Chapter 121 [Club House Competition] [9]

121 [Club House Competition] [9]

"Hey Az!!"

I snapped back to reality upon hearing Oliver yell at me.

"What happened?" he asked, frowning as he looked around. "What did you see?"

"...Nothing." I mumbled, hiding my distress, and walked away from the crowd.


'...What should I do, El?'

If I really saw Delwyn, the situation is even more fucked up.

Bradyn is already a pain to fight against, and if Delwyn jumps into the chaos, Christina's father will have a hard time.

[...But his target is you, right?]

'...That's the problem.'

I don't know what he will do.

Best case scenario, he will try to kill me right here.

.....If that happens I can find a way to save myself or stall enough time for help.

It's not like he would kill me instantly—he would try to make my death as painful as possible.

...And worst case, he will try to kill those who are close to me.


Cursing, I bit my lip tightly, trying to figure out what his goal might be.

'... Christina?'

There is a chance that he might kill her.

...No, on surface she isn't that close to me.

...Same for Ashlyn. He shouldn't attack an innocent girl.

[...Never trust those driven by revenge, Az. They can go to any length to get what they want.]


And Delwyn is more like my mother—he likes to make other people do his bidding.

So, there is a low chance of him attacking personally.

'....But I still can't trust that either.'

"Hey, you two!" I called out to the two soldiers patrolling nearby.

They pointed at themselves, and I nodded, making them walk toward me.

"Do you know who I am?" I questioned as they approached.

"Yes, sir," one of them replied hesitantly.

"Good," I replied, pointing towards Tiffany. "You see that girl? Go and protect her."


"Was I not clear enough?" I asked, irritation lacing my voice.

"W-we will, sir." They nodded before walking towards her.

"And one more thing." I called them again, my voice devoid of any emotion. "If I see even a single scratch on her body, I will make sure your entire family gets executed."

They both trembled violently, a dreadful expression on their faces, but they nodded nonetheless.


In case something happens, that should force them to keep her safe even if they might lose their lives.

"Azariah!!" Grabbing my shoulder, Oliver yelled, turning me around. "What the fuck are you doing!?"

"Stay away," I mumbled, jerking his hands off.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"I said, stay the fuck away!" I growled, pushing him aside before walking away.

"Why, you!?" He grabbed my shoulder, turning me around. "Why are you acting like before all of a sudden?"

"Fuck off." I jerked his hand off as I walked away.

"Don't fucking meet me on the ground!" he shouted, but I ignored him.

I hope he doesn't try to do anything funny.

[....Pushing him away won't change anything.]

'It will.'

It will keep him safe.

For a while, I thought it might be different, but it looks like it's not.

The crowd's interest piqued as they listened carefully.

"Let's talk about the area and rules."

The display hovering over flickered as a map of the stadium and its surroundings emerged on it.

"Somewhere within one kilometer around the stadium, eight pieces of a single glideball are placed.

The first team to combine them and place the glideball in the goalpost will be the winner And as for the rules—there are none!!"

The crowd buzzed with excitement before another round of murmurs started.

"Oh, and if you're wondering where the goalpost is, it's right here."

The display hovering over flickered again, showing the goalpost hovering mid-air between the four screens about a hundred meters from the ground.

'That will be a pain.'

I grumbled, looking up and squinting my eyes from the sun.

"Uh, but how will we reach that place?" Chubby grumbled, looking up as well.

He got his answer soon as a translucent shield started to cover the roof of the stadium.

From every edge of the stadium, it connected with the four display screens, making a pathway to reach the goalpost.

To reach the goalpost, one has to climb the translucent shield from the outside.

Four exits were already opened up for us.

"And since I'm being generous, for five seconds let me show the teams where the pieces of glideballs are."

The screen changed, and a map with marks appeared.


[I already memorized it.]


"Now, the second round of the competition will start in the count of three!!!"

Without much thinking, I silently prowled towards him.


I should take him out—not because I want to alleviate my frustration, but to make sure he is safe.

"Listen here, both of you." I turned around, looking at Chubby and Tristan as I took out a pen. "I will make a map leading to one piece; bring that here."

"What about the others?" Chubby asked as I pulled Tristan's hand to draw the map.

"We will snatch them," I replied before hesitating as I looked at his hand.

.....The map will be barely visible.

I slowly lowered his hand before grabbing Chubby's hand.


"Shut up, I don't have time for this." Grumbling, I made the map in Chubby's hand.


The announcer declared, and the crowd followed suit.

"That should do it." I mumbled, looking at the rough map.


"Let's move now," I said, looking at them as I walked towards the northern exit.

Shyamal walked behind me without saying anything.


All the teams rushed out of the exits, some in teams, some in pairs, while the rest went solo.

As soon as I reached the exit, I dashed towards the closest piece, Shyamal following closely.


I mumbled as I saw the boy from Arianell's team, his back facing me.

Without much thinking, I silently prowled towards him.

I should take him out—not because I want to alleviate my frustration, but to make sure he is safe.

As soon as I closed in, I jumped at him.

"Amun-Ra's blessing...."

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!
