Chapter 725 Entering The Demon World

725 Chapter 725 Entering The Demon World

Aldred stood in front of a portal with Vortimer beside him.

"This is where we lose their signal," Vortimer said.

"Hm, those two mercenaries are quite brave to enter this nest. At least 15 people is needed to clear this nest."

Vortimer accessed their data within his mind. "Their information tells me that they hold a deep animosity with the demons ever since they were almost killed by them." The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

Aldred hummed. That information was nothing special. There were at least billions if people who hated the demons.

"It also says here that they view you in high regard because you saved them recently."

"I saved a lot of people. Which one is this?"

"It's about the attack of one of the resources planet."

"Ah, that one. Well, it's your fault that your radar failed to detect the enemy ship. Those demons could barely make their spacecraft up and running, how could you let it slip?"

"The demons within that ship radiates an aura that let them slip through my detection. Although the demons lack technology, they don't lack strange skills and abilities to make up for it."

Aldred sighed. "I won't blame you for that anymore. Let's think about our next step. What are we going to do about this portal? The easiest choice is to simply destroy them."

"That will be your best option, however, you have a second option which is saving the two mercenaries that entered this portal."

"They probably died already. This is the demon realm we're talking about."

"The probability is indeed small. Their chance of demise the moment they entered the portal was 98%. And that is my optimistic calculation."

Aldred smiled bitterly. "2% chance of survival is optimistic... I guess that is the reality."


Francus stepped through the pulsating portal, his senses immediately assaulted by the nightmarish landscape that stretched before him. The sky above was a high ceiling of earth, casting an eerie, claustrophobic atmosphere over the demonic realm. Twisted trees with thorn-like branches clawed at the earth, and the ground seemed to writhe with dark energy.

Yet, he knew he had to keep moving, keep fighting, for the chance to rescue Grigor and return to their own world.

With each demon that fell to his blasters, the path ahead became clearer, but the challenges remained relentless. The pit of lava seemed like a hungry maw, ready to consume anyone who faltered, and the bridge itself was a crumbling lifeline.As Francus made his way across the treacherous bridge, narrowly avoiding the collapse of sections behind him, a growing sense of dread gnawed at his nerves. The fiery pit below seemed insatiable, and the demonic creatures' relentless assault showed no sign of abating.

Finally, he reached the other side of the bridge, his boots touching solid ground.

However, his respite was short-lived, for as soon as he stepped onto the demonic soil, a colossal figure emerged from the infernal landscape. A fire golem, massive and imposing, stood before him, its molten form casting an eerie, flickering light across the nightmarish realm.

Francus clenched his blasters, his gaze locked onto the towering monstrosity. "Hah! Don't underestimate me!" he shouted defiantly, his voice resolute despite the dire circumstances.

"The Celestial Platoon provided me with a powerful prototype of their new armor!"

With that declaration, Francus unleashed a barrage of energy blasts at the fire golem. Bright bolts of energy struck the creature's molten form, causing it to roar in pain and rage. It retaliated with a searing wall of flames, conjuring a barrier of fire that enclosed upon Francus, threatening to consume him.

Francus stood his ground, determination etched on his face. He knew that his new armor, a testament to the technological prowess of the Celestial Platoon, had the capability to withstand formidable challenges. As the wall of fire closed in on him, he activated a concealed mechanism within his armor.

In an instant, something extraordinary happened. Francus appeared a distance away from the encroaching wall of fire, leaving an illusory image of himself engulfed in flames. The real Francus stood unscathed, a grin of triumph playing on his lips.

The fire golem, momentarily confused by the illusion, roared in frustration.

It turned toward Francus, who now had the upper hand in this surreal confrontation. He fired his blasters once more, targeting the golem's molten core with precision.

Bright energy bolts pierced through the fiery exterior, striking the core and causing the golem to convulse in agony.

Flames danced wildly, and chunks of molten rock were flung in all directions. It was a fierce battle of willpower and technology.

With a final, devastating blast, Francus shattered the fire golem's core, causing it to crumble into a cascade of fiery embers and darkness.

The nightmarish landscape seemed to recoil from the fallen monstrosity, and a semblance of silence fell upon the demon realm.

Francus, triumphant yet weary, caught his breath. His new armor had proven its worth in the face of this formidable adversary. But his thoughts returned to Grigor, the comrade he had followed into this infernal realm.

He knew he couldn't rest until he found him.