By the looks of things, it would still take a while for the wounds to disappear, and it was a done deal to take care of him.

Ren huffed and puffed and let out a mumble after Lessard left.

“…… I never thought I’d come to the Clausel family mansion like this.”

Just recently I had a painful escape and before that I was in our shabby house.

This mansion is a magnificent place, unlike ours, where opulence and drafts are a thing of normalcy.

On the other hand, I’m a little afraid of getting used to this environment.

“No. I’ll think about it later.”

Since he had no choice but to be taken care of, he had to be open and honest.

With that in mind, Ren sat up, feeling the pain in his body.

Sleeping was boring, so he looked around the room as much as he could without being overwhelmed.

Seeing Licia’s peaceful sleeping face at his feet, he felt at ease.

Next, he reached over to the small desk next to the bed and picked up the black piece of paper in question.


I knew I recognized the emblem.

“Somewhere in the Legend of the Seven Heroes, I think it might be…..”

Licia slowly opens her eyes and mutters.


After blinking repeatedly, she rises and gets up on the bed. 

Then, there was a brief silence.

When Ren, who was falling into a stupor, tried to say something when large tears welled up in Licia’s eyes.

“I told you to run away.”

The last part of the battle with Jerukku, she told him to run with all her remaining strength.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t bring myself to leave Licia-sama and run away.”

“Are you an idiot? I’ve caused you so much trouble. You’re crazy to risk your life.”

“I’m not crazy. I’m always serious.”

“…… that seriousness means you’re an idiot. Baka.”

These weren’t the words to say to the man who had saved her life, but she couldn’t stop herself.

Eventually, she gently and silently laid her face against his chest in light of the pain left in his body.

She shook her shoulders in small tremors.

“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.”

“It was just bad luck, that’s all. Besides, we saved each other’s lives, so why don’t we just let it go?”

In this situation, should I put my hand behind her back?

Then she puts in more weight on his chest and gets reassured that he was awake.

— how many minutes has she been doing that?

Licia looked up from her sobbing and flopped down next to Ren.

She looked cute and appropriate for her age, which was unusual for her mature appearance.

“Are you all right now, Licia-sama?”

“…… yes.”

“I’m so relieved. You were so exhausted from that battle that I was really worried about you.”

That’s right, that battle.

(What was that last power?)

Now, there’s no bracelet.

It had been forged with the reward obtained from Thief Wolfen, but it had disappeared on its own, apparently because Ren’s body was at its limit.

Seeing Ren confirming the absence of the bracelet, Licia mistakenly assumes that she had lost it.

“Uh, I’ll give you a bracelet!”

“No, don’t bother……”

“I’ll give you!” 

That bracelet is just a fake, so even if she gets it, it’s a waste because he won’t use it.

I will eventually convince her by saying that I got a new bracelet.

“If that’s the case, I’d like a dagger! Like before, it would be just fine if it could start a fire…”

My dagger was lent to Licia in the battle the other day, but she seems to have lost it.

I had learned the importance of making fire in that escape, and I really wanted to have it.

“Alright! I’ll find a dagger that suits you!”

Licia was in a good mood as she said this, but Ren couldn’t help but wonder about that mysterious magic sword.

(As I recall, it was near Licia’s chest…)

The bracelet glowed in Ren’s hand when he accidentally fell on her.

That was a reaction just like when he sucked on the magic stone.

“What is it? Suddenly you started staring at me.”

Realizing that he had been looking at her impolitely, Ren made a face of embarrassment.

“I’m sorry. It’s nothing.”

“Really? You were looking at me seriously. Is something wrong with me?”

It’s a tall tale anyway.

Not to make excuses, but Ren thought it would be a digression and laughed, even though he thought it was impossible.

“It’s not a big deal, but I was wondering if Licia-sama has a magic stone in her body.”

He would be laughed out of the room. Or Licia would be taken aback.

For Ren, it was fine either way as long as the topic was changed……

“Hmm… huh…!?”

The reaction was unexpected.

“How did you know?”

Licia hugged her upper body with both arms and made a sexy gesture that was inappropriate for her age.

Even her face is bright red, and the way she looks at Ren is tinged with shame and slightly wary. 

“…… Eh?”

“How do you know I have a magic stone in my body? Did my father tell you?”

“No, I don’t know what’s going on either.”

“Well that’s right …… my father wouldn’t tell you about a saint’s body!”

“Is that really the case?”

“Ah! I’m telling you it’s there!” 

It must be between her breasts.

In the center of her hidden upper body.

“Tell me! Who told you that!”

I was asked, but I really just said the right thing.

“I’m sorry, I kind of just said it as a joke.”

Then Licia immediately understood.

“Oh, so that’s how it was. Haha, I was surprised and lost it.”

“Apparently it’s an important secret, but can it be told that easily?”

“I don’t think you would tell.”

It’s a statement as if she has full confidence in me.

But in fact, Licia trusts Ren completely because of their escapades the past days.

It was only natural, since she had entrusted her life to him.

“I didn’t know. A saint has a magic stone in her body.”

“Yes. Of those born as Saints, only the most powerful saints have magic stones in their bodies. But don’t tell anyone, okay? Only my family and the high priests of the temple know about it.”

The reason for the secrecy is simple: to protect the saint.

Originally, magic stone was a substance that only monsters could possess.

If the saints also carry them in their bodies, it is not surprising that some would consider them to be evil.

(That means that the magic sword, whose name I don’t know was……)

The sword was powered by Licia’s magic stone and manifested.

It would make sense to think this way.

But why did it get its power from the magic stone that was supposed to be inside her body? And why was the name of the magic sword “?”  It’s a wonder it was so strong.

Many mysteries come to mind, but let’s start with this fact.

“I promise you. I’ll never tell anyone.”

Licia nodded her head in satisfaction at Ren’s strong and clear promise.

Then she got up from the bed.

“I’m going to go check the warehouse. I’m going to look for a good dagger!”

Soon after, she turned and walked away.

“Licia-sama! Tell me one more thing!”

“Yes? What is it?”

“About the emblem on this paper, I can’t remember the name of the family.”

Licia laughed at Ren’s question as if she was troubled.

The other party is a high-ranking noble.

Ren knows that it is also a Royal faction.

As for Licia, who was caught up in the factional war, she has her own thoughts about it, even though she got help.

“…… That’s right.”

She answered with a sigh.

“It is the emblem of Marquise Ignat. The pride and joy of the royal faction.”

After she was done answering, Licia says, “I’ll be back,” and leaves the room.

Ren, on the other hand, was stunned.

Marquis Ignat— ruminating over these words again and again.

“Yes…. it’s Ignat!”

I don’t just remember it.

Because Marquis Ignat is the last enemy in Legend of the Seven Heroes I. He’s the last boss. 

“Uhhhh …… how did this happen?”

This is no time to be gasping in pain. I couldn’t help but hold my head up.

—- Marquis Ignat.

He’s the rigid arm of the empire’s proud shipping fleet, and is renowned throughout the world for his wisdom and ingenuity.

He is a man of both literary and military prowess, having served in the military at one time or another.

He rebelled against the emperor and joined those who were plotting to resurrect the Demon King.

He’s the man who, over the course of many years, tried to bring down the entire Leomel Empire.

He’s one of the opponents to fight in the Baldor Mountains.

(As I recall, he assassinated any noble who stood in his way, regardless of faction, and even assassinated the Third Prince, the genius who was being called the next emperor…)

The more I remember, the more I don’t want to get involved with this noble.

However, Ren had an element of comfort.

It was the reason why Marquis Ignat rebelled against the emperor.

Before his death, Marquis Ignat reveals the reason why he did so…..

“Because you didn’t help my daughter.”

The ailing daughter of the marquis needed medicine.

It required a number of precious materials, and among them, the material of the Thief Wolfen was missing.

No matter how hard Marquis Ignat searched for it, he couldn’t find it, but the imperial family had it just in case.

The emperor, however, refused to offer it.

The material was a stockpile in case the royal family met an emergency, so the emperor must not have been mistaken in his decision.

But the Marquis’s daughter lost her life, and the Marquis held a grudge against the emperor.

All this led to Marquis Ignat selling his soul to those who were planning to resurrect the Demon King.

“As I recall, when I went to the guild on my second round of play, I didn’t get any quests.”

Many players thought that perhaps they could save the Marquis’s daughter.

However, daughter of the Marquis died when the protagonists were young, and no event was prepared to save her.

……His daughter is alive.

The person who saved her life was Ren.

“Even if I’m the benefactor, I don’t want to get involved too much.”

He was someone that was liked by nobles.

Ren fell into an indescribable mood and collapsed on the bed.

As he remembered, he summoned his bracelet and looked at it, The magic sword with “?” was already gone.