Chapter 402 Prelude to Negotiations Between France and Japan

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
Chapter 402 Prelude to Negotiations Between France and Japan

As Napoleon's words concluded, he gracefully stood up from his throne, an action that prompted an immediate and synchronized response from the Palace of Versailles staffers. They each genuflected with deep reverence, their movements harmoniously echoing the respect and awe they held for their Emperor.

The Japanese delegates observed this ritual with a mix of astonishment and contemplation. For them, accustomed to their own forms of respect and hierarchy, the scene unfolded like a theatrical performance of loyalty and devotion. It was as if they were witnessing the embodiment of a deity in human form, a concept both foreign and fascinating to them. So this is what it is like to stand before an Emperor whose domain is the strongest on the planet. Even stronger than the nation they looked up to for the last thousand years, China.

The French Empire had everything, they had territories across the seven continents, and each territory was larger than mainland France. It was all thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte. While on their way to France, Takenouchi read Napoleon's biography. There he learned about his humble origins, a man born on the island of Corsica, an inventor and scientist in his teens, and graduated top of the military school. He led an army in Italy that was underpaid and under-equipped. Yet, against all odds, he turned them into one of the most formidable forces in Europe. His strategies and tactics were not just about warfare; they were about inspiring his men, about turning the tide in the face of overwhelming odds. Napoleon's rise to power was meteoric, and his influence expanded beyond the battlefield, reshaping the political landscape of Europe.

Takenouchi couldn't help but be impressed by Napoleon's accomplishments. It was one thing to read about them in books, but quite another to witness the tangible results of his rule - the grandeur of the Palace of Versailles, the loyalty of his subjects, and the vast territories under his command. It was clear that Napoleon was not just a ruler; he was a visionary who had transformed his nation and influenced the world.

Now, the significance of what Henri Duval had said earlier truly began to dawn on Takenouchi. Standing here in front of Napoleon Bonaparte, he realized the immense privilege and responsibility of this moment. It was an experience he could later recount with pride to his colleagues and family back in Japan.

"We'll talk to my office. This show of grandeur is simply a formality of introductions. Monsieur Duval will escort you," Napoleon said in French, and the interpreter quickly relayed his words to the Japanese delegates. nove(l)bi(n.)com

Fifteen minutes later, the Japanese delegates, escorted by Henri Duval, entered Napoleon's office.


"Okay, I only need to talk to the actual representative. It's uncomfortable for me if there are many people inside my office," Napoleon stated firmly.

Takenouchi, recognizing the importance of this moment, stepped forward as the primary representative of the Japanese delegation. The rest of the delegates, understanding the Emperor's request, respectfully exited the room, leaving Takenouchi to speak on behalf of Japan.

Napoleon gestured for Takenouchi to take a seat across from his desk. "Thank you for understanding. Now, let's discuss our potential partnership," he began.

Takenouchi nodded, appreciating the directness. Napoleon flicked his finger and Armand stepped forward, handing a document to Napoleon.

Napoleon then passed the document to Takenouchi. "Inside it, is a list of terms that France and Japan are exclusively going to benefit from, if we agree on a partnership. Take a look and let me know your thoughts," he said.

This was it...the negotiations between France and Japan