Chapter 138 Akasha Holy War

Chapter 138 Akasha Holy War

"Hmm, is this the one?"

I mumbled, feeling the old texture of the book's cover in my hand as I examined it.

The book was worn and tattered, a relic from a bygone era.

"History of the Danava Kingdom."

Grabbing the book, I looked around, finding myself surrounded by rows of bookshelves that stretched endlessly down the hall— a hall bigger than any classroom in the academy.

Unlike the library for first-year students, this one, meant for third-year students and teachers, was filled with books that could be considered antiques.

The scent of old books and wooden shelves filled the air as I began to move.

"Come to think of it, Mother has a bigger library than this," I mumbled while weaving my way through the bookshelves.

If there's one thing I know about my mother, it's that she reads a lot.

She possesses thousands of books dating back thousands of years.

'It's a different matter that some of them were stolen from other places.'

Even then, if I could just go there and try to find any book about history, I would definitely find them in her collection.

'But then again, I don't want to be anywhere close to her.'

After navigating my way through the shelves, I found a quiet spot where I could read in peace.


But as I looked around, I noticed only one person sitting at a perfectly aligned table with two chairs.

My curiosity piqued, I walked closer for a better look.

She was wearing the same academic uniform, which clung close to her body, and her black hair fell freely behind her back.

Her eyes were fixed on the multiple books spread out on the table.

Only when I stood nearby did she lift her ordinary face, her brown eyes widening briefly before returning to normal.

Slowly, she picked up her bag and moved to place it on the seat in front of her, but I quickly pulled the chair back and sat down.


Clicking her tongue, she stood up and began closing her books.

"Are you a commoner?" I asked, making her flinch.

"Y-yes." She fumbled, glancing at me.

"Then sit down and continue your work."

"I can—"

"I said sit down," I insisted, tapping my fingers on the table.

After hesitating for a moment, she sighed in defeat and sat back down.

"What's your name?" I asked, but she ignored me completely.

Tapping on the table again, I repeated, "Your name?"

"Ahh, it's Nella," she replied awkwardly, pretending she had just heard me.

I nodded and opened the book, while she returned to her reading, resting her head on one side of the book.

'What's with these princesses and their weird quirks of hiding their identity?'

I grimaced, glancing at the girl before starting to read the book.

[How do you even know that?]

'It's easy; she's the only one who lays her head on the book while reading.'

I replied, watching her with mild disbelief.

[...That's odd.]

'I know, right? She's been doing that for as long as I can remember.'

Come to think of it, wasn't she in disguise when she first met Ethan in the game?

'What a cliché.'

Ignoring her, I searched the contents of the book for anything about Andarnaur, then jumped directly to that page.

"...A war between different races," I replied, loosening my grip on Willis.

"A war for supremacy, where all humans united under the Dronarta Empire."

"So you really think supremacy was the reason for the war?" she asked, a sly smile on her face as if she was enjoying my ignorance.

"As far as I know," I replied, as Willis climbed onto the table, walking toward her on his tiny legs.


He exclaimed, finding a seat on her lap.

She didn't stop him; on the contrary, she seemed happy.

'Is this the reason she started talking to me?'

I wondered, watching her happily pinch his cheeks.

What's with girls and their love for cute children?

"Ahem." I coughed, bringing her attention back to me.

"Yes, before the war started, there was a phenomenon that occurred," she stated, looking at me.

"I don't know the exact reason, but it was mentioned in the book."

"What phenomenon?" I asked curiously.

"The Incursion of Akasha," she replied, leaving me puzzled.

"A what?"

She looked at me as if I were the idiot before explaining, "It's when the moon comes so close to our world that we can see the Ethereal Mana of the moon from here."


I mumbled, nodding softly.

....Now I get it.

It was in the game as well.

"But that doesn't explain why the war happened," I asked, looking back at her.

"Well, you know the Oracle, right?" she asked, and I nodded in agreement.

"She predicted that when the Incursion reached its peak, one of the two worlds would face extinction—either the people of Akasha would survive, or the people from our world."

"So it was a war for survival?"

"Exactly," she replied. "And because no humans lived on Akasha at that time, we were forced to fight against every other race."

"Hmm." I nodded, falling into deep thought.

I could digest everything, but there's one thing I can't understand.


They can't predict the future.

Then why did the Oracle of that time lie?


Did something else happen that wasn't written in the book?


Absentmindedly, I took out my phone and checked the message.

But as I read it, I abruptly stood up.

"Your number," I said, passing my phone to her.


"Give me your number!"


"Just do it," I insisted until she gave in.

"Willis, we need to go." Grabbing him, I ran out of the library as fast as I could.

[What happened?]

"Oliver woke up."