Chapter 359 Daphne's Demand

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
Chapter 359 Daphne's Demand

"Father, the time has come for me to take on a more substantial role within the empire. I have reached the age of eighteen, and I am fully prepared to govern one of our colonial domains with efficacy and diligence. I have successfully completed the rigorous training that my brothers and sister underwent under your tutelage, proving myself worthy of such responsibilities. I am deserving of a chance to demonstrate my capabilities and contribute to the glory of our empire," Daphne articulated with a blend of passion and determination in her voice.

Her eyes, filled with a fervent desire to be of service, locked onto Napoleon's, seeking validation and support. She stood tall, her posture emanating confidence yet laced with a respectful deference characteristic of addressing the Emperor.

Napoleon's brows furrowed as he considered Daphne's words. There was no denying the determination in her voice or the readiness in her eyes. She had indeed grown up, no longer the little girl who used to play in the palace gardens.New novel chapters are published on

"Daphne, I have watched you grow and learn, absorbing knowledge like a sponge and demonstrating a maturity beyond your years," Napoleon began, his tone serious yet laced with a hint of warmth. "You've shown great potential, and I am proud of the woman you've become."

He paused, his gaze unwavering as he weighed his words carefully. "However, governing a colonial domain is no small task. It requires not just intelligence and determination, but also experience and a deep understanding of the complexities involved."

Daphne nodded, her expression serious as she listened intently. She had expected this response, and prepared herself for it.

"I am aware of the challenges, Father. And I am ready to face them head-on," she responded, her voice steady. "I believe that the experience I seek can only be gained through active participation and responsibility. I am ready to learn, to adapt, and to prove myself."

Napoleon fell silent, his gaze shifting away from Daphne as he pondered her words. He had always been a firm believer in the power of experience, in learning through doing. And Daphne, he had to admit, was making a compelling argument.

After a moment of contemplation, he looked back at his daughter, his expression resolute. "Very well. I will consider your request. Come here."

Daphne's eyes lit up in joy as her father really seemed to be taking her request to heart. She stepped closer to his desk, eagerly waiting for what he had to say next. She could feel her heart racing, but she did her best to maintain her composure.

Daphne saw her father's focused gaze and knew she had to make her point clear and compelling.

"This transition, though it reinstated French control, did not automatically ensure the allegiance of the Canadian people to France. The residents of Canada, particularly those of British descent or influence, had to be swayed back, their trust earned. And this is where the complexity lies."

"But the Governor of Canada has been working hard to solve that issue, what makes you think that you'll do a better job than him?" Napoleon said, his gaze piercing through her.

Daphne took a moment to compose her thoughts, aware that her response required both humility and confidence.

"Governor Deschamps has indeed worked diligently to restore French influence in Canada. His efforts have been commendable, and I have nothing but respect for the work he has done. However, as the daughter of the Emperor, I bring with me the weight of the French crown and a unique position of influence. My presence in Canada would send a strong message of our commitment to the colony and could serve to strengthen the bonds between the locals and France."

Napoleon rubbed his chin, contemplating Daphne's response. He couldn't deny that she had a point. Her answers were good and straight to the point.

"Ever since you were born, Daphne. I have been thinking of what territory I should give you. Since you have selected Canada, then I'll give you Canada." Napoleon declared.

"Thank you, Father. I am grateful for this opportunity and I promise you, I will not let you down," she said, her voice filled with determination.

Suddenly—there was a knock on the door.

"Your Imperial Majesty, the Minister of Social Affairs and Health of France wants to have an audience with you urgently. He said that it's a matter of national security!"

A voice came from behind, and it sounded urgent. Napoleon tensed as he wondered what it was.