Chapter 24 - 24

Chapter 24: Chapter 24

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I cannot leave it at that.

I mean, how could I with such an amazing opportunity of having a teacher being here and there, so many possibilities to unfold, only to give up because she said no once?

So of course the following week I used and abused of the fact that she had to stick around me, at least to come and go from school, to torment her to death about it.

"Lily, teach me magic."


"If I call you master will you teach me?"

"Of course not."

"What if I bring you some candy and sweets?"

"What this lady is, a kid? Don't compare this lady to you!"

But even though I found the most annoying ways to make her change her mind, and at times even lay my pride to rest and begged, she does not change her mind in the lightest! Too bothersome, too troublesome, this lady does not have the time nor the patience for this were her excuses, but in the end she is just too lazy to care at all!

So that's why, in one of the rare moments I'm back in the nest with mother not just to sleep or for a quick stay, but rather a full day free with her, I'm left disturbed at the slow advance that I've done so far, and most advance is only regarding reading and writing, not much to do with getting stronger, and even if I know that it is a long time investment I cannot help but feel restless.

Especially that, from time to time, we would still see that lion flying about, his bunch of winged feline griffins sneering and scoffing at us, high and proud and not mixing in with others beyond their kind pass to bully them, that is.

The combination of strong winds and freezing temperatures, such deadly combination, and yet for me it felt like home.

And that's it, when I feel it, and repeat Lily's actions:

"Wind Shield!"

At that the once passing wind actually gathers around me, twisting and turning visible to the naked eye, and yet not in a devastating way, cozy even if cold, like an embrace, softly moving around me.

"Oh! Good job hon!" Says my mother, jumping up from the sudden air shift only to find out that I was the cause. "Who is mommy's little smart boy?!"

Even after uttering such embarrassing words I don't question her right now, for I'm too happy about this achievement!

Though part of me is annoyed that her advice is somewhat useful in the end... and turns out not to be some mumble jumble nonsense.

I mean, can it be that it is this natural for us to use magic like as is to breathe? Or are we just truly two genius beasts?

I'm betting on both.

"Oh my, I'm going to talk about it for everyone tomorrow, how my little boy is already this grown up, you make me so proud little one!" I guess by tomorrow everybody will know that I finally learned magic it seems, sigh, such an owl gossiping mother.

But even as she keeps talking none stop, happy and trotting in place with light in her eyes, I cannot help but let a smile grown on my own beak from all this love she is pouring on me, even if a tiny bit too much.

Only that, another thing grabs my attention, something that I've not seen before, but would early await and search for later in life, something very connected to my wishes to become strong.

And it appears... with a ding.

Ding – Level Up – Evolution available.