Chapter 204 Vs Frost Boar King V

Name:Reincarnated Hero System Author:

The aura missiles slammed into its left side and knocked it towards the right a bit, just in time for the spiral-shaped mass of magic power to slam into the monster's right side and fling it into the air, making it a nice target for Pride who had activated her magic in earnest.

"Gale Arrow."

She pulled back her right arm and with an open palm, generated a large bow made of wind, and created ten large arrows on this bow.

Right before she fired them out, Eliza's magic enveloped her and the size of the arrows doubled instantly, launching into the air with twice their normal speed and piercing into the body of the airborne frost boar.

The arrows of wind pierced the body of the monster all over, causing blood to splash in the air as gravity brought the huge creature back to the ground.

"Flower Cannon!"

Eliza released a timed flower cannon that hit Ocsuat the second before its body slammed on the ground, knocking it towards the wall of the boss room.


The monster's huge body slammed into the wall of the boss room, but Eliza didn't cancel the skill's effect yet, allowing the beam of magic power to tear through its already weakened skin and rupture more than just a few internal organs.

However, despite the severity of its injuries, the monster did not succumb to death.

Kuro jumped towards it and swung his paw, releasing a three-pronged slash of dark light that slicked through the weakened flesh of the monster and nearly took out its other eye.

Kayla flicked her fingers and golden bolts of lightning and flames dropped from the pearl of lightning in the air while Amy held up a finger gun in its direction.


The fire spirit lazily called out and a small sun-like sphere manifested in front of her finger, before shooting out an intense beam of fire against the monster.

At the same time, Pride activated another spell, causing the winds around the area to become restless as four tornadoes with black flames swirling within them manifested and began to fire dark wind blades in the direction of the boss.

All these attacks were launched at the exact same moment, speeding towards the monster who had yet to recover from Eliza's flower cannon.

Right when everyone thought the attacks would hit, the monster's only eye opened and flashed with a white light, something Evan or anyone who played Aidos online would find familiar.

"For fucks sake!

Guys, we need to get off the ground!"

,m As soon as he said that, Ocsuat who the others expected to obediently get hit by the attacks, suddenly released a burst of magic power as multiple high walls of earth and ice emerged from the ground and blocked the combination of attacks.

The walls of earth and ice were instantly destroyed by these attacks; however, they served their purpose and protected the monster from certain death.

With its eye glowing white, Ocsuat decided to make its last stand, gathering all of its remaining magic power and absorbing more from the surroundings.

Meanwhile, Evan had his mystic eyes active, studying the flow of the magic power of the monster while holding out his hand towards Pride.


Ocsuat let out a loud roar before suddenly jumping up in the air.

'Wait for it...'

Right before it touched the ground, Evan screamed out to Pride and the high demon slammed her palms together.

Three green two-ringed magic circles appeared underneath hers, Evan's, Kuro's and Eliza's feet, from which a gust of wind manifested and was instantly shaped into an ark-like vessel.

This floating ark spell had enough density that enabled them to stand on top of it. Then two smaller whirlwinds swirled at the bottom of the ark and the wind current generated by them allowed the ark to float up into the air carrying the four of them.

As soon as they were all in the air, the frost boar king slammed down on the ground and all of the magic power it had gathered was instantly injected into the earth.


The ground trembled wildly as shockwaves spread out in all directions, followed by spider weblike cracks that spread out across the floor and the walls.

The water vapour in the air rapidly condensed into drops of water before freezing and becoming shards of ice that rained down on the ground.

Eliza created a barrier above the heads of the group and prevented these shards of ice from attacking them.

Meanwhile, the frost boar king kept on jumping up in the air and slamming down on the ground, releasing shockwaves with each slam, however, it could be seen that the ranges of the shockwaves reduced considerably after each slam on the ground.

The consecutive jumps and rain of ice continued for an entire minute before the ice shards suddenly liquified and dropped to the ground as normal water.

As for the frost boar king, it had run out of energy and was on its last legs, its life slowly slipping away as even its skill could not help it out in this state.

Evan noticed this and jumped down from the wind ark, landing on the ground and walking towards the monster that had collapsed on the ground.

His mystic eyes glowed as he stared into the creature's only eye that was staring back at him.

'Would it last twenty seconds? This is why I wanted to be in stage two before challenging this boss. Oh well, I can just challenge another one and get the skill I wanted.

For now, I'd make do with this.'

|Tenacity Acquired|

|Rare Skills require one skill slot. |

|Two Skill slots remaining. |

The moment he saw that message, he infused his arm with enormous amounts of lighting magic and pulled it back slightly.

He then punched forward with all his strength, his eyes catching sight of the monster's eyelid snapping shut right before his fist slammed into its head.


|Skill Acquired|


Type: Rare Active Skill


Coats the user's fist in lightning that can be used to punch a target, engulfing them in lightning and causing both blunt physical and explosive elemental damage.

The energy discharge of the skill creates arcs of lightning that increase the speed of the user's consecutive attack when the skill is active.


May also damage the user if they do not possess sufficient lightning resistance. |

Evan did not even have the time to celebrate finally acquiring the skill when a stream of notifications suddenly appeared in front of him.

|Level 150 Achieved;

Existence Level Stage Increased;

Partial 'Blessing of Destruction' requirements met;

Current effects are being strengthened;

New Effect is being added;|

|Level Requirement Met;

Mystic Eyes Stage 2 has been awakened|

|Level Requirement Met;

System Updates Installing...|

|Kindly grit your teeth, for it shall hurt a lot. |

'Ah, Shit! Here we go again!'