Chapter 155 [Blood Of Fallen] [11]

Chapter 155 [Blood Of Fallen] [11]

"Do you like it, Mama!?"

As we made our way through the crowded mall, heading toward the restaurant on the sixth floor, Willis asked happily, showing his hand morphing effortlessly from a normal human hand to that of a vampire's.

"Yeah, you are good at it," Olesia replied with a gentle smile as she patted his back.

Willis beamed at her approval, his lavender eyes practically glowing with happiness.

He began to jump up and down, holding tightly to Olesia's hand.


And walking behind them, I looked at their interaction with a weird look on my face.

"Must be nice." Walking behind me, Christina mumbled, pinching my arm, "Having your child call a beautiful girl 'Mama.'"

"Come on, she isn't as beautiful as you," I replied, shrugging off her grip while turning my head toward her.

"...Not in disguise," she mumbled, averting her gaze from me.

'Who the hell is she?'

I couldn't help but wonder, glancing back at the girl.

I may be biased, but to me, Christina is beautiful, like she is on par with the first princess of this empire, who is one of the most beautiful women among humans.

'...And she is envying Olesia.'

...How beautiful is this girl?

[She isn't envying her beauty, idiot.]

'...What the hell is that supposed to mean?'


We reached the restaurant shortly after, entering its decorated main hall with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and lavish furniture.

We found a table near the window and settled into our seats.

"Wait, I will order the dishes," Christina said, standing up and moving toward the counter.

"Mama, you know Dada doesn't play with me," Willis mumbled, looking up while sitting on Olesia's lap.

"Hmm, why?" she curiously asked, glancing at me.

"I play with him," I replied, shrugging.

"You don't," Willis mumbled with a sullen look.

"Leave him, come with me," Olesia replied, patting his head.

He looked conflicted, shifting his gaze from me to her.

"...So, I heard you ran away from your home," I asked, ignoring Willis, and looking at her.

Her meadow-colored eyes shifted toward me as she sharply replied, "Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, I was just wondering what made you do that," I asked, leaning on the chair.

"Just keep wondering, then," she replied, shifting her gaze away.

"Are those ears real?" I asked, glancing at them.

What if she is an elf?

"They are real," she replied, looking around the place.

"Do you like blood?" I asked, her gaze moving back toward me.


"How many hands can you use while giving handjo—."

"What do you mean?" I asked back, looking at him.

He looked conflicted, but in the end, he shook his head. "Nothing."

His body turned into a cluster of white as he returned to the tattoo on my side.

[You don't like to be compared, do you?]

As soon as I reached the elevator, El questioned.


I remained silent, not replying to his question.

But as the elevator gate opened up, I gazed up at the eighth floor.



On the eighth floor of the bustling mall, a man stood out among the shoppers.

Clad in a black vintage suit, he leaned casually against the sleek glass railing, his posture relaxed.

His gloved hand rested lightly on the railing as he observed the people below.

"Where is he going?"

He mumbled, his crimson eyes fixated on a boy moving among the crowd.

And just when that boy's eyes moved up to where he stood, the man's expression hardened as he straightened slightly, ready for a confrontation.

"Don't do anything stupid, Flair." But before he could do anything, a voice stopped him.

His gaze moved to his side, where a woman stood, her gaze on the boy.

Hair dark as night, a beautiful face with crimson eyes fixed on him.

"He just looked at us, Faye," Flair replied, turning back to look at the boy.

"He can't notice us," she mumbled confidently as the boy moved away.

"Why are we just keeping watch?" the man asked, a slight annoyance on his pale face.

"Then what? Confront him and alert the others?" she scoffed, glaring at him. "Don't you know we have to kill the others?"

"Tch." The man clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Would have been better if they all were in one place."

"...If they don't gather together by tonight, we are raiding the hotel they are staying at," Faye commented, looking back at him.

He nodded before he asked curiously."Did Lady Ishtar order something else?"

Unlike Faye, he had never met or even gazed upon Ishtar.

They say any man who saw her face hasn't lived for long.

And even though he was curious to see the goddess, he knows better than to get himself killed for it.

"She just told me to bring the blood of the forsaken families and bring that boy back alive," Faye replied as she glanced at the blue-haired girl who walked out of the restaurant.

"Is she also a target?" Flair asked curiously, taking notice of Faye's gaze on Christina.

"No," Faye replied, shaking her head, "but she feels familiar... and dangerous."

Flair chuckled, "An Overlord afraid of a little girl, way to go, sister."

"Executives don't have any relations," Faye shot back with a sharp look as she asked, "Anyway, what happened to that boy?"

"Don't worry about him," he replied as he remembered Oliver, a look of greed flickering in his eyes. "That boy is my hunt."

Faye nodded as her gaze moved towards the raven-haired girl walking out as she mumbled, "Then I will take care of the princess and the maiden."

"Remind me again, why does Lady Ishtar want that boy alive?" Flair asked curiously, looking at his sister.

"Nothing in particular," Faye replied, a small smile lingering on her face.

"She just wants her possession back."