Chapter 167 Change [1]

Chapter 167 Change [1]

"What are Gods to you?" A lady with reddish hair and eyes asked, gazing at the entire class. "Anyone?"

The class remained silent as Daphne walked around in front of us.

"I am not going to judge you guys. Tell me your opinion," she urged again with a slight smile on her face.

Finally, someone raised their hand, a girl sitting right beside Ethan.

"Yes, Ruby," Daphne happily pointed at her as she stood up.

"They are like light to me, showing me the way to move forward," she replied, her voice serious, like she firmly believed her words.

"Hmm, that's true," Daphne nodded, her expression the same, her gaze turning. "Would you like to give your opinion, Ethan?"

Ethan looked at her, still seated, as he replied softly,

"I agree with Ruby. I believe in them like I believe in the rising sun, not only because I see it, but because I see everything else because of it."

"Hmm, that's a good comparison you have there," Daphne complimented, smiling at him.

She turned around to move towards the board.

"Are they real though?" Her steps halted as she heard a voice.

I, too, looked to my side, staring at Oliver, dumbfounded.

'What is he doing?' I wondered.

"If you could be a little clearer, Oliver," Daphne replied, turning around, looking at him. Her smile faded now.

"If they are real, why not help those who are in need?" He asked, leaning on the chair.

'... Sam's words?' I thought, instantly recognizing those words.

"So the desire to work doesn't disappear from humans," she scoffed, waving her hand to dismiss him.

"What about the ones who can't work?" He countered, making her halt again.

"The gods can't help everyone," she replied, looking at him. "And some of them are also repenting for the sins they committed."

"Will their sins be forgiven if they pray for it?" He asked again, and now the entire class was looking at him weirdly.

"Yes, they will be forgiven even if you pray for them," Daphne replied confidently.

"Then what if I pray for the leader of the Fallen?" Oliver asked, making the entire class silent. "What if I pray for the one sinner that needed it the most?"

"There is no redemption for the fallen Angels," Daphne firmly replied, staring at him. "Some sins are beyond forgiveness, Oliver."

"That proves—"

"You should be executed for even saying that," someone within the class cut in. U//ppTodated fr/o/m nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)\/m


My head slowly turned to the boy who voiced his thoughts.

He tried to hide as he noticed my gaze on him.

"I heard that," I commented, still staring at him. "You better start praying that your family remains safe back home."

"Azariah!" Daphne yelled, slamming her fist on the table.

"I am just saying he should pray for his family," I replied, shrugging.

She glared at him for a while before she sighed heavily. "I will keep an eye on his family's situation. Beware of that."

"Sure," I replied, glancing back at the pale boy as I gently smiled at him. "It's not like it will change anything."

His pale face turned as white as a sheet of paper as he trembled violently.

...Live in fear from now on, fucking idiot.

Daphne pressed her lips together as she glanced at Oliver. "Don't say things like that in any of the holy cities. You won't like the outcome."

"I will keep that in mind," Oliver replied softly.

She sighed again as she asked, rubbing her temples, "Where was I again?"

"I thought someone said they won't judge," Oliver replied, shrugging.

"I am not judging, Oliver. I am being concerned here," she grumbled softly, looking at him.

"Gods still have influence on us. You can't say bad things about them in front of everyone."

"Say whatever you want, I still don't believe in them," he replied, being firm in his words.

'...Is Horus's eyes influencing him?'

I wondered, looking at Oliver.

In essence, those eyes he possesses once belonged to a God.

A God who was proclaimed to have once held the title of king of Gods.

And from what I know, those eyes influence his mind, and that too in a negative way.

'I need to talk with him about this.'

"Think whatever you want, but don't say it out loud," Daphne snarled, glaring at him.

"And for God's sake, not in any of the holy cities—you will seriously get yourself killed if you do."

"Sure," he replied, nodding.

She then turned around and looked at me. "And you, don't even think about touching that boy's family."

"Sure, ma'am," I replied, smiling.

"His family is related to the church, Azariah," she explained further, looking at me. "If you touch his family, he might report what happened today."

I tilted my head as I asked, "So are you saying I should take care of him as well?"

"What, wait, no!" She yelled, frustration filling her entire face. "Just don't touch his family."

"Noted," I replied, firmly nodding my head.

"Urgh, just go away," she grumbled softly, turning around and walking away.

I glanced at Oliver as I asked, "You alright?"

"Never been better," he replied, shrugging. "Wanna smoke?"

"Since when did you start smoking?" I asked, confused.

"Since today," he replied, touching his bracelet, and he took out a pack of... condoms?

"Wait, wrong packet," he quickly put it back before taking out another one.

"You sure are enjoying your time," I commented, walking out of the building.

"That's just for emergencies," he replied, shrugging. "Don't want a child going around calling me Dada~."



'No, one called you. Willis, go back to sleep.'

Stinky Dada!!

'Yeah, whatever.'

"Azariah!" I halted my steps as I heard someone calling me from behind.

Turning around, I looked at the brown-haired boy walking towards me.

"What do you want?" I asked, clearly annoyed with his presence.

He walked closer, standing in front of me.


in a deep breath, he looked at me before bowing down slightly.

"I am sorry."
