Chapter 142 Sylvania [2]

Chapter 142 Sylvania [2]

"We are late, we are late."

As I walked through the hallway of the main building, Chubby kept mumbling like a broken machine, walking right beside me.

His lungs heaved, and sweat trickled in a constant stream around his eyes, but he kept his pace, taking deep breaths to calm down.

"What are you afraid of?" I asked, glancing at him.

"We were supposed to come back last night." He groaned, rubbing his tired eyes from a sleepless night. "How could we just spend the entire night at his place?"

I shrugged, "It was already past curfew, so there was no point in coming here."

"I know." He grunted as we reached the principal's office. "But are we doing the right thing—going straight to the principal?"

"I mean, he's the one I'm sure won't spend too much time on us," I replied, rubbing my brow.

Truth be told, I just don't want to see Lauryn's face.

The last time I didn't take her training classes in the morning, she was pissed beyond reasoning, and I'm sure she is right now as well.

'I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid like making me run for four hours straight.'

I let out a shuddered breath at the thought of going through that training once again.

I don't want my legs to burn in pain constantly for three days.


But just as we took a turn and the principal's office came into view, we slowed our steps.

The door was guarded by three soldiers wearing full golden body armor.

They all stood tall, broad-shouldered, with sturdy bodies, hands clasping a thick-shafted spear.

But what piqued my interest in them was the insignia on their chests—a split river painted with red and a pair of six angelic wings around it.

... Insignia of the Pargoina imperial family.

Did the emperor come for a visit, or what?

'Would I get some new information if I crash in?'

I wondered, taking a few unconscious steps towards them until Chubby grabbed my arm.

"We should come back later," he suggested, making me look back.

I thought about it for a second before I broke free, "Go back to your class."

"Azariah, hey!" He shouted quietly, not trying to gather their attention towards us, but it was already too late.

"The principal is busy," one of the guards said, blocking my way with his spear. "Come back later."

I looked at the tip of the spear before looking back at him while swiping it away with my hand, "Tell him, Duchess's son would like to visit him."

"Come back lat—"

"Now," I interjected, walking closer.

All three of them now blocked my way, muscles strained, ready to subdue me.

"Let him in."

But they all halted when a smooth feminine voice echoed from inside.

They returned to being statues around the door, leaving a way for me to enter.

I quietly twisted the door knob, entering the room, and the first thing that drew my attention was the woman in her early twenties sitting on the chair opposite Principal Nathan.

"I thought the emperor was impartial between his children," I scoffed as the lady stood up.

Her strawberry blonde hair, braided lightly, complemented her sharp yet beautiful face.

She eyed me closely as I approached her.

...Right, they are all greedy for power.

"But why teleportati—?"

"Wars are always prolonged... and the easiest way to win a war is to cripple the opponent's future," she interjected Nathan's words. "...I hope you understand that."


He turned silent, his eyes dropping as he thought deeply about it.

"Are Avatars really that important?" I asked, glancing at her.

Through the game, I know they are important, but a war?


"You know there are only twenty known demigods," she replied, narrowing her eyes. "Do you know how valuable they are? How valuable someone with that potential is?"

"You sound like you would go to any lengths to obtain them." Reclining in my chair, I jabbed.

"They are important," she replied, "So, yes we will."

"Are you going to bind them with the imperial family?"

"By any means necessary," she instantly replied.

"Even if it means selling your own dignity?" I pressed further with a light smile, making her silent.

After a while, she finally replied, "We just don't want to follow in the footsteps of the elves."


I remained silent, just keeping my gaze on her while tapping my fingers on the table.

"Please talk with the students first," Nathan finally replied, looking at her. "I will give my reply after that."

She smiled brightly, nodding her head. "I hope it's positive."

"Azariah... Excuse us for a while," Nathan said, looking at me. "And go to the main hall; the princess will be there in a while."

"...Fine," I nodded, standing up.

Walking towards the door, I twisted the knob before turning around. "By the way, whose idea was this?"

Sylvania glanced back over her shoulder. "...Your mother proposed it first."

I stood there, dumbfounded, before opening the door and walking out of the office.

Ignoring the guards, I slowly walked down the empty hallway before glancing into an empty classroom.

I walked in and closed the door before I shifted and...


I yelled, messing up my hair.

Now what the fuck does my mother want to do?

She would never—and I can say for sure— never introduce an idea like that if she didn't have tens if not hundreds of ways to use it.

But what does she want?

Kill every student in the academy?

But why would she do that?

Would it help her in some way?


"Why are you shouting?" My words halted abruptly as a voice echoed in the classroom.

I turned around only to find a silver-haired girl sitting on one of the benches.
