Chapter 99: Golden Pyramid

Chapter 99: Golden Pyramid

The following exam proctor looked like a French man with a cigarette and wearing tiny sunglasses. As soon as we stepped foot on land, he began to drag us all around town.

As you can see, this city is the best out there. Its the unofficial capital of all exorcists. Though be careful, Magicians City is known for its mages and swindlers, the exam proctor smiled.

Magicians? Gem was star-struck. Could they teach me magic?

Everyone stared at him weirdly.

He was an exorcist who could use Ord. He had survived life and death situations. So why the hell was he so damn gullible?

What about that? Agon drew everyones attention by pointing at the giant golden pyramid in the distance.

The French man stared at Agon, and his lips twitched into a bitter smile. That is a monument of the greatest exorcist to ever live. The Magician is the man who they named this city after.

That place is a local tourist hot-spot since it is also the same place where The Magician sealed Tamamo No Mae, an Ultimate Class Demon also known as the nine-tailed fox, Bets smiled as he began to give a history lesson. They say that this was the first Ultimate Demon he sealed. Ten days later, he went and sealed Yamata No Orochi, and the battle was said to have destroyed mountains! Though the serpents sealing place was never found, some say he killed the damn thing.

Woah! This Magician guy is badass! Agons face lit with joy. He looked like a kid who had read a spiderman comic and was meeting the actor who played the super hero.

The French man titled his sunglasses up to cover his misty eyes. Yes, he was pretty badass.

Where is he now? Asked Agon.

The French man cleared his throat. Well, he is dead. After sealing Yamata No Orochi, there was another Ultimate Class demon that was causing trouble. That was the battle where the Magician died against the demon known as Shuten Doji.

Agon looked down when he heard that.

I kept my eye on the silver-haired team and Mino; they were two different elements that could screw everything up.

I contemplated on how worth it would be to tell Mino that his country was getting screwed just so some higher-ups could get funding for their experimentations.

Organization X members were the cliche evil guys working behind the scenes. They were also doing horrible shit, like human experimentation and trying to create human-demon hybrids.

Wait, now that I thought about it. Was my clan involved in that shit too?

Who was I kidding, of course they were. Knowing my clan, they probably had a high standing within the organization. It would be surprising if my whole family werent in on it.

Except maybe my mother; she was a lovely lady and a bit too soft.

Everyone in Organization X was after different things. I didnt know what my clan might be after except to gain more power.

The only thing I knew for sure was that the nobles who invested in the organization were after the research on immortality. Demons lived long lives and were almost immortal; the rich people had invested quite a lot in deciphering the secrets to a longer life.

The finals will be held in the colosseum close to the pyramid. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will hold the semi-finals immediately, said the French guy.

He likely feared another slaughter among contestants, which was a reasonable assumption.

I would aim for the silver-haired team if I had some free time. Yeah, I was part of the problem.

The exam proctor led us to a colosseum close to the golden pyramid.

The stadium was a fantastic sight. But the golden pyramid was something otherworldly.

I wasnt some anime protagonist who would bleed out of my nose at the thought of women touching me. That was some loser bullshit.

Also, I doubt she knew, but I didnt care about my reputation. On the other hand, she was a Special Rank Exorcist having a relationship with an underage boy.

She probably had realized that by now, which was why she was frozen in shock.

A -Anyways, here, draw your number, the blushing exam proctor shoved the box on my face.

I took out a small piece of paper with the number 6. But the French man was still dreamily staring at Ellen. She frowned and waved him off. Whatre you looking at?! You bastard!

She turned around and stormed off, and the zombie samurai followed behind her.

The exam proctor's legs shook, and he seemed ready to cry. L -Lets continue.

I felt sorry for the guy, Ellen was probably mad at me, but she took it out on him.

After everyone picked their lots, the proctor called out two names. The first battle will be Hiro against Gem! Except for the fighters, everyone else get out of the colosseum.

Yep, the fights here differed from my memory. Almost everyone had different opponents.

Whether this was something good or bad had yet to be seen.

I put a hand on Gems shoulder and whispered. Dont underestimate him.


Gem was confident and even gave his teammates a thumbs-up as they walked away, while the spear guy looked like a fool and a wimp. He was slouching and looked nervous at the thought of fighting.

To create The Dark Wolf Awakens, I added the condition to my ability that I cant manifest a full shadow wolf during the day. So I have to finish this fight fast before that fact becomes clear to everyone. Thought Gem.

He crouched down and balanced his lightweight scythe in one hand.


As soon as the exam proctor said that, Gem charged. He swung his scythe around and cut the air in front of him.

He had discussed this strategy with Bets if they had to deal with invisible attacks.

There were no such attacks. But Gem was still wary because when someone like Kon told you to be cautious of someone, you had to be damn careful.

But even as Gem approached his opponent, the Ord inside Hiro moved. But it traveled slowly before finally forming a coating around his body.

He was a warrior? Could that be called a Warrior? Even Agon, with his shitty affinity, had a better Ord defense.

Gem remembered Kons warning, and he didnt hesitate to swing his scythe down, and the opponent stopped it with his spear.

Clang!... Gem felt his opponents strength during the clash. Hiro grunted and pushed him back.

Even with such a weak strengthening effect from his Ord, he is strong! Thought Gem, and then he attacked a second time. They clashed again, but this time a shadow fang shot up from Hiros shadow and slashed him against his chest.

Agghh! Hiro groaned and fell to the ground.

Gem stared at his opponent. Even though Gems special ability was weaker and even slower during the day, it still hit his opponent. How the hell does someone have such shitty instincts? Is this guy really a warrior?