Chapter 434 The Plans for the Future

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:

Chapter 434 The Plans for the Future

?The Imperial Doctor bowed respectfully and exited the room, leaving Napoleon and Ciela alone.

Napoleon reached out, taking Ciela's hands in his. "It seemed that the Goddess wanted me early in heaven."

"Don't you say that!" Ciela chided him though she was not angry with him. "The Goddess huh? That bitch! How come she took you away from me?!"

"Honey...calm down," Napoleon said gently, trying to soothe Ciela's distress. "We have to think about the future dear. I mean, the Empire must keep going forward."

"Forget about the empire, I want you!" Ciela exclaimed desperately. "I can't imagine a life without you. You can't leave me, Napoleon."

Napoleon held her gaze, his eyes filled with empathy and love. "Ciela, my dearest, I wish I could change what's happening, but we must face this reality. My greatest pain is knowing how much my absence will hurt you and our children. But remember, we have built a strong family, and you have the strength to lead them when I'm gone."

Ciela's eyes brimmed with tears as she struggled to accept the inevitable. "But I need you, Napoleon. How can I be strong without you by my side?"

"You have always been my strength, even when you didn't realize it," Napoleon reassured her. "You are strong, capable, and you have a compassionate heart. Our children and the empire will need that strength."

As they talked, Napoleon continued to comfort Ciela, reminding her of the love they shared and the legacy they had built together. He spoke of their children, their accomplishments, and how proud he was of the family they had raised.

Slowly, as they spoke, Ciela began to come to terms with the reality of the situation. Her initial resistance gave way to a sorrowful acceptance. She knew that no amount of wishing could alter Napoleon's fate.

Finally, overwhelmed by a mix of grief and acceptance, Ciela burst into tears. Napoleon pulled her into an embrace, holding her close as she sobbed.

Napoleon simply reciprocated the embrace, tears also trickling down his cheeks. Thinking about it, he had lived quite a long life. He is fifty years old and has achieved a lot thanks to his blessing. Though he knew he could still do more, it seemed fate had other plans.

Looking at his current achievement, it seems that it's more than enough. It's just sad that he is going to die soon. He experienced death before, but he doesn't know how it would be different when there is no second chance. Would he go to heaven or hell? Or is he simply going to cease to exist? Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

That thought made his heart ache with uncertainty.

"Tristan, be proper," Aveline scolded gently, sensing the serious atmosphere.

"Whatever is it father, we'll listen," Daphne said.

Napoleon, gathering his strength, looked at each of his children. "My dear children, what I am about to tell you is not easy," he began. "I have been diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer. The doctors have given me only a few months to live."

The room fell into a stunned silence as the reality of Napoleon's words sank in. Each child reacted differently: Francis's face paled, Tristan's playful demeanor vanished, Daphne's eyes filled with tears, and Aveline reached out to grasp her mother's hand tightly.

"This is why I'm going to announce who will inherit the throne before I die," Napoleon continued. "Based on the laws of the line of succession of the French Imperial Throne. Francis Bonaparte is the first in line to inherit the throne. He will become the Emperor of the French Empire."

Francis, still reeling from the news, nodded slowly, accepting the responsibility. "I will do my utmost to uphold your legacy, Father. I promise to lead with honor and integrity, as you have."

Napoleon nodded and flickered his gaze to Tristan. "As for you, Tristan. I know there is a contest between you brother, but respect the law and my decision."

"I understand, Father. I will honor your decision and support, Francis."

Daphne, on the other hand, was crying, tears trickling down her cheeks as she stood there firmly. She wanted to hug her father but she couldn't because they were being addressed by the Emperor.

Aveline was the same as Daphne.

" long will you live?" Aveline asked.

"Months," Napoleon answered.

"Is it okay for us to stay in the Palace of Versailles...I want to cherish the last moments of your life here," Aveline said.

"No problem," Napoleon said.

"Us too," Francis stepped forward, followed by Daphne and Tristan.

"Okay..." Napoleon said, smiling.