Chapter 335 A Reflective Moments

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
Chapter 335 A Reflective Moments

Daphne swiftly closed the distance between her and her brother, her steps echoing the excitement bubbling within her. As she neared, she was again reminded of the height difference between them.

Francis stood at a commanding height of 188 centimeters, his blonde hair, a shade lighter than Daphne's, was meticulously swept to the side. His athletic build, though not overly muscular, was evident even beneath the formal attire of his royal uniform. The uniform, impeccably tailored, clung to his form showcasing his well-maintained physique.

Francis's facial features were sharply defined. A straight nose, high cheekbones, and a firm jawline contribute to an aura of innate aristocracy. His lips, though set in a line that indicated authority, were softened by the familial affection that lit his eyes as they rested on Daphne.

Crown Prince of the French Empire, Francis Bonaparte. From a young age, he has been lauded as a genius with a brilliant mind. He possessed an extraordinary intellect, having presented many papers, and is a great scholar in the fields of physics and mathematics.

He served as the Viceroy of New France eleven years ago. During his reign as the viceroy, the infrastructure of New France improved dramatically to facilitate economic growth and resource extraction, attracted foreign investments, and enhanced the living standards of the people.

He participated in the French-Maratha war in India that occurred six years ago and defeated the main army of the Marathas. His tactics and leadership proved instrumental in this critical victory. The war culminated with the French forces successfully annexing key territories, effectively bringing the entire Indian subcontinent under French rule. This not only expanded the empire's reach but also enriched it with India's vast resources and diverse workforce.

Francis's role in this significant conquest was not just as a military leader but also as a diplomat and administrator. Post-war, he was pivotal in stabilizing the region, ensuring a smooth transition of power, and establishing French governance structures while respecting the local customs and traditions.Follow current novels at

As Daphne looked at her brother, these accolades and achievements resonated in her mind. She was not just facing her elder brother but a seasoned leader, a military victor, and a respected statesman.

Such qualities so befitting to become the heir of their father, Napoleon Bonaparte.

"How was your flight?" Francis said as he rubbed Daphne's head affectionately.

"It was pleasant, thank you," Daphne replied, a smile lighting up her face.

"I see. It's convenient to ride an airplane, isn't it? Ten years ago, those things weren't invented yet. But the moment they were introduced, it revolutionized the way we travel," Francis remarked. He continued to pat Daphne's head gently.

The Suez Canal, a man-made waterway in Egypt was a project initiated by their father during his Egyptian Campaign. It was completed in 1812, and merchant ships from Europe no longer had to sail along the Cape of Good Hope to reach Asia. The canal not only reduced the journey time but also accentuated France's global dominance.

"We encountered some problems," Francis added.

"What sort of problem?" Daphne quickly inquired, her brow furrowing with concern.

Francis sighed. "The geography of Panama is far more challenging than the Suez region. In Suez, we mainly dealt with flat desert lands, which required digging out about 75 million cubic meters of sand to level the sea. But Panama presents rugged terrains, mountains, and thick rainforests. The sheer volume and type of earth to be excavated make it a colossal challenge. Simply digging a trench like the Suez isn't feasible here."

Daphne nodded, processing the information. "So, what's the plan then? Will you abandon the idea?"

"No," Francis replied, shaking his head. "We're considering a system of locks and dams, allowing ships to be raised and then lowered across the terrain, bridging the elevation difference. It's a more complicated engineering challenge, but the potential benefits make it worth pursuing."

Daphne admired her brother's determination and vision. "And if anyone can do it, it's you," she stated with confidence.

"No it will be Bouchard," Francis grinned.

"Ah, the Minister of Urban Development and Infrastructure, the one who engineered the Suez Canal. I see," Daphne recognized and added. "I can't wait to return to Paris."

"We'll get there, but we have to make a stop in this one isolated country," Francis said.

"A stop? Where?" Daphne inquired, concerned about etching her face.

"Oh don't worry, Daphne, it won't take long. To answer your question, it's an island nation called Tokugawa."