Chapter 473

Reporting Session

“Whew, that was a good meal.” Mia said “I’m so stuffed. I probably shouldn’t eat so much, though. It’s not good for my health. After this trip to Sunkland, I’d better start reigning it in.” In other words, she was going to keep eating while she was still in Sunkland. “Hmm... I’m tired because I’m so full...”

As she left the royal house, her eyelids started to droop, and she tried not to yawn. Anne was waiting outside the gate, and she waved to greet her.

“Ah, there you are. Sorry to keep you waiting... Oh?” She stopped when she realized Anne wasn’t by herself. “My! Ludwig and Bel? What’s happening?”

She looked at them confused.

“Uh, I’ll explain later. For now, let’s hurry back to Count Lampron’s house,” Anne said.

“Mm. Okay, then.”

She was ready to go to bed because she was tired, but it was too early to go to sleep. She still had to put together all the new information she’d learned earlier. No time could be wasted. Keeping this in mind, she tried to make her eyes stay open a little longer.

When she got back to the Lampron house, she went straight to Esmeralda’s room to see her.

“My! Mia-sama! How nice that you came. Here, let me make us some tea.”

Mia was soon given a cup of hot black tea, which she sweetened with milk and a lot of sugar. Then she took a sip and let out a happy sigh. Then she said, “Okay, Esmeralda, tell us what you think. What are your thoughts on Prince Echard?”

“Hm, that’s a good question...” Esmeralda put her arms together. “He has a long way to go, but I think he will get there in the end. His face is most definitely a ten. Still young, especially around the eyes and the bridge of the nose, so the overall image is still more cute than handsome. If you give him some time, I’m sure he’ll look as handsome as Prince Sion or his father. We also talked a little, and he seemed fine as a person as well. He might be a little shy, but that could change as he gets older.”

Esmeralda, a professional boy evaluator, came to this conclusion.

“A true diamond in the rough, that boy!” she said. “It’s going to take some effort, but he’s worth it!”

It seemed like the prince had met Esmeralda’s standard of attractiveness.

“I guess the only thing that worries me is that he has an exceptional brother,” Esmeralda said as she thought about it. “When I brought up Prince Sion, he looked a little sad for a second. I wonder if his relationship with his brother has left him with some kind of emotional scar.”

“Oh, I’m sorry for making you all wait. Is something the matter?” She raised an eyebrow. Bel raised both in return.

“As a matter of fact,” the young girl said with excitement, “we talked to Rafina-sama.”

“My, Rafina-sama?”

“Yes. We asked her for help, so we went to her,” Ludwig said. “I thought we could use the scheme of our enemy against them.”

Huh? What scheme? And we have something to use against them? What?

Her head began to tilt in that normal way that people do when they are confused. She grabbed it with both hands and pulled it back into place right away.

Phew, that was close... I almost let slip that I don’t know what he’s talking about! Which makes sense, since I’m tired and my brain isn’t working as well as it should.

“I know that Your Highness doesn’t want to burden Lady Rafina with our problems, but we chose to talk to her anyway,” Ludwig said.

“I’m sorry, milady. I took them to Lady Rafina. If that wasn’t what you wanted, then I...I’m sorry,” Anne said, her face getting more worried as her voice.

Mia smiled at her to comfort her.

“It’s alright. Don’t worry.”

She didn’t know what she should have been worried about, but oh well.

I wonder what he means by “burden”... And what was Rafina-sama asked to do?

She looked at Ludwig, hoping to figure out what was going on. The only answer she got was a hard nod. It looked like it was saying, “Trust us. Don’t worry, we’ve got this.”

Hmm... It looks like Ludwig has a plan. What the heck. Even so, we need more allies more than ever right now. Having Rafina-sama on our side can’t hurt. But didn’t Rafina-sama say that she was having some problems? I wonder if this means that I’ll have to help her with that in return...

After all, these kinds of deals usually involved both parties giving and taking. She would have to scratch Rafina’s back if Rafina scratched hers.

What did she say again? I think it has something to do with the Equestrian Kingdom?

At that moment, Bel spoke up with a frown. “Mia-neesama, by the way, do you know anything about Rina? She left a long time ago and hasn’t come back yet.”

Translator’s Note: Tomorrow is the first day on stage!