Chapter 236 Proposal (II)

Chapter 236 Proposal (II)

Rosaline sat there in contemplation. The forest she called home had been buried under the earth, and her people needed a new place to live. Klaus's offer seemed like an oasis in the desert. However, she wasn't sure if this oasis contained poison or not.

She knew that Klaus was the one who destroyed her village, and she was aware that he had his own agenda. But right now, she didn't have many options, especially after learning that Klaus had defeated Lord Aymon and Lauriel single-handedly.


Her turmoil was interrupted by a gentle voice.novelb1n

"I don't want to rush you, but we don't have much time. The dimensional gate is about to close. Will you come with us to the human world?"

Rosaline looked at Klaus with a puzzled expression. The human world? She had never imagined living outside the forest. However, Klaus assured her that he would provide a decent home for the elves.

Still, Rosaline had her doubts. Human and elf lives were very different. They lived by different values and customs. She wasn't sure if her people could adapt, especially in a different world.

Taking a deep breath, Rosaline gave her answer to Klaus.

"I'm sorry, but it seems a bit too much for me. I'm not sure if my people can survive in your world, and your friends don't seem too thrilled about it either."

Justin and Gavin stared at Rosaline, their eyes wide. They strongly disagreed with Klaus bringing Rosaline and the elven race to the human world, but they couldn't say anything if Klaus had made up his mind.

On the other hand, Klaus sighed.

"Don't worry. I'll ensure your safety and that of your people. If anyone dares to harm you, I will deal with them."

Klaus gave Justin and Gavin a warning look, sending shivers down their spines.

"Still," Rosaline said, "I'm not sure if bringing my kind to your world is the right choice."

Klaus nodded as he explained, "Yes, Rosaline, that's part of the agreement. Your blood will be used for research. We're trying to create an elixir from elder blood."

After some consideration of all the points in the contract, Rosaline finally nodded cautiously.

She took a knife from the table and nicked her thumb. As the blood welled up, she pressed it onto the contract, and soon the writing on it glowed golden. Justin and Gavin were astonished as they watched that moment.

"This is a big decision, Klaus. I hope you fulfill your promises."

Klaus took the contract paper that had been signed with her blood and smiled with relief. "Thank you, Rosaline. I promise to fulfill the obligations in this contract."

Klaus and Rosaline shook hands, sealing the new agreement they had just made.

Then, Rosaline exited the tent. The atmosphere grew silent as the golden-haired woman walked through the camp. The elves stopped their activities one by one and knelt before Rosaline, showing their respect and support.

The crew was bewildered by the situation. Even Michael felt compelled to kneel, but Akio stopped him. "We're humans, remember?" Akio reminded his friend. Michael nodded and stood upright with the others.

Rosaline walked gracefully past her followers, approaching the roaring campfire that was the center of attention. She stood in front of the blazing fire. Taking a deep breath, she delivered her message loudly to the gathered elf people.

"Brothers and sisters," Rosaline said confidently, "tomorrow morning, we will have a new home. Klaus Lee has given us an opportunity to live in safety and peace in the human world. This is not the end but the beginning of a new chapter in our history."

Whispers echoed in the air. The elves were surprised to hear this news. Some disagreed, and others were wondering. However, most of them approved of the High Queen's decision.

Rosaline continued, "We will face challenges and changes, but together, we will overcome them. Klaus Lee has promised to protect us for the next 2000 years, and we will seek a new place to live. We will rebuild our shattered homes from the ashes."

The elves welcomed Rosaline's words with enthusiastic cheers and applause.

Rosaline concluded her speech with a smile, "Let's move forward together, brothers and sisters. We will never forget our roots and heritage, but we will start a new chapter in our lives. Tomorrow, we will leave this forest and head to a new world. Get ready, because our future is bright!"

As the thunderous applause filled the air, Klaus smiled, watching his new slaves in euphoria.