Chapter 356 The Anticipated Reunion Part 2

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
Chapter 356 The Anticipated Reunion Part 2

At precisely nine-thirty o'clock in the morning, the heart of Paris buzzed with activity as a Royal Convoy smoothly made its way down the paved expanse of Champs-Élysées, bordered on both sides by towering Haussmannian buildings. Crowds had flocked to the boulevard, enthusiastically waving small French flags and erupting into cheers and whistles as the convoy passed by.

The much-anticipated return of the Imperial Prince, Tristan Bonaparte, and his sister, the Imperial Princess Daphne Bonaparte, was the cause of this public fervor. The event had been publicly announced a week prior, sparking widespread excitement and a palpable sense of national pride among the Parisians, who turned out in droves to partake in the momentous occasion.

Inside the royal automobile was the Imperial Family of the Empire of France. Napoleon, Ciela, Tristan, and Aveline. They looked out of the windows, waving their hands back to the enthusiastic crowds.

"The people of Paris certainly know how to make a royal feel welcomed," Tristan observed with a hint of amusement in his voice, comparing the reception to his experiences in Spain. "In Madrid, the crowds are enthusiastic, but there's something unique about the energy here."

Aveline, her eyes sparkling as she took in the lively scene, chimed in with her usual candor. "It's like the whole city has come alive just for us. I've missed this."

Aveline, the Queen of Italy, leaned forward, her voice laced with a touch of nostalgia as she added, "Paris has a charm of its own, and moments like these remind me of why it's always a pleasure to return."

Their parents, Napoleon and Ciela, exchanged glances, their expressions softening as they witnessed the genuine joy and excitement in their children's eyes. It was a rare and cherished moment where the family could bask in the affection of their people and each other, creating a memory that would linger in their hearts for years to come.

The convoy continued its journey, moving through the sea of people, flags, and cheers, encapsulating the grandeur and unity of the Empire of France in that singular, heartening moment.

"How about in Milan sister? Did you ever feel welcomed there?" Tristan asked, looking at Aveline.

Aveline smiled, reminiscing about her time in Milan. "Yes, the people in Milan were always warm and welcoming. The Italian charm is quite something, but I must admit, there's a certain je ne sais quoi about Paris that is incomparable," she responded thoughtfully.

Tristan nodded in understanding, his eyes still fixed on the joyous crowd outside. "Each city has its own unique way of making you feel special, I suppose."

As they made their way through the Champs-Élysées, the Arc de Triomphe loomed majestically ahead of them. The crowd's cheers grew even louder, if possible, as the convoy approached the iconic monument.

With practiced ease, the convoy navigated around the roundabout surrounding the Arc de Triomphe. The Imperial Family looked up in awe at the massive structure, its intricate sculptures and engravings telling stories of France's storied past. Despite having seen it numerous times before, the monument never failed to leave an impression.

Napoleon turned to his family, his tone practical as he spoke. "The plane should be landing shortly. It had a slight delay due to air traffic, but it won't be long now."

Ciela nodded, her eyes scanning the skies, perhaps trying to catch a glimpse of the incoming aircraft.

A few minutes passed in quiet anticipation before the sound of an aircraft engine grew louder, and a four-engined, piston-powered airplane came into view, gracefully descending towards the airport. The imperial insignia was clearly visible on its tail, signifying the arrival of the additional royal family members.

As the airplane touched down and taxied towards the private terminal, the ground crew sprang into action, ensuring everything was ready for a swift and secure disembarkation.

Meanwhile, the Bonaparte family was escorted down to the tarmac, greeted by the head of the ground crew and a small contingent of dignitaries who had come to welcome the incoming members of the royal family.

They saw the preparation, Imperial Guards wearing ceremonial uniforms stood at either side of the red carpet, stairs being rolled up to the plane's door, and the ground crew conducting their final checks to ensure everything was in order.

As the plane's engines powered down, the door slowly opened. Everyone's attention was now fixed on the plane's exit, eagerly awaiting the moment they would be reunited with Francis and Daphne.

First to emerge was Prince Francis who walked down the stairs in a dignified fashion.

Following closely behind was Princess Daphne. She was the youngest of the Bonaparte siblings. She had a vibrant energy about her, and her smile lit up her face as she caught sight of her family waiting for her.

The moment her feet touched the tarmac, she broke into a run, her arms wide open as she went straight for her parents. Ciela embraced her daughter tightly, her face alight with joy, while Napoleon ruffled her hair affectionately. The rest of the siblings followed suit, hugging and exchanging greetings,

Their reunion was being broadcast live by news agencies through television and radio, capturing the genuine warmth and affection shared amongst the Bonaparte family for the entire nation to witness.

The commentators on the live broadcast took this opportunity to highlight the significance of the event, noting the importance of the Royal Family's public image and the role it played in maintaining stability and national pride. They spoke about the achievements of each family member, pointing out their responsibilities and contributions to the Empire.

After the formalities were concluded, the family made their way back to the convoy, ready to depart for the Palace of Versailles.