Chapter 119 [Club House Competition] [7]

119 [Club House Competition] [7]

"We have our winners!!"

Nobody expected the match to end in such a way, the crowd remained silent for a while just looking blankly at the silver-haired girl.

"10 points for team red!!"

Only when the announcer's voice echoed did the crowd cheer for them.


Clicking his tongue, Shyamal glanced at Azariah one last time before walking back towards her team.

Azariah also took a moment to quietly look at her departing figure before walking behind.

"Damn, she is strong."

Within the resting room of team green, a handsome boy with obsidian hair matching his eyes mumbled, looking out of the glass wall.

"Her last attack." His gaze shifted towards Arianell as she mumbled, "That was equivalent to that of 5th Primeval."

"She is the same rank as you, right?" Frowning, Oliver asked.

"4th? Yes." Nodding, Arianell replied.

"Then her last attack...." Aaliyah's words trailed off as she didn't understand why that felt so powerful.

Arianell refrained from commenting as she sat quietly.

"Makes me wonder." Oliver mumbled, rubbing his chin, "....Why does Az even like that crazy girl?"

"He never liked anyone." Arianell rebuked, glaring at him.

He turned around, his lips parted but remembering what Azariah tried to do to her, he remained silent.

When he first heard about Azariah forcing himself on her, he was one of the few who felt sad for both of them.

Having seen them being so close with each other but still falling apart until one of them hated the other to her core.

"But you can't deny that he helped her when she needed it." At last, he mumbled softly before looking at the screen.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next match will be between team green and team blue!!"

The announcer's voice echoed once again.

"Oliver and Aaliyah, you guys go." His gaze shifted towards Ivan as he walked in instructing them, "and make sure not to go all out."

"Shall we?" Ignoring him, shifting his gaze towards the red-haired girl, Oliver asked with a smile.

"Sure." She smiled back, standing up before both of them walked out, "by the way, Ashlyn's sister is here."

His steps halted as he looked back at her, "...What?"

"Yeah, she came to meet her." She informed, making Oliver frown.

"Did she meet Az?" Walking close to her, he asked again.

"N-no, b-but she did say he looked familiar." Blushing because of his closeness, Aaliyah replied, taking a step back.

"I need to talk with Az." Oliver mumbled, rubbing his chin before walking back.

"By the way, have you eaten something?" Walking beside him, she asked.

"Hmm? Yeah." Oliver replied, nodding his head, "but I wanted to eat something red."

"What do you mean?" Tilting her head, she asked.

He grinned widely as he replied, "Nothing."

"Hey, at least tell me!" She exclaimed, watching him run away from her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have our team!!" The announcer said, "from team green we have Oliver and Aaliyah and from team blue we have Ethan and Ruby!!"

"Ohh, it's us again." As he looked at the boy with brown hair walking towards him, Oliver mumbled.

"Go easy on me." Smiling, Ethan requested.

"Not happening." Shrugging nonchalantly, he replied, "Can't go easy on you, bro."

Ethan chuckled, unsheathing his sword.

"Hey Oliver, help me." He turned back at Aaliyah's words.

"What?" He asked, looking at the container in her hand.

"Spread them, please." Passing the container towards him, she requested.

Oliver cursed as the world around him turned dark, his eyes felt empty as he couldn't see the world around him.

But his hands didn't stop as his ears perked, hearing a rushing sound at his left.

He swung his hand, grabbing one side of the nunchuck, but all it did was hit the air.

"I hate this ability." He grumbled as he remembered Ethan's ability.

In exchange for one of his senses, he can make his opponent lose one of his senses as well.

Like right now, in exchange for his hearing, he made Oliver blind.

"Hey! Aaliyah, a little help here!?" Oliver shouted, barely able to dodge the sword strike at his arm, "And little grey, you too!?"

The next instant, a pair of cat ears emerged on his head as his senses increased, noticing Ethan's movement through the air currents.

On the other side, Aaliyah looked at Ruby rushing towards her, armed with twin daggers.


Clicking her tongue, she dodged her undercut before looking at Oliver, who was having a hard time.

"Don't worry, Ethan will finish him soon." Ruby boasted as she dashed towards her again.

"I am sorry." Aaliyah mumbled as she raised her hand, "I can't let him wait for too long."

The ground around them buzzed as small particles of metals rushed towards her.

But wherever those metals went, they started to attract the sand towards it, and slowly it started to turn bigger until it was the size of a football.

She turned half of them towards Oliver to aid him.


Aaliyah exhaled sharply as she felt her mana depleting rapidly from it.

But she soon turned her focus towards Ruby as she prowled towards her.


"We surrender!!"


Before they could collide, a voice stopped them abruptly.

The orbs turned into hexagonal shapes, blocking Ruby's attack as she did the same for Oliver.

Having gotten the upper hand, Aaliyah pressed further, using ten or so orbs embedded with metal particles.

"Short Spears."

She mumbled, and the orbs turned into short spears, rushing towards Ruby and Ethan at the same time.

Ethan jumped back, stepping away from the trajectories of the spears without much problem, but Ruby was having a harder time.

Every time she blocked the spear, her wrist strained, pain surging through it, and it wasn't long before she couldn't wield her daggers.


Aaliyah mumbled, and four of the orbs bound her legs and hands together behind her back.

Having taken care of her, she shifted her focus to Ethan, who was fighting against Oliver and at the same time avoiding her attacks.

She sent the rest of the orbs towards him, turning his situation more dire as she rushed for Oliver's aid.

But her mana depleted faster than she thought as she halted halfway, her orbs disintegrating.

She stopped attacking Ethan but made sure to keep Ruby bound.

But because of her interference, Oliver got his vision back as he changed his stance, and Ethan did the same, leaving his sword.

"Stribog's blessing,

Fourth form:...."

"Orestes' blessing.

Third form:...."

"We surrender!!"

Before they could collide, a voice stopped them abruptly.

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