Chapter 134 Sowilo and Isa [1]

Chapter 134 Sowilo and Isa [1]

"Hmmm, I think this one looks better."

"Indeed, madam, this one is one of the best we have."

"But still, something feels lacking. You know, the color doesn't match his hair."

"If you don't mind, I can bring out more expensive suits."

"Sure, please do."

'...What the heck am I doing here?'

I grimaced in my head as I looked dumbfounded at Christina, who asked the staff to bring out more suits.

'...How the hell did I end up here?'


...Let's rewind a little bit.

I got discharged from the hospital today.

I wanted to find the items necessary to engrave runes on my body.

Then Christina allegedly kidnapped me. here I am, modeling for her.

"Is this really necessary?" I grumbled. She turned around, her silky blue hair fluttering.

"Of course it is." She nodded gently, walking closer. "All the suits you wear are always black. You need to try something new."

"Black looks better," I rebuked, unbuttoning my suit.

"Not always." She walked behind me, helping me take the suit off. "You need to try new things as well."

"Perhaps," I mumbled, glancing at the lady staff bringing a new set of suits.

It was a mint green, slim-fit, three-piece suit with gold designs engraved on the left hand.

I had to admit, this one looked good.


"Do I have to try it on?" I grumbled in frustration, glancing back at Christina.

"You will be off limits for days." She passed me the suit, "The least you can do is spend a little time with me."

"I have been roaming the city with you since morning," I replied, taking the suit from her.

"That doesn't count since you are repaying for all the times you have ignored me," she stated, pushing me inside the trial room. "Try it on."


Sighing, I closed the door and quickly slipped into the suit before walking out of the room.


I ignored the soft mumbling of the young staff lady as I showed Christina the suit.

"How does this one look?" I asked, looking up as she nodded in approval.

"We are buying this one." She looked at the staff lady who was sneakily taking my picture with her phone.

"Y-yeah, I-I will make t-the bill right away." Caught red-handed, the lady stammered before moving towards the counter.

"Need help?" As I walked back to change, Christina inquired.

"...No," I replied, shaking my head.

'...Did she notice the scars on my body?'

For a while, she has been trying to find ways to have a look at my naked body.

She isn't being overly forceful, but she is not being gentle either.

'...Did she notice it when I was unconscious?' I quickly dismissed that notion as I was under constant surveillance, and Dr. Greyson was always around me, making it unlikely for Christina to see my body with all those bandages.

I took a step back away from her as I felt her possessiveness.

She is getting scarier every day.

"Anyway, how do you know about the condition of the Elven continent?" In an attempt to change the topic, I asked, walking in with her.

"Didn't I tell you I have an elf friend?" She replied, "...She told me about it."

"Those pointy-eared bastards revealed that to you?" Frowning, I asked.

"Yeah, she did." She replied before glaring at me. "And could you stop being so racist!?"

"Why though?" I asked. "They have too much pride to tell others about their weakened state."

After the attack twelve years ago, half of the continent was burned into nothingness.

And because of the constant decaying of the world tree, it hasn't recovered much.

[And it never will because you took their hope.]

'...Don't make me feel guilty, man. I don't regret doing that.'

"One large choco chip ice cream." She ordered from the man behind the counter before turning back. "Stop lumping all of them into just prideful beings. Not everyone is like that."

"But still, you should be close with her." I mumbled as she picked up the bucket of ice cream.

I keep forgetting about her title of [Unique Heroine] from the game.

It's easy for her to make friends with other Heroines, no matter which game they are Heroines of.

"You can say that." She replied as we walked out of the store. "And I will assume your mother told you all this."


Crap, I forgot I shouldn't know all this.

They are all game information.

Eating a large scoop of her ice cream, she mumbled, "It would have been better if vampires had lent them a hand."

"You want their archenemies to help them?" I scoffed at her naivety. "You think too highly of those bloodsuckers."

"Again! When did you become so racist!?" She yelled, glaring at me. "And never say that to their face. They hate that word."

"Yeah, it triggers them. How black—"

"Say ahhh." Taking a large scoop of her ice cream, she brought it close to me.

I hesitated for a while before I leaned in, eating it.

'Hmm, is this how choco chips taste like? It's quite different from egg.'

As I savored the taste of the ice cream, Christina asked, "Have you gotten all the things you want?"


[No, but just in case, buy a few more recovery herbs and buy painkillers in case you damage your tendons too much.]

'I will buy them when she is gone.' I don't want her to be more concerned than she already is.

"No, I got everything I needed," I replied, shaking my head.

"So, we will see each other at the academy?" She asked, her shoulders slumping down.

"It's important," I replied, trying to coax her. "But this should be the last time."

"Wait, that reminds me, where is the principal?" She asked, her voice laced with anger. "Things would have been a lot easier if he was present."

"Maybe he had some important work."

I replied, knowing how he should have gotten a clue about his daughter's death.

'I should talk with him.'

"Say ahhh."

I took another bite without hesitation.

'Better to have the pleasure of food before the pain comes.'