Chapter 375 Siblings Bond Part 1

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
Chapter 375 Siblings Bond Part 1

Four o'clock in the afternoon. At the Palace of Versailles Main Hall.

Francis was walking down the hallway, wearing a casual attire that consisted of a finely tailored, yet understated navy blue jacket over a crisp white shirt, paired with comfortable beige trousers. His steps were unhurried, reflecting the relaxed nature of the day ahead. He had chosen a simple, leather-banded watch and brown leather shoes to complete his ensemble, effortlessly blending elegance with comfort.

As he approached the Main Hall, he could hear the lively chatter and laughter of his siblings. The thought of spending a day without the weight of formal duties lifted his spirits. He pushed open the grand doors, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Daphne, Tristan, and Aveline waiting for him. They were all dressed in similarly casual attire.

"Oh, brother is already here," Tristan, leaning casually against a pillar, wore a loose-fitting shirt and dark trousers, his hair slightly tousled. He raised his hand in a relaxed greeting.

Daphne, always the most exuberant of the siblings, greeted him. She wore a light summer dress that fluttered around her as she moved, her hair tied back in a simple ponytail.

"Francis, you made it! I was worried you'd get tied up with something and cancel on us," she said, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

Aveline stood nearby in a flowing blouse and skirt, her smile warm and welcoming. "Good afternoon, brother."

"It seemed like I was the only one left, did I make you wait too long?" Francis asked.

"No, you are just in time," Aveline responded. "We were just finalizing our plans for the day."

Francis nodded, his gaze shifting between his siblings. "So, what's on the agenda?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Daphne pulled out a small notebook from her bag. "First, we're going to the theater to catch that new play everyone's been talking about. After that, we'll stroll through some of the local markets. I heard there are some interesting artisans displaying their work today."

Aveline chimed in, "And we've got reservations at that new café by the river for dinner. It's supposed to have an amazing view of the city at night."

Francis smiled. "Sounds interesting. Very well, let's go, our chauffeur might be waiting for us."

"Chauffeur?" Tristan scoffed softly. "There will be none, I'll be the one driving."

Tristan showed him the keys to the automobile.

Francis raised an eyebrow, slightly amused. "Since when did you learn how to drive?"

The drive to the Palais Garnier was uneventful, with Tristan navigating through the streets of Paris with ease. The siblings engaged in casual conversation, discussing the latest news from their respective areas of responsibility.

Upon arriving at the theater, they found a parking spot a short walk away. The Palais Garnier was bustling with activity, but the siblings, dressed casually, managed to blend in with the crowd.

"Four VIP tickets for Romeo and Juliet please!" Daphne said to the receptionist of the ticket booth with a bright smile. She pulled out four 200 francs bills and handed them to the receptionist, who quickly processed the transaction and handed them their tickets.

The siblings made their way to their seats, which offered an excellent view of the stage. Throughout the performance, they were engrossed in the drama unfolding before them. The actors' passionate portrayal of the characters and the stunning stage design made the experience memorable.

"So sad, to think that both characters are not ending up's a pity," Daphne sniffed as Aveline rubbed her in the back gently.

"Yeah, but that's what makes it a classic tragedy. I remembered Charlotte and I almost ended up in that situation," Francis shared.

"But it worked out well, right" Daphne looked at Francis, the corner of her eyes filled with tears.

"Yeah, it was a lucky moment," Francis chuckled.

"I can't relate. I'm yet to see my future wife. I hope she is as beautiful as a mother when she was younger..."

"That's weird to hear," Francis gave Tristan a disgusted look.

"Look, brother, you can't deny it yourself. If you look at a photo of Mother when she was in her twenties, she is really beautiful," Tristan defended his statement.

"Well, if you can simply look at sister Aveline," Daphne quipped. "She looked like mother when she was in her twenties."

Tristan looked at Aveline and Aveline smiled beautifully which made Tristan chuckle. "I suppose that's true. Aveline does resemble Mother quite a bit."

"I get that all the time," Aveline said.

"Well, you'll find one Tristan," Aveline assured.

"I can't wait," Tristan said. "Because a ruler must have a queen, that is common knowledge in all royal families."

"Okay, let's go to another destination," Daphne said, interrupting the discussion before it blew into a full discourse.