For her, children belong to a school and not to the factories. This is a reason why elementary and high school education is free for all.

Back at the Palace of Versailles, Napoleon met with his ministers, discussing various matters of state. They reviewed the latest reports, addressed pressing issues, and strategized on the future of the French Empire.

It took him two hours of his time, and after that, Napoleon made his way to the Halls of Mirror.

In the center of the room, a massive rectangular conference table dominated the space. The table was polished to a high shine, its dark wood gleaming under the crystal chandeliers that hung above.

Respective seats for delegates from various countries were arranged around the table, each chair meticulously positioned to accommodate diplomats from different nations. Microphones and flags were set up in front of each seat.

In addition to the diplomatic delegations, there were designated areas for journalists, cameras, and recording equipment, all strategically placed to ensure that the proceedings were well-documented.

Napoleon walked around the table and approached the head of the table, where he would sit. He squeezed the leather chair with his hand, feeling the cool texture beneath his fingertips.

Taking his seat at the head of the table, he looked at Armand.

"Recite the names of the attendees," Napoleon ordered.

Armand cleared his throat and began reciting the names.

"Representative of the Kingdom of Denmark-Norway, Crown Prince-Regent of Denmark-Norway Frederick VI. Representative of the Austrian Empire, State Chancellors of the Habsburg Monarchy, Ludwig von Cobenzl. Representative of the Russian Empire, Tsar Paul I. Representative of the Kingdom of Prussia, Prime Minister of Prussia, Karl August von Hardenberg. Representative from the Kingdom of Spain, Regent Alfonso de Castellano. Representative of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Foreign Secretary, Viscount Castlereagh. Representative of the Republic of Italy, President of the Republic of Italy, Napoleon Bonaparte, Representative of the Empire of France, Emperor of the French, Napoleon Bonaparte...."

It was a long list, but all the three kingdoms that were part of the German Empire, and its grand duchies are attending the Congress of Paris.

The Congress of Paris is going to be like the Congress of Vienna in 1814. But instead of the coalition powers dictating terms, it's going to be Napoleon himself.

"That's all, Your Majesty. They'll arrive at six o'clock in the evening."

"Very well."