Chapter 145 [Blood Of Fallen] [1]

Chapter 145 [Blood Of Fallen] [1]


"About you being the [Exiled Prince]!!"

"What?" I frowned, looking at them with utter confusion on my face. "What kind of bullshit is that?"

"A video from Ekari kingdom has also been leaked!!" One of the lady reporters exclaimed, "You entered at the exact time when the holy lady talked about him— Is that really a coincidence?"

"People say it's a sign from the gods!!" Another reporter exclaimed, giving me a headache.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied, trying to move away.

"Do you plan to hide in plain sight?" Another one asked, but I completely ignored him.

"How are you related to the destruction of Hesperia kingdom!!" Without replying, I turned around.

"Are you going to commit another genocide?" My body involuntarily paused as I turned back.

"What did you say?" I asked, my voice coming out dead, my chest burning.

The reporter smiled as I finally responded, "Are you going to continue the legacy of the previous Prince?"

"Listen here, you motherfuc—."

"What proof do you have?" Before I could snap at him, Arianell blocked my way.

A hand reached out, grabbing mine as I glanced back at Christina, signaling me to calm down.

"There are leaks from the chur—."

"I am asking for proof, not your score of information," Arianell interjected sharply, glancing at them, "If you are doing this on the basis of some rumor, then you should just quit your jobs."

"Are you trying to defend him, Princess Arianell?"

"Defend? From what?" She scoffed, "You are the ones defaming someone without any proof, and have you guys forgotten what happens when a noble is defamed?"

They gulped, touching their necks subconsciously, which could be severed for their act.

"There are rumors about him forcing you—."

"They are false, and do not try to defame me now," she interjected, eyeing the lady reporter, "I might ask for your head as compensation, and trust me, I can definitely have that."

"..." for new novels

A silence lingered in the empty hallway at the clear threat given to them.

"Now, if you will excuse us." With a smile, she said before walking away.

Everyone else followed her, their gaze still lingering on me.

"Are you alright?" Ashlyn asked concernedly, walking beside me.

"Yeah," I mumbled, nodding my head as I looked out of the building through the wall of glass.


And I could see hundreds of people standing with banners and signs.

They had different things written on them, but one stood out the most— Kill the prince before he plunges the world into shadow.

"Do not focus on that." I snapped back as I heard Christina's soothing voice, "Focus on me."

"....Yeah." I mumbled, nodding my head as we moved out of the building.

"He is here!!"

"Why keep him alive!!"

"Kill him!!"

Only a line of railing separated us from the angry mob who kept on shouting.

Their shouts forced me to look at Daphne as I asked, irritation filling my voice, "Are we not going to have any security?"

A sigh escaped my mouth, accompanied by cold-misting breath.

I looked around, the clouds covering the entire sun, with the temperature so low it was giving me goosebumps.

"Did you bring any warm clothes?" Christina asked as we walked inside the hotel assigned to us.

"....No," I replied, shaking my head.

"We should buy some later," she mumbled, taking out her phone.

I looked in front, at the single-floor hotel that spread hundreds of meters.

Dim lights from lamp stands decorated the pathway.

Arianell led the way to the hotel with Daphne, and as soon as we reached the main door, a few people stood there waiting for us.

'A Prince?'

I wondered, looking at the boy our age standing in front with his hands clasped behind his back.

A tall, fair-skinned boy with broad shoulders, he wore a long coat, his head shaved from the sides apart from a long, solitary braid of grey hair in the middle.

But what gave away his identity as a Prince was a pattern of blue tattoos across his lower jaw and throat.

He smiled brightly as he looked at Arianell, he said, his voice deep, "I hope you didn't have any problem coming here, my lady."

"Apart from the little stunt in the beginning, everything was smooth," Arianell replied sharply.

He smiled, not replying, as he extended his hand. Arianell placed her hand on it as he kissed her knuckles lightly.

He then turned and looked at us, especially at Christina.

"Lady Christina." He chirped, walking towards her, "I have always heard about your beauty."

He once again brought his hand forward but was immediately stopped.

"I am already engaged, and I would rather not have any stranger kiss me even if it's my hand." She declined his offer, which did break his gentleman act for a second.

"I see," he replied, composing himself before looking at me, "You have a wonderful fiancée here, Azariah."

"...Who are you?" I asked, genuinely not remembering who the fuck he is.

I mean, I know he is a prince, but which one?

He lightly smiled, narrowing his eyes, "Well, about that, I would like to talk with you here, Azariah."

"About what?" Christina asked, standing beside me.

And I could also see Arianell looking at him with wary eyes.

"It's a secret, Lady Christina," still smiling, he replied, "The rest should take some rest now."

"I would like—."

"Christina," I interjected, holding her hand, "I will be fine."


"I assure you as well, my lady," the prince chimed in. "I fear his mother enough to not do anything stupid."

She turned around, looking at me, "Call me immediately if he does anything suspicious."

I nodded as he moved, and I walked

after him, his guards also following us.

He walked inside the luxurious hotel, taking a few turns before entering one of the rooms.

A set of sofas was neatly arranged in front as the Prince sat down, gesturing for me to do the same.

From behind, I heard the door locking as the guards walked in as well.

"I will be frank here, Azariah," he said, voice harsh and spiteful like venom,

"My father—the emperor—wants you dead."
