The Promise That Hasn’t Been Fulfilled

Heavenly moons, this is strange...

Mia tilted her head in confusion at the situation that was unfolding before her.

I mean... I did say it after all. I said that I came here for him. According to Elise’s story, at times like these the next step should be something romantic... a hug probably? Or at least a smile? and then everyone smiles as well, the atmosphere is lifted, and we all go home problem solved!?

That’s why Mia was waiting with her arms wide open, expecting a hug from Prince Abel. For some reasons, incomprehensible to her, the focus of the story has shifted to Abel and Sion instead of Mia.

Oh, this seems to have happened before. While we were eating our sandwiches at the swordsmanship tournament, these two went off with their own conversation and left me hanging...

“Our roads are wide and flat, so it should be good enough place for a duel.”

When Mia looked at them again, the two were already walking away.

“Prince Abel! Wait! A duel... you can’t!”

Mia rushed to catch up but was stopped by Bernardo.

“Bernardo, I specially command you. Protect Her Imperial Highness Princess Mia. Make sure that no harm comes to her.”

“Are you sure?”

“I need the princess to bear witness to the legitimacy of this duel. She is neutral, coming neither from Sunkland or Remno. If the King of Sunkland complains, she can testify for what happened.”

“No! Prince Abel! This is all wrong!”

“I was looking forward to seeing you again, Princess Mia. I only wished it happened under better circumstances. I wish... we could have...”

Abel shakes his head a little and smiles at her.

“Hahaha. All that resolve and determination, and now that this time has finally arrived, I’m getting cold feet.”

As if to cut off that feeling, Abel looks away from Mia.


The heaviness of the blow far exceeded Sion’s expectation, and he raised his sword just in time to receive Abel’s downward strike. The two weapons collide with such a force that Sion also had to step back.

“Such power eventhough you are not in a perfect stance. I can just imagine how much heavier your strike could be if you were in a good position.”

Sion remarked as he continued to back off.

“I see ... I wasn’t the only one who was training for the rematch.”

“As you can see, I’m not a genius like you. And since I am trying to surpass a genius, I needed to go the extra mile.”

Abel, who has regained his stance, launches an attack this time.

“I admire your effort. But victory against me won’t be so easy.”

From a powerful step, Sion tilts his sword and parries it. Sparks flew over the blades. Abel’s force was too heavy that Sion’s parry couldn’t catch up. A bloody gash appeared on Sion’s arm.

Yet it did not faze him.


Immediately after, Sion started his attacks. Sion did not use his signature riposte before. But this has all changed as his sword hit Abel’s side with precision. It cut through Abel’s side... But Abel took it without wincing. Instead, Abel roared and drove his shoulder into Sion.


“... Ku. So this is your plan against me? You plan to close the gap instead of stepping away? I must say, I am impressed, Abel Remno.”

“Well, I must also say that you are no pushover yourself, Sion. One wrong move and I am a dead man. I am wearing a chainmail and you were still able to cut through it easily.”

Abel said with a laugh while patting on his bloody side.

Firstly, I hate translating action scenes. They are hard... But oh well. Have to deal with it.

Secondly, What is your opinion of the title of the Webnovel? Do you think it could be better?